Post: My WAW Player Verification Script
02-24-2012, 04:44 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); onPlayerSpawned()
self endon("disconnect");

for( ;; )
self waittill("spawned_player");
self.jump = false;
self.aim = false;
self.god = false;
self.ufo = false;
self.wall = false;
self.invisible = false;
self.third = false;
self.unlammo = false;
self.hud_rankscroreupdate = NewScoreHudElem(self);
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.horzAlign = "center";
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.vertAlign = "middle";
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alignX = "center";
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alignY = "middle";
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.x = 0;
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.y = -60;
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.font = "default";
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.fontscale = 2.0;
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.archived = false;
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.color = (0.5,0.5,0.5);
self.hud_rankscroreupdate.alpha = 0;
self.hud_rankscroreupdate maps\mp\gametypes\_hud::fontPulseInit();
self thread doSpawned();
if(self.verified == true && == true && self.coHost == true && self GetEntityNumber() == 0)
self iPrintlnBold(" ^2WELCOME YOU ARE NOW VERIFIED^0!");//Dont Freeze The Verified...
self freezecontrols(true);//Freeze EveryOne On Spawning...
self iPrintlnBold( "^0================================" );
self iPrintlnBold( "^0===^1PLEASE ^7WAIT ^5TO ^7BE ^1VERIFIED^0===" );
self iPrintlnBold( "^0================================" );

player = level.players[self.selplay];
if(player GetEntityNumber() == 0)
self iPrintlnBold("^0================================== ====");
self iPrintlnBold("^0===^1You can't mess with the host^0===");
self iPrintlnBold("^0================================== ====");
if(player.verified == false)
player suicide();
player.verified = true;
player.status = "^2[VERIFIED]";
player thread MainMenu();
self freezecontrols(false);//Enable Players Movement
player notify("unverified");
player.verified = false; = false;
player.coHost = false;
player.status = "[WAIT...]";
player iPrintln( level.hostname + " ^3Remove Access to the Menu");
self freezecontrols(true);//Freeze Players Movement
self thread submenu(11);

player = level.players[self.selplay];
player.verified = true; = true;
player.status = "^5[*VIP*]";
player thread MainMenu();
self thread submenu(11);
self freezecontrols(false);//Enable Players Movement

player = level.players[self.selplay];
player.verified = true; = true;
player.coHost = true;
player.status = "^0[^1CO^0-^1HOST^0]";
player giveWeapon( "defaultweapon_mp", 0, false );
player thread MainMenu();
self thread submenu(11);
self freezecontrols(false);//Enable Players Movement

Ok so what this simple script i made does is freeze players on spawn until they are verified they cant move. Thanks to kbrizzle's for the idea on his mw2 tree patch... Enjoy... Tested And Working...

Im using this for my patch and it is really fun Smile

The following user thanked COD5-MAN- for this useful post:

03-13-2012, 11:30 PM #20
Originally posted by xSlipzLeader View Post
Hey COD5-MAN- can I get a download link to your newest mod menu because im going to convert it from ps3 to xbox...??>>

Lol, i don't make patches i only edit them. Mostly karoolus's ones...

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:26 PM ----------

Originally posted by IELIITEMODZX View Post
no lol there was alot of menu's out befor he made one. Winky Winky

MODZ my friend. karoolus was the first to release a mod menu patch for waw ps3 yes. But i am not sure if he was the first person to make one. But since there was and is no proof of any other mod menu patches for waw at the time i guess yes, he was the first person to make a patch for waw ps3. Smile

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