Post: 360 outsells Ps3
01-18-2009, 07:54 PM #1
Former Staff
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Originally posted by another user
Microsoft's Xbox 360 console has sold over 28 million units worldwide, 8 million more than the Sony Playstation 3.

According to figures from Microsoft, the Xbox 360 is ahead of the Playstation 3 by one million units in Europe and by 7 million in the US.

However, both consoles are being outsold by the Nintendo Wii, which sold 3 million units in the UK and 10.17 million in the US last year.

Microsoft is keen to point out that it's leading in the total lifetime spending figures for each console. A total of US$13.2 billion has been spent on the Xbox 360 since it was launched, compared to US$10.8 billion on the Wii and US$6.1 billion on the PS3.

"Our goal for 2008 was to reach new audiences by bringing ground-breaking games and entertainment to Xbox 360," said senior vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business Don Mattrick.

"Looking forward, new waves of innovation will extend our position as the global leader in interactive entertainment".

:( oh well, better luck next year

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01-19-2009, 04:53 PM #11
Yea well xbox prices are lower, it has been out for a longer time. And PS3 prices are a bit higher and are going down quickly, and it has been out for a good amount of time.

01-19-2009, 06:30 PM #12
NGU Retired Staff
The equation would be closer if the prices where closer
02-27-2009, 08:23 PM #13
Blood of Innocence
Ps3's Will kick there arse next year!
02-27-2009, 08:37 PM #14
Bounty hunter
Suckbox has nothing over the ps3.... on the other hand PS3 has many things over the suckbox( blu-ray, better processor, everything is wireless-EVERYTHING, the list goes on)
02-28-2009, 12:39 AM #15
Big Sister
Nah. All famous ppl have 360's.
(Soulja boy, Jack Black, More...)
02-28-2009, 11:58 AM #16
X Lash
Samurai Poster
Originally posted by cRaiig View Post
Nah. All famous ppl have 360's.
(Soulja boy, Jack Black, More...)

I think he meant the people on NGU...

And if you did an avarage, by dividing the number of sales for the xbox 360 for the number of days it's been out for, and the same for the PS3, i think it would be pretty much the same... because the xbox 360 has been out a couple of months longer than the ps3, people who had PS2's couldn't wait for a PS3 so they bought an xbox 360 and because xbox fanboys...
03-03-2009, 03:24 AM #17
Are you high?
ok, here is my point...i know this is been over talked but it comes down to
33% fail rate vs ~.o4 % fail rate...>.> Also, Sony cares more for their customers and doesnt scimp on quality just for a price reduction. Now i will say that the 360 has more player activeness on online. and thats great. The 360 is an AMAZING console. And i feel that comparing the two is like Apple and Oranges. The 360 is directed towards harcdcore over the top gamers while the PS3 is directed more towards the Media and entertainment business. The two have attempted to cross over with the 360's new LIVE experience and PS3's PSN. My point is the bickering is useless since it makes no sense to pit the others against each other.
03-03-2009, 05:21 AM #18
1639th Member!
When adding in all the stuff that PS3 has built into it compared to the Xbox3sh*tty, it is cheaper.
PS3-wireless wifi, Bluray player (HDMI), free online gaming, and other stuff.
Xbox360-wireless wifi costs $100, HD thing costs another $100, online gaming is $60 per year, and other stuff is more $$$!

PS3 truly is cheaper, when are people gonna realize that? Now Xbox LIVE is better than the Playstation Network just because it has more people, and overall has more online features, in-game chats is one of them. And the online for LIVE is pretty. Its all green and stuff, but the PS3 online gaming is ugly.
03-03-2009, 05:23 AM #19
ps3 out sells 360 thats wat i say

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