Post: Microsoft responds to failure rate survey
08-23-2009, 08:04 PM #1
Always Faithful
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); It's been a while since we've heard of anything regarding the Xbox 360's failure rate. After all, Microsoft did say that they have worked at making things better already. However, as this new survey published by Game Informer would indicate, the console's failure rate is anything but better and has in fact reached 54%.

The survey was conducted among nearly 5,000 readers, focusing on their experiences about their consoles breaking down. Among these respondents, only 3.8% said that they'll never buy another Xbox 360 because of the failure rates.

The results of the survey are as follows:

Console failure rate
Xbox 360 – 54.2%
Playstation 3 – 10.6%
Wii – 6.8%

Percentage of console owners who suffered a second hardware failure after the original repair.
Xbox 360 – 41.2%
Playstation 3 – 14.7%
Wii – 11%

Percentage of people who rate their customer service experience "very helpful"
Nintendo – 56.1%
Sony – 51.1%
Microsoft – 37.7%

Percentage of respondents whose friends have had console hardware failures.
Xbox 360 – 69.9%
Playstation 3 – 12.4%
Wii – 6%

"Microsoft stands behind the Xbox 360 as a superior entertainment console with one of the best warranties in the industry," a MS rep told TG Daily.

We are constantly improving the design, manufacture and performance of the console through extensive testing of potential sources of any problems. Xbox 360 is pleased to maintain the title of 'most played console' and the vast majority of Xbox 360 customers have enjoyed a terrific gaming and entertainment experience since their first day, and continue to, day in and day out.
Last edited by н1web ; 08-23-2009 at 08:11 PM.

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