Post: Undectable Modded Controller
03-07-2009, 09:16 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Is there a modded 360 controller that cant be detected by Microsoft.
03-10-2009, 05:04 PM #2
Yes One that the Rate per second is below microsofts limit. Its different in most all games. Best to get a mod with diffrent modes. Mine has 3 modes.
03-14-2009, 03:12 PM #3
Microsoft cannot detect a Rapid Fire controller, the same way they cannot detect a lag switch.

Either way you could be really fast with your fingers or your connection could be from Walmart. Microsoft cannot detect the only way they know is if 25 people report you.
03-14-2009, 04:11 PM #4
Stoptherockets I just want to let you know your right and wrong. They will not ban you unless a number of people report you. But there is a limit on how fast you can shoot. And if you shoot faster than that limit your fire rate will slow waayyyy down. You have to shoot over 8 shots a second so I really dont see you going over the limit without a rapid fire. Thats what we mean about being detected.
03-14-2009, 07:24 PM #5
Originally posted by lilunwl View Post
Stoptherockets I just want to let you know your right and wrong. They will not ban you unless a number of people report you. But there is a limit on how fast you can shoot. And if you shoot faster than that limit your fire rate will slow waayyyy down. You have to shoot over 8 shots a second so I really dont see you going over the limit without a rapid fire. Thats what we mean about being detected.

That's only in Cod 5, becuase in Cod 4 at the time when it came out Microsoft didn't know about these types of modded controllers.

On Cod 5 it bogs you down if you shoot too fast, but once the game is over it resets the next game. In Cod 4 you can shoot as fast as you want Microsoft doens't have a anti-cheat system on it. I was also just guessing/estimating the amout of people (25) it would take for them to ban or either suspend you. Most of the time they just suspend your account I have heard for 2-3 weeks because they still want customers. If they were to ban everyone with a mod controller I would think that at least 1/5 of their entire members would be banned. This would result in heavy losses for Microsoft.
03-14-2009, 11:50 PM #6
Right thats what I was saying about being detected and I believe thats what stephen meant by being detected.
03-15-2009, 01:32 PM #7
Oh, so you were only talking about newer games then? But Microsoft still can't ban for mod controllers.
03-31-2009, 07:44 PM #8
They can ban and will ban if you are repeatedly turned in by someone. They will give you a suspension first though. But if you play with people you know or just dont go crazy with it you wont get reported.
03-31-2009, 08:04 PM #9
i think its retarted to patch modded controllers because i can shoot fast enough without a mod that it gets detected, then i cant shoot normally the rest of the game
03-31-2009, 10:35 PM #10
Little One
yes there has been an undectable mod since around the first 1-2 weeks that the game came out just a different programed chip.......and microsoft cannot detect it at all because i can shoot just as fast as my modded controller on cod4 by taking my right hand of the controller and tapping it

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