Post: || Bo3 Offsets & Addresses || Advanced Stats Included || 1.03 ||
11-29-2015, 01:37 PM #1
Easter Bunny
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I do not take credit for any of these as i am only posting them
because they should be helpful for the ngu community please
do not groan as there is no reason to


Stats, Name and classes
OnlineName = 0x1faa86d;
OnlineName2 = 0x1fbaa08;
ClanTag = 0x38907fd5;
CustomClassName = 0x3891f7b1;
CustomClassInterval = 0x10;
Prestige = 0x38907e41;
Tokens = 0x389070f3;
XP = 0x38907e60;
Score = 0x38907e83;
Wins = 0x38907faf;
Kills = 0x389076cd;
TimePlayed = 0x38907f61;
Losses = 0x389077ab;
Deaths = 0x38907289;
ComeBack = 0x389078e3;
OneShotOneKill = 0x38907ab7;
Savior = 0x38907ab1;
Survivor = 0x38907ae1;
Avenger = 0x38907b41;
DoubleKill = 0x38907c49;
TripleKill = 0x38907c4f;
SuperKill = 0x38907c61;
FrenzyKill = 0x38907c5b;
MegaKill = 0x38907c67;
UltraKill = 0x38907c6d;
KillChain = 0x38907c73;
AssistedSuicide = 0x38907883;
BackStabber = 0x38907889;...

Non Host
advuav: (Not sure which one)
0xC7808 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)
0xC7824 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)

No Recoil: 0x18E1D0 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x48,0x5E,0xD9,0xB1)
Wallhack: 0x113c40 (on: 0x38, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff) (off: 0x63, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00)[/QOUTE]

0x582A68 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x02,0x0C)
0x582AA0 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x01,0xD4)

Steady Aim: 0x74DF4E (on: 0x00,0x00,0x40,0x82) (off: 0x00,0x02,0x40,0x82)
Chams: 0x103C40
fps: 0xBB41C
Weapons_flag: 0x7D888
Dead Bodies_flag: 0x104F40
No Blur: 0x3EA75C


Zombie Stats
Prestige : 0x3880A5AF
Xp : 0x3880A54F
Kills : 0x3880A65C
Head shoots : 0x3880A561
Rounds Survived : 0x3880A57F
Avg. Rounds/Game : 0x3880A57F
Avg. Game Score : 0x3880A555
Score Per Minute : 0x3880A555
Time played : 0x3880A5AB

Zombie Weapons
0x018EFCFB: Primary Weapon
0x018EFD4B: Secondary Weapon

0x01: Default Weapon
0x02: Vesper
0x04: VMP
0x06: Bootlegger
0x07: Kuda
0x09: Pharo
0x11: Whispering Regurgitator
0x13: Infernus
0x15: Impaler
0x17: Barrage
0x19: Ein Sten
0x20: Shieva
0x22: HVK-30
0x24: Man-O-War
0x26: XR-2
0x28: Anointed Avenger
0x30: The Unspeakable
0x31: Cumulus Struggle
0x33: KRM-262
0x34: Argus
0x35: 205 Brecci
0x36: Haymaker 12
0x37: Shoeshining 100
0x38: Ancient Messenger
0x39: Dagon's Glare
0x41: Gordon
0x43: Dire Wolf
0x45: Trapezohedron Shard
0x47: Blight Oblivion
0x49: Athena's Spear
0x51: Arrhythmic Dirge
0x53: Bahamut
0x55: Ikken Hissatsu
0x57: MR6
0x58: Bloodhound
0x59: RK5
0x61: XM-53
0x62: Heliacal Incandesence
0x63: Combat Knife
0x66: Base Weapon
0x67: IDK Even Know See For Yourself
0x68: Crazy Gun
0x80: Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth
0x81: Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth
0x82: Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth
0x88: Porter's X2 Ray Gun
0x89: Ray Gun
0x92: Beast Mode
0x8E: Wunderwaffle DG-3 JZ
0x0B: Weevil
0x0C : Razorback
0x0F: Crocuta
0x1A: ICR-1
0x1C: KN-44
0x2A: Illuminated Deanimator
0x2C: High Velocity Kicker
0x2E: Dread Armada
0x3A: Stellar Screech
0x3B: BRM
0x3C : Dingo
0x3F: 48 Dredge
0x4B: Locus
0x4C : Drakon
0x4F: SVG-100
0x5A: L-CAR 9
0x5B : Rex-Kalibur 115
0x5E: Flux Collider 935

Zombie Addresses
r_setframefog = 0x3CD8C8;
gclient103 = 0x18EF9F0;
gentity_s = 0x1783D00;
demigod = gclient103 + 0x130,
money = gclient103 + 0x5e8d,
speed = gclient103 + 0x5de5,
freeze = gclient103 + 0x130,
lag = gclient103 + 0x5d27,
primary = gclient103 + 0x30b,
secondary = gclient103 + 0x35b,
primaryammo = gclient103 + 0x53e,
secondaryammo = gclient103 + 0x57a,
primaryammo1 = gclient103 + 0x546,
secondaryammo1 = gclient103 + 0x582,
gnade = gclient103 + 0x57f,
getname = gclient103 + 0x5db0,
zmcounter = 0x012047C3;

