Originally posted by AssureCircuitry
Ive installed, laravel but its still baffling to me, even to Do a simple Hello World lol, that shows where i am with MVC. ¯\_(ツ
Well, the basics of MVC (model, view, controller) are simple:
Model: Handles the "heavy lifting" in your application, such as database querying, and passes data back for a view.
View: Shows the output of the last request, and receives data for the next request.
Controller: Handles incoming requests, and transfers data into the necessary models.
To do a simple "hello world", models would not be required. You would set up a route (such as /hello-world), configure that to use a controller method (like HelloController@show) and return the view (which would say Hello World!).
The more you play with it, the faster you will pick it up.