Post: {Black Ops 2} SpawnOfDaDeviI v1 Ultimate Menu Base [RELEASE!]
11-03-2016, 11:33 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
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Today i am releasing My SpwanOfDaDeviI v1 Ultimate Menu Base, the base didn't take overly long to put together nut personally i am really happy and amazed with the unique look and the immense possibilities that this base has for future menus !


■Unique Look & Design

■Some Options Pre Coded

■Full Player Verification

■All Player Verification

■ Host Only


■Pictures Of The Base■

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Feel Free To Leave Feedback And Link Me To The Menus That You Make From This Awesome Base!


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The following 2 users say thank you to xSynthmodz for this useful post:

ProfoundModz, Saber_JZY

The following 8 users groaned at xSynthmodz for this awful post:

anthonything, BlueeHasSwag, DoraTheKiller97, Nothingbutbread, ODLeslie, OfficialCoolJay, Patrick, Procyon
11-08-2016, 03:33 PM #47
League Champion
Originally posted by JZY View Post
Ok I do what you say,I apologise,but I have reported extinct and serious so many times over the past weeks and nothing gets done,my friends also report them to but there is never no action taken into place,so what is our next step? We big mouth them back,take extinct for example,he is a using individual who is poison and untrustworthy,when he wants to he chooses to act incredibly mature like with the statement above,but if you browse through threads over the past weeks his attitude towards others members is extremely abusive and disgusting,you even stated this yourself in the question thread regarding his quotes "kys" to kill yourself,why does no action ever get enforced against him? Just because he releases content on the site?

I haven't been banned yet because I take great care of my rep on nextgenupdate I have brought traffic to the site because of my releases, I also help the people in need of help and I will give people criticism if needed or I don't agree with the thread/comment they have made appon a certain topic, on the other hand you have never brought anything useful to nextgenupdate other than your bad presence and awful attitude towards other members and especially staff.. you need to understand the barriers you don't cross a;so you need to understand how to spread out your negativity/positivity correctly.

The following user thanked Patrick for this useful post:

11-09-2016, 03:39 AM #48
Originally posted by JZY View Post
Ok I do what you say,I apologise,but I have reported extinct and serious so many times over the past weeks and nothing gets done,my friends also report them to but there is never no action taken into place,so what is our next step? We big mouth them back,take extinct for example,he is a using individual who is poison and untrustworthy,when he wants to he chooses to act incredibly mature like with the statement above,but if you browse through threads over the past weeks his attitude towards others members is extremely abusive and disgusting,you even stated this yourself in the question thread regarding his quotes "kys" to kill yourself,why does no action ever get enforced against him? Just because he releases content on the site?

You're part of the problem. The problem is the people who are inconsiderate of work others have done and post practical copies of it for cheap views and false pride. If everyone who wanted to post stuff did so with dignity for others who contributed to their work. There would be little negativity here and this community would be thriving with new content weekly. The ignorance to my works, you clearly showed in previous replys, demonstrates your ignorance to the bigger picture of whats been going down around here lately. Please open your eyes and see what is happening and stop adding fuel to the fire that is tearing away what few decent coders remain here. If we lose the remaining coders and discourage new ones from entering, we kill what remains of the community. Be considerate of others and give respect where respect is due to those who make the stuff you use / copy from. Banning coders means eliminating new content that gets posted elsewhere.
Last edited by Nothingbutbread ; 11-09-2016 at 08:21 PM. Reason: Spelling, grammar.

The following 3 users say thank you to Nothingbutbread for this useful post:

DoraTheKiller97, Patrick, Kronos
11-09-2016, 03:57 AM #49
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Nothingbutbread View Post
You're part of the problem. The problem is the people who are inconsiderate of work others have done and post practical copies of it for cheap views and false pride. If everyone who wanted to post stuff did so with dignity for others who contributed to their work. There would be little negativity here and this community would be thriving with new stuff weekly. The ignorance to my works you clearly showed in previous replys demonstrates your ignorance to the bigger picture of whats been going down around here lately. Please open your eyes and see the what is happening and stop adding fuel to the fire that is tearing away what few decent coders remain here. You lose the remaining coders and discourage new ones from entering, you kill what remains of the community. Be considerate of others and give respect where respect is due to those who make the stuff you use / copy from. Banning coders means eliminating new content that gets posted elsewhere.

