Post: Tranzit Easter Egg Team in Prep for Buried
07-31-2013, 10:17 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Im going to try this again in hopes that it will be more structured and actually work.

- Trying to assemble a team for all Easter eggs but starting with Tranzit (Richtofen side) (Need 2 more players)

- Must have a mic to communicate

- Must have previously completed or attempted Easter egg or have at least some idea of how to complete it

- must be at or near 18 or older and be a mature player

- Must be a skilled and experienced zombie player

- If successful will continue to Mob of the Dead but more importantly Die Rise, and eventually Buried tonight

- If serious about completing this expeditiously then add my PSN: Kfunkhouser with subject: Tranzit

Thanks again, if you join the party and fuck around or are not serious i will delete you so don't waste the effort.
Last edited by superspy57 ; 08-01-2013 at 01:18 AM.
08-08-2013, 11:05 PM #11
Gym leader
I have completed maxis on tranzit. and dr or buried.. I need to redue tranzit and die rise.. let me know if you need a guy.. in my 20s and dont fuck about.. thanks.. good connection as well

Originally posted by superspy57 View Post
Im going to try this again in hopes that it will be more structured and actually work.

- Trying to assemble a team for all Easter eggs but starting with Tranzit (Richtofen side) (Need 2 more players)

- Must have a mic to communicate

- Must have previously completed or attempted Easter egg or have at least some idea of how to complete it

- must be at or near 18 or older and be a mature player

- Must be a skilled and experienced zombie player

- If successful will continue to Mob of the Dead but more importantly Die Rise, and eventually Buried tonight

- If serious about completing this expeditiously then add my PSN: Kfunkhouser with subject: Tranzit

Thanks again, if you join the party and fuck around or are not serious i will delete you so don't waste the effort.
08-09-2013, 07:42 AM #12
Im 17, GT: UnlimitedPSN

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