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So, I was bored last night and decided to spend like 8 hours on this, I learned a lot while making it and hopefully others will learn something from it as well, this shows some new concepts that I haven't seen in many RTM tools, like reading and writing structures into memory, enums, and event handlers. Overall the project took 551 lines of code. I spent a lot of the time staring at debugger mapping out as much of the class structure as I could and dumping all of the weapons, camos, reticles, perks, wildcards, grenades, etc..
Here's an example of what you can do with it (I think it kicks you out of the game if you go over 10 items, but you can still do other things):
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Tool looks like this:
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Swaqq, OSM, NBH, BLB, SC58, GFM, Lachie, Primetime, Tustin, aerosoul94, Enstone, iMCSx, Shark, Bitwise, IBM, Microsoft, Qt Compiler, Choco, DexModderFTW, Eddie Mac, INSAN3LY_D34TH, SnaY, Sticky, MegaMister, Ansity, xDebugCoder, Red-EyeX32, Hunter1214, tossiam, itsLollo1000, Seb5594, therifboy, xKtF, Larip8, Outsider, Kas, iMod1998 for being sp00ki, Mango_Knife, Maybe Ethernet, sk8erlewisss, Uk_ViiPeR, Elite Mossy, JokerRey, xePixTvx, BaSs_HaXor, zMarcusHD, Ikea Monkey, nay1995, oStankyModz, Bo, 01cedricv2, FusionModz, mrdarkblue, ResistTheKiwi, jannik007, Geo, milky4444, NotALegitPlayer, Stitches, xHostModer, BadLuckJosh, Welsh, BrinkerzHD, Ghost Rolly, Tizz A Lee Gizz A Lee, xPreeks, NiiinjaModz--, CrEaTiiOn_420, xSonoro, xCSBKx, GMTPS3, Absolute Zero, Azus, Notorious, VezahMoDz, Cyb3r, Mx444, jwm614, Anera
"Here's credits to everyone we've ever learned from, EVER"
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