Post: [1.03] Tustin's EBOOT Builder [Added Red Boxes]
11-05-2015, 11:18 PM #1
Balls of Steel
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Another year, another EBOOT builder. I think you know the drill by now - this tool lets you build your own customized EBOOTs for BOIII. Contains non-host mods and a SPRX loader.

Preemptive hello to Activision's suits. Hi

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Some notes:

  • Only compiles EBOOTs for DEX (regular debug or NPDRM)
  • To use EBOOTs on NPEB, you need to add the game into the GAMES folder like a disc game. Use this tutorial: You must login or register to view this content.

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BIG thanks to SC58 for the addresses. Wouldn't have been possible without him!
Also credits to Thirst, SyGnUs.

If you can't get the program to work, check out these pre-made EBOOTs by COD_MoDz21: You must login or register to view this content.

If you fork the project in the future (if I decide not to update), please leave proper credits. If you use the code just to leech addresses, gtfo.

The following 117 users say thank you to Tustin for this useful post:

Hammy, <Brad>, 0zersub, Accent, alexcubano7, AlexNGU, amermstwntd2, anxify, Armyspy, mason, Bane., BenTAxeL, brewing up, Bucko, BurtE, Chop, COD_MoDz21, CodJumper:, darkknight787, Dav3s, DEv_ShOoTz, djkrack, Eddie-Lucas, EncepT, EpicModzAMT, EvilDevilReX, evoz33, ExIIL, Father Luckeyy, Frosty, gοd, geheimpje, Geo, H4x0rHD, hdtv_duke, HeLLrIdEr1982, iDon, im not hacking, imax_pro, IModAllWeek, ImPiffHD, Insult, ItsSebHdz, itylera, iTz-GoDModZ, Itzzdre420, jackf, jazrawi_ae, Joe Mods, jwm614, KAYLEB_HD, Khalid1993, krunch5114, Kryptus, LaughTracks, Legended, LifeHappens, LULLINHO, M4-2000, MoDz4Gaming, mokkie93, Mr_Snake_-, MrLion, Muffin Boi, Mx444, Next To Nothing, NGU GHOST, ngucitymodz, NickBeHaxing, NIO77, nofear modzz, norge1, Norway-_-1999, Not Rage, NP Carling26, Nug, nullerdk, NYKILLA007, oCmKs_4_LiFe, ogimhigh, Darth Saul, Pianist Prodigy, pktman12345, Ploutarxos1, RawDog2002, RF0oDxM0Dz, RHIN, royston1990, SC58, Seir, Kronos, sleekshow, star2000, Jon Snow, Stunz, STYL3S, superaconi and 17 other users.
11-06-2015, 02:34 AM #47
an error occured during start operation (80010009) but if i go back to original eboot it works fine any way you can create an eboot for NPEB02266 so we can test it

The following user thanked wickedninja for this useful post:

11-06-2015, 02:42 AM #48
now the tool isnt even working ive downloaded eboot.elf and also created some and this tool has not worked at all
11-06-2015, 02:47 AM #49
this is a fail.....has great potential but it doesnt work at the moment. get it to work right and then let us know/ appreciate you trying to help us all out
11-06-2015, 02:50 AM #50
Bounty hunter
Damn biggest spam ever ^^
11-06-2015, 02:53 AM #51
Originally posted by LiFe View Post
see what? You must login or register to view this content. and eddie-lucas tested it he built a eboot and only vsat worked. u had wrong offsets even the no recoil offsets was wrong. :/

Thats a problem on your end m8 You must login or register to view this content.
11-06-2015, 03:00 AM #52
Just says "Working..." but never creates anything Sal
11-06-2015, 03:14 AM #53
Originally posted by AlexNGU View Post
Just says "Working..." but never creates anything Sal

Yup, the tool isn't working at all, he should post a pre-made eboot!
11-06-2015, 03:19 AM #54
Balls of Steel
OK guys I fixed the addresses being wrong and possibly fixed problems with the "Working..." thing but I can't be certain since I'm not getting it myself or on any other computers I own. Please let me know if it persists.

Download it here:
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edit: i also included the EBOOT.ELF for BLES02166 1.02 of the game.

The following user thanked Tustin for this useful post:

11-06-2015, 03:23 AM #55
Bounty hunter
Thanks, but it's still saying working...

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