In a few words,I couldn't careless what you say,you keep blabbing on dickhead.
I don't give a shit who he is and what he releases,if he wants respect from the community earn it not just by releasing content,but not being a bully to other people and criticising other members,telling them to kill themselves is wrong just because they release stuff not up to others standard.
Also,I find it so funny how you say " release new stuff every week" hahaha,bo2 scene has been dead for a while,open your eyes instead of talking shit.

The following 4 users groaned at Saber_JZY for this awful post:

anthonything, DoraTheKiller97, Nothingbutbread, Patrick
11-09-2016, 05:45 AM #50
Space Ninja
Originally posted by JZY View Post
In a few words,I couldn't careless what you say,you keep blabbing on dickhead.
I don't give a shit who he is and what he releases,if he wants respect from the community earn it not just by releasing content,but not being a bully to other people and criticising other members,telling them to kill themselves is wrong just because they release stuff not up to others standard.
Also,I find it so funny how you say " release new stuff every week" hahaha,bo2 scene has been dead for a while,open your eyes instead of talking shit.

serioushd- whispers: I love how as more and more people come into this and keep telling you how wrong you are, you just keep your head planted firmly up your - Well, lets not get reported now. I am terrified of your ultimate power :kappa:
11-09-2016, 07:32 AM #51
Former Staff
Originally posted by JZY View Post
In a few words,I couldn't careless what you say,you keep blabbing on dickhead.
I don't give a shit who he is and what he releases,if he wants respect from the community earn it not just by releasing content,but not being a bully to other people and criticising other members,telling them to kill themselves is wrong just because they release stuff not up to others standard.
Also,I find it so funny how you say " release new stuff every week" hahaha,bo2 scene has been dead for a while,open your eyes instead of talking shit.

Leave it out. also you calling them names and insulting them will just make them wanna attack you more.

respect is not given. it is earned. Extinct NBB and Serious have earned respect within the community for their releases and the fact that they are willing to help people, experienced coders and noobs alike. BUT we cant change the fact that they like to be brutally honest. i have suggested that they refrain from the brutal honesty as that helps no one but ultimately it is up to them, maybe after enough infractions and warnings they will get the picture, we refrain from banning members where possible as they are liked by other members and that would create a shit storm and their content does bring traffic to NGU making it better and a bigger community which is always good. what also annoys members and experienced coders is when hard work (sometimes theres) is passed around, changed a little bit, then released by someone claiming they did it themselves in other words leeching, and i hate to break it to you but i would say at least 98% of the stuff these days is leeched. if you are going to use someone else work then you must include credits. it is good to include credits anyway.

we try keep as much toxicity off the forum as we can, so if u see anything that upsets you please report it.

but please also do your bit by refraining to do what they do. dont stoop down to their level and tell them to kill them selves etc, be the bigger man and ignore it and move on. the internet is a nasty place, especially when it is so easy to talk shit from behind a monitor lol.

Anyway if i see more flaming from you particular 4 enough warnings have been given out. now there is a difference between flaming and constructive criticism make sure you guys (Saber, Profound, NBB, Extinct, Serious, and others) dont cross the line.

The following user thanked Kronos for this useful post:

11-09-2016, 09:45 AM #52
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by OfficialCoolJay View Post
what an utter piece of shit this is, wheres the effort and originality?
whats the difference between this and the Dynamic menu base. If you were going to release a menu with original functions i wouldn't judge the menu base.


i would use it Happy

The following user groaned xSynthmodz for this awful post:

11-09-2016, 05:06 PM #53
League Champion
Originally posted by Kronos View Post
Leave it out. also you calling them names and insulting them will just make them wanna attack you more.

respect is not given. it is earned. Extinct NBB and Serious have earned respect within the community for their releases and the fact that they are willing to help people, experienced coders and noobs alike. BUT we cant change the fact that they like to be brutally honest. i have suggested that they refrain from the brutal honesty as that helps no one but ultimately it is up to them, maybe after enough infractions and warnings they will get the picture, we refrain from banning members where possible as they are liked by other members and that would create a shit storm and their content does bring traffic to NGU making it better and a bigger community which is always good. what also annoys members and experienced coders is when hard work (sometimes theres) is passed around, changed a little bit, then released by someone claiming they did it themselves in other words leeching, and i hate to break it to you but i would say at least 98% of the stuff these days is leeched. if you are going to use someone else work then you must include credits. it is good to include credits anyway.

we try keep as much toxicity off the forum as we can, so if u see anything that upsets you please report it.

but please also do your bit by refraining to do what they do. dont stoop down to their level and tell them to kill them selves etc, be the bigger man and ignore it and move on. the internet is a nasty place, especially when it is so easy to talk shit from behind a monitor lol.

