Post: NFS: World At War?
04-18-2015, 09:28 AM #1
Big Daddy
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey, so when i was modding with my PS3 until it broke i used to play around with world at war patches..
In most patches there was this white car model that you could use as you're character..
I thought a bit about a patch that i personally think would be pretty fun to run using the car model but i am not sure if it even would work?

My Questions:
The white car model, can you make everyone in a lobby change into it?
Is it possible to play up any sound from the game? Campaign? MP? CO-OP?
Is it possible to change the speed for everyone easily?
Is it possible to take away all weapons?
04-18-2015, 08:53 PM #2
Yeah I suppose I know you can change the speed for everyone now, and change their looks my patch I use kush v4 defiantly the best you can call bots on onto a aircraft spaceship Smile sick Asf man

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