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I do not take credit for any of these as i am only posting them
because they should be helpful for the ngu community please
do not groan as there is no reason to
Stats, Name and classes
OnlineName = 0x1faa86d;
OnlineName2 = 0x1fbaa08;
ClanTag = 0x38907fd5;
CustomClassName = 0x3891f7b1;
CustomClassInterval = 0x10;
Prestige = 0x38907e41;
Tokens = 0x389070f3;
XP = 0x38907e60;
Score = 0x38907e83;
Wins = 0x38907faf;
Kills = 0x389076cd;
TimePlayed = 0x38907f61;
Losses = 0x389077ab;
Deaths = 0x38907289;
ComeBack = 0x389078e3;
OneShotOneKill = 0x38907ab7;
Savior = 0x38907ab1;
Survivor = 0x38907ae1;
Avenger = 0x38907b41;
DoubleKill = 0x38907c49;
TripleKill = 0x38907c4f;
SuperKill = 0x38907c61;
FrenzyKill = 0x38907c5b;
MegaKill = 0x38907c67;
UltraKill = 0x38907c6d;
KillChain = 0x38907c73;
AssistedSuicide = 0x38907883;
BackStabber = 0x38907889;...
Non Host
advuav: (Not sure which one)
0xC7808 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)
0xC7824 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)
No Recoil: 0x18E1D0 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x48,0x5E,0xD9,0xB1)
Wallhack: 0x113c40 (on: 0x38, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff) (off: 0x63, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00)[/QOUTE]
0x582A68 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x02,0x0C)
0x582AA0 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x01,0xD4)
Steady Aim: 0x74DF4E (on: 0x00,0x00,0x40,0x82) (off: 0x00,0x02,0x40,0x82)
Chams: 0x103C40
fps: 0xBB41C
Weapons_flag: 0x7D888
Dead Bodies_flag: 0x104F40
No Blur: 0x3EA75C
Zombie Stats
Prestige : 0x3880A5AF
Xp : 0x3880A54F
Kills : 0x3880A65C
Head shoots : 0x3880A561
Rounds Survived : 0x3880A57F
Avg. Rounds/Game : 0x3880A57F
Avg. Game Score : 0x3880A555
Score Per Minute : 0x3880A555
Time played : 0x3880A5AB
Zombie Weapons
0x018EFCFB: Primary Weapon
0x018EFD4B: Secondary Weapon
0x01: Default Weapon
0x02: Vesper
0x04: VMP
0x06: Bootlegger
0x07: Kuda
0x09: Pharo
0x11: Whispering Regurgitator
0x13: Infernus
0x15: Impaler
0x17: Barrage
0x19: Ein Sten
0x20: Shieva
0x22: HVK-30
0x24: Man-O-War
0x26: XR-2
0x28: Anointed Avenger
0x30: The Unspeakable
0x31: Cumulus Struggle
0x33: KRM-262
0x34: Argus
0x35: 205 Brecci
0x36: Haymaker 12
0x37: Shoeshining 100
0x38: Ancient Messenger
0x39: Dagon's Glare
0x41: Gordon
0x43: Dire Wolf
0x45: Trapezohedron Shard
0x47: Blight Oblivion
0x49: Athena's Spear
0x51: Arrhythmic Dirge
0x53: Bahamut
0x55: Ikken Hissatsu
0x57: MR6
0x58: Bloodhound
0x59: RK5
0x61: XM-53
0x62: Heliacal Incandesence
0x63: Combat Knife
0x66: Base Weapon
0x67: IDK Even Know See For Yourself
0x68: Crazy Gun
0x80: Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth
0x81: Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth
0x82: Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth
0x88: Porter's X2 Ray Gun
0x89: Ray Gun
0x92: Beast Mode
0x8E: Wunderwaffle DG-3 JZ
0x0B: Weevil
0x0C : Razorback
0x0F: Crocuta
0x1A: ICR-1
0x1C: KN-44
0x2A: Illuminated Deanimator
0x2C: High Velocity Kicker
0x2E: Dread Armada
0x3A: Stellar Screech
0x3B: BRM
0x3C : Dingo
0x3F: 48 Dredge
0x4B: Locus
0x4C : Drakon
0x4F: SVG-100
0x5A: L-CAR 9
0x5B : Rex-Kalibur 115
0x5E: Flux Collider 935
Zombie Addresses
r_setframefog = 0x3CD8C8;
gclient103 = 0x18EF9F0;
gentity_s = 0x1783D00;
demigod = gclient103 + 0x130,
money = gclient103 + 0x5e8d,
speed = gclient103 + 0x5de5,
freeze = gclient103 + 0x130,
lag = gclient103 + 0x5d27,
primary = gclient103 + 0x30b,
secondary = gclient103 + 0x35b,
primaryammo = gclient103 + 0x53e,
secondaryammo = gclient103 + 0x57a,
primaryammo1 = gclient103 + 0x546,
secondaryammo1 = gclient103 + 0x582,
gnade = gclient103 + 0x57f,
getname = gclient103 + 0x5db0,
zmcounter = 0x012047C3;
Zombie Gum
GumSelectionEntry = 0X3881CDE8 ( Gum Slots )
GumClassNameEntry = 0X3881CDD7
GumInterval = 0x16 ( Distance for Current Active Gum/ ClassNames
0xD8 = Aftertaste
0xD9 = Buned Out
0xDA = Cache Back
0xDB = Dead Of Nuclear Winter
0xDC = Ephermeral Enhancement
0xDD = I'm Feelin' Lucky
0xDE = Immolation Liquidation
0xDF = Kill Joy
0xE0 = Killing Time
0xE1 = Licenced Contractor
0xE2 = On The House
0xE3 = Perkaholic
0xE4 = Pheonix Up
0xE5 = Pop Shocks
0xE6 = Respin Cycle
0xE7 = Unquenchable
0xE8 = Wall Power
0xE9 = Who's Keeping Score?
Zombie Perks
(Didnt Get Names)
0x018F02A4 = 0x10
0x018F02A5 = 0X04
0x018F02A7 = 0x21
0x018F02AC = 0x08
0x018F02AE = 0x02
0x018F02B3 = 0x80
Tustin for Non Host
SC58 For Redbox
Idk who else found all these so ill leave it there