Anyway if i see more flaming from you particular 4 enough warnings have been given out. now there is a difference between flaming and constructive criticism make sure you guys (Saber, Profound, NBB, Extinct, Serious, and others) dont cross the line.

Okay i agree with parts of this reply but you have made Me, Serious and NBB to be the bad guys in this whole situation, if you go back and look who actually started all of this you will be surprised since all I said was 'stay with cracking accounts and leave modding to the people who know what they're doing' I made that statement because he was a asshole on skype so why would i help someone who was a dick to me.. you need to remember you aren't the good guy in this situation either since you have tried to flame people in the comments also but we have always came back with a valid point, Saber is just after the attention and that one bit of relevance in the modding community but he needs to understand he wont get that by reporting people on NGU because he is getting offended because we toasted his ass, he is by far the most pathetic kid i have ran into since whatever we say he has something to reply to it but most of the time its either starting a new topic to argue.

He is a random who no one knows and he likes the attention.. if you look at all the people 'attacking' him you can clearly see he isn't wanted on nextgenupdate but staff members are too idol to see that and i would like someone to look into Saber and come to a conclusion on what you are doing with him since he is making the GSC section even worse and its kinda shameful.

I don't care if i get infractions since its nextgenupdate what is losing out on someone who is willing to help others and willing to release unique projects, i could always go else where and do that since i'm not being anyones bitch.

Originally posted by Kryptus

Thought to include a site manager so he can see whats going on and come to a conclusion.

The following user thanked Patrick for this useful post:

11-09-2016, 05:28 PM #54
Originally posted by Kronos View Post
Leave it out. also you calling them names and insulting them will just make them wanna attack you more.

respect is not given. it is earned. Extinct NBB and Serious have earned respect within the community for their releases and the fact that they are willing to help people, experienced coders and noobs alike. BUT we cant change the fact that they like to be brutally honest. i have suggested that they refrain from the brutal honesty as that helps no one but ultimately it is up to them, maybe after enough infractions and warnings they will get the picture, we refrain from banning members where possible as they are liked by other members and that would create a shit storm and their content does bring traffic to NGU making it better and a bigger community which is always good. what also annoys members and experienced coders is when hard work (sometimes theres) is passed around, changed a little bit, then released by someone claiming they did it themselves in other words leeching, and i hate to break it to you but i would say at least 98% of the stuff these days is leeched. if you are going to use someone else work then you must include credits. it is good to include credits anyway.

we try keep as much toxicity off the forum as we can, so if u see anything that upsets you please report it.

but please also do your bit by refraining to do what they do. dont stoop down to their level and tell them to kill them selves etc, be the bigger man and ignore it and move on. the internet is a nasty place, especially when it is so easy to talk shit from behind a monitor lol.

Anyway if i see more flaming from you particular 4 enough warnings have been given out. now there is a difference between flaming and constructive criticism make sure you guys (Saber, Profound, NBB, Extinct, Serious, and others) dont cross the line.

If you want to attack the root of the problem ... instead of the trying to cut off the branches of it. You need to eliminate leeched works that lack credits and put in an approval system for threads on this section. Adding in some form of filtering destroys 90% of the problem here. Giving people Infractions doesn't do anything. Giving the wrong people infractions will do you more harm than good.

The following user thanked Nothingbutbread for this useful post:

11-10-2016, 08:59 AM #55
Originally posted by xSynthmodz View Post
i would use it Happy

maybe i was to cruel, if you upload your projects for the public it will be judged so make it original and unique so you can feel good about the work and effort you put into your project when people praise you for your them.

The following 2 users say thank you to OfficialCoolJay for this useful post:

DF_AUS, xSynthmodz

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