Post: List of MP/SP Cfgs
01-16-2012, 11:51 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); So I am listing mp/SP cfgs that you can execute via modding your button layout or binding a button and executing it via the bind. Some are quite interesting...


createfx.cfg - basically a developer cfg for map editing, primarily used by modders for it's ufo mode.

flameconfigs/flame_firstperson_mp.cfg- have no idea :S
flameconfigs/flame_thirdperson_mp.cfg- again no idea
flameconfigs/flame_sherman_mp_flm.cfg- wtf?

devgui_aimassist.cfg- Used for the Developer Graphical User Interface. the devgui was used alot in the beta versions of Call of duty, but are disabled in the final version. Basically a menu that allows you to toggle dvars- for this cfg, it's for the aimbot/aimassist dvars

heres a picture of the devgui in a beta version of world at war-

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ragdoll.cfg- ragdoll?
devgui_maps_mp.cfg- devgui map selector
devgui_main.cfg- developer dvar toggle menu
devgui_scriptart.cfg- have no clue
devgui_visibility.cfg- have no idea
devgui_renderer.cfg- possibly for rendering???

devgui_modelpreviewer.cfg- same as the other devgui cfg, but however it toggles models

mp/stats_init.cfg- locks/resets everything in your cod profile, resets to level one.
mp/lock_menu.cfg- locks menu options
mp/unlock_menu.cfg- unlocks menu options
mp/unlock_allweapon.cfg- unlocks all weapons
mp/unlock_allperks.cfg- unlocks all perks
mp/unlock_challenges.cfg- unlocks challenges Smile
mp/unlock_init.cfg- unlocks everything- executes also all three of those unlock cfg's.
mp/prestige_reset.cfg- resets everything when you prestige
mp/coop_challenges_reset.cfg- resets SP challenges (not sure why it's in the common_mp)
mp/playerstats_reset.cfg- resets everything- this is a good deranking cfg :-D
mp/playerstats_prestige_reset.cfg- resets everything with your prestige - again good deranking :P
enable_art.cfg- changes map colors- basically makes it look more colorful.

mp/weapon_perk_challenge_reset.cfg- the ultimate deranking cfg. f*cks up leaderboards too Smile

you can use these by

binding them

self setClientDvar("ui_mapname" , "mp_castle;bind button_back enable_art.cfg");
using button cfgs instead

self setClientDvar("ui_mapname" , "mp_castle;bind button_back set gpad_buttonsconfig createfx;set gpad_sticksconfig default_mp");

replace enable art or createfx with any cfg you desire.

sp cfgs----

language.cfg- impossible to read- obfuscated
devgui_flamethrower.cfg- executes all flamethrower cfgs
thumbstick_default.cfg- controls analog sticks
devgui_scriptart.cfg- ???
avatar_dev.cfg- quite interesting, a bunch of dvars, not much i can say
developer.cfg- developer cfg, toggles dev dvars
default_splitscreen.cfg- splitscreen settings
default_systemlink.cfg- lan party settings
screenshot.cfg- cfg for creating screenshots, has binds for god and noclip.
01-17-2012, 02:06 AM #2
Former Black Knight.
Originally posted by 42 View Post
So I am listing mp/SP cfgs that you can execute via modding your button layout or binding a button and executing it via the bind. Some are quite interesting...


createfx.cfg - basically a developer cfg for map editing, primarily used by modders for it's ufo mode.

flameconfigs/flame_firstperson_mp.cfg- have no idea :S
flameconfigs/flame_thirdperson_mp.cfg- again no idea
flameconfigs/flame_sherman_mp_flm.cfg- wtf?

devgui_aimassist.cfg- Used for the Developer Graphical User Interface. the devgui was used alot in the beta versions of Call of duty, but are disabled in the final version. Basically a menu that allows you to toggle dvars- for this cfg, it's for the aimbot/aimassist dvars

heres a picture of the devgui in a beta version of world at war-

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ragdoll.cfg- ragdoll?
devgui_maps_mp.cfg- devgui map selector
devgui_main.cfg- developer dvar toggle menu
devgui_scriptart.cfg- have no clue
devgui_visibility.cfg- have no idea
devgui_renderer.cfg- possibly for rendering???

devgui_modelpreviewer.cfg- same as the other devgui cfg, but however it toggles models

mp/stats_init.cfg- locks/resets everything in your cod profile, resets to level one.
mp/lock_menu.cfg- locks menu options
mp/unlock_menu.cfg- unlocks menu options
mp/unlock_allweapon.cfg- unlocks all weapons
mp/unlock_allperks.cfg- unlocks all perks
mp/unlock_challenges.cfg- unlocks challenges Smile
mp/unlock_init.cfg- unlocks everything- executes also all three of those unlock cfg's.
mp/prestige_reset.cfg- resets everything when you prestige
mp/coop_challenges_reset.cfg- resets SP challenges (not sure why it's in the common_mp)
mp/playerstats_reset.cfg- resets everything- this is a good deranking cfg :-D
mp/playerstats_prestige_reset.cfg- resets everything with your prestige - again good deranking :P
enable_art.cfg- changes map colors- basically makes it look more colorful.

mp/weapon_perk_challenge_reset.cfg- the ultimate deranking cfg. f*cks up leaderboards too Smile

you can use these by

binding them

self setClientDvar("ui_mapname" , "mp_castle;bind button_back enable_art.cfg");
using button cfgs instead

self setClientDvar("ui_mapname" , "mp_castle;bind button_back set gpad_buttonsconfig createfx;set gpad_sticksconfig default_mp");

replace enable art or createfx with any cfg you desire.

sp cfgs----

language.cfg- impossible to read- obfuscated
devgui_flamethrower.cfg- executes all flamethrower cfgs
thumbstick_default.cfg- controls analog sticks
devgui_scriptart.cfg- ???
avatar_dev.cfg- quite interesting, a bunch of dvars, not much i can say
developer.cfg- developer cfg, toggles dev dvars
default_splitscreen.cfg- splitscreen settings
default_systemlink.cfg- lan party settings
screenshot.cfg- cfg for creating screenshots, has binds for god and noclip.

Im Pretty Sure There's More Then That.....
01-17-2012, 02:39 AM #3
Respect my authoritah!!
Thanks for posting these, I never got around to doing it myself :p

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