Zombie Gum
GumSelectionEntry = 0X3881CDE8 ( Gum Slots )
GumClassNameEntry = 0X3881CDD7
GumInterval = 0x16 ( Distance for Current Active Gum/ ClassNames

0xD8 = Aftertaste
0xD9 = Buned Out
0xDA = Cache Back
0xDB = Dead Of Nuclear Winter
0xDC = Ephermeral Enhancement
0xDD = I'm Feelin' Lucky
0xDE = Immolation Liquidation
0xDF = Kill Joy
0xE0 = Killing Time
0xE1 = Licenced Contractor
0xE2 = On The House
0xE3 = Perkaholic
0xE4 = Pheonix Up
0xE5 = Pop Shocks
0xE6 = Respin Cycle
0xE7 = Unquenchable
0xE8 = Wall Power
0xE9 = Who's Keeping Score?

Zombie Perks
(Didnt Get Names)
0x018F02A4 = 0x10
0x018F02A5 = 0X04
0x018F02A7 = 0x21
0x018F02AC = 0x08
0x018F02AE = 0x02
0x018F02B3 = 0x80

Tustin for Non Host
SC58 For Redbox
Idk who else found all these so ill leave it there
Last edited by Easter Bunny ; 11-30-2015 at 12:43 AM.

The following 6 users say thank you to Easter Bunny for this useful post:

alexjones1009, ALIENBOB, COD_MoDz21, JANGLES_582, Pianist Prodigy, XxBlud23xX

The following 6 users groaned at Easter Bunny for this awful post:

FFM | iMoDzRGFR, John, Not Rage, Restrain, Passion, thahitcrew
11-29-2015, 01:46 PM #2
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Easter
I do not take credit for any of these as i am only posting them
because they should be helpful for the ngu community please
do not groan as there is no reason to

Stats, Name and classes
OnlineName = 0x1faa86d;
OnlineName2 = 0x1fbaa08;
ClanTag = 0x38907fd5;
CustomClassName = 0x3891f7b1;
CustomClassInterval = 0x10;
Prestige = 0x38907e41;
Tokens = 0x389070f3;
XP = 0x38907e60;
Score = 0x38907e83;
Wins = 0x38907faf;
Kills = 0x389076cd;
TimePlayed = 0x38907f61;
Losses = 0x389077ab;
Deaths = 0x38907289;
ComeBack = 0x389078e3;
OneShotOneKill = 0x38907ab7;
Savior = 0x38907ab1;
Survivor = 0x38907ae1;
Avenger = 0x38907b41;
DoubleKill = 0x38907c49;
TripleKill = 0x38907c4f;
SuperKill = 0x38907c61;
FrenzyKill = 0x38907c5b;
MegaKill = 0x38907c67;
UltraKill = 0x38907c6d;
KillChain = 0x38907c73;
AssistedSuicide = 0x38907883;
BackStabber = 0x38907889;...

Non Host
advuav: (Not sure which one)
0xC7808 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)
0xC7824 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)

No Recoil: 0x18E1D0 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x48,0x5E,0xD9,0xB1)
Wallhack: 0x113c40 (on: 0x38, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff) (off: 0x63, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00)[/QOUTE]

0x582A68 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x02,0x0C)
0x582AA0 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x01,0xD4)

Steady Aim: 0x74DF4E (on: 0x00,0x00,0x40,0x82) (off: 0x00,0x02,0x40,0x82)
Chams: 0x103C40
fps: 0xBB41C
Weapons_flag: 0x7D888
Dead Bodies_flag: 0x104F40
No Blur: 0x3EA75C

Thanks for posting these for everyone to see!
11-29-2015, 02:03 PM #3
Easter Bunny
Bounty hunter
No problem i didnt see a good thread on here with all the correct ones so i made one lol
Originally posted by alexjones1009 View Post
Thanks for posting these for everyone to see!
11-29-2015, 02:08 PM #4
Originally posted by Easter
I do not take credit for any of these as i am only posting them
because they should be helpful for the ngu community please
do not groan as there is no reason to

Stats, Name and classes
OnlineName = 0x1faa86d;
OnlineName2 = 0x1fbaa08;
ClanTag = 0x38907fd5;
CustomClassName = 0x3891f7b1;
CustomClassInterval = 0x10;
Prestige = 0x38907e41;
Tokens = 0x389070f3;
XP = 0x38907e60;
Score = 0x38907e83;
Wins = 0x38907faf;
Kills = 0x389076cd;
TimePlayed = 0x38907f61;
Losses = 0x389077ab;
Deaths = 0x38907289;
ComeBack = 0x389078e3;
OneShotOneKill = 0x38907ab7;
Savior = 0x38907ab1;
Survivor = 0x38907ae1;
Avenger = 0x38907b41;
DoubleKill = 0x38907c49;
TripleKill = 0x38907c4f;
SuperKill = 0x38907c61;
FrenzyKill = 0x38907c5b;
MegaKill = