Post: [BREAKING NEWS►] Modern Warfare 3 to be Co-developed by Infinity Ward!
01-22-2011, 03:54 AM #1
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Infinity Ward to be Co-developing Modern Warfare 3, with Sledgehammer Studios as the main creator, and Raven Studios to do the campaign aspect of the game.


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Last edited by +Luse ; 01-22-2011 at 08:12 PM.

The following 8 users say thank you to +Luse for this useful post:

-NextGenMayhem-, AgentSexyPig, Battle Papaya, Hakon, HitMarkerHeaven, Siberian Husky, Toon_Squad, Tyler1995
01-22-2011, 02:59 PM #11
I'd say those newfags called sledgehammer studios are going to ruin Call of Duty completly.
01-22-2011, 03:04 PM #12
Do a barrel roll!
They better put in zombies!
01-22-2011, 03:30 PM #13
Pokemon Trainer
Sounds cool, but I'm not sure if I like Sledgehammer games enough to play a Call of Duty game by them. Infinity Ward and Treyarch games I would play, but a whole new creator? That just seems out of the picture to me.
01-22-2011, 08:11 PM #14
So what does everybody think about 3 different developers working on one CoD game?
01-22-2011, 09:46 PM #15
Owner of The REAL eXp LLC
Originally posted by Sigetto View Post
Why 'SHOULD' Modern Warfare 3 be awesome? Two completely new companies are making a game in a franchise that you have only known to be made by IW and Treyarch. You know nothing about Sledgehammer considering they are not even a year old. I can't even say I've ever heard of Raven....ever.

yea, a 2 NEW companies get involved as main designers for cod, finally, a new take on the gmae, dont ya think that mw2..waw..and black ops all have one thing in common? they all was released with a ton of issues, and mw2 never fixed have of them, and black ops is currently on that same path. if new companies get involved, MAYBE..the programmers there will do a better job. with all the fail programming and issues around all these titles, im all for a new spin on things and a new feel to the cod series. im all for it, not like it can get much worse anyway...

The following user thanked NormL for this useful post:

01-25-2011, 12:39 AM #16
Climbing up the ladder
well i personally hope that since there are like three different creators that there will be three different game modes (ZOMBIES IS A MUST!!!) and a lot more glitches. also i found this video about what the campaign for mw3. it made me laugh pretty hard Happy

[ame=]YouTube - World Premiere Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - The Onion[/ame]
01-25-2011, 01:20 AM #17
sledge hammer is either gonna make cod really bad or really good but we gotta wait... :(
01-29-2011, 09:47 PM #18
Generale Lyon
Bounty hunter
Modern Warfare 3 SHOULD BE AWESONE! (yn)
01-30-2011, 12:12 AM #19
I am error
I just hope I won't get banned on MW3 lol. -__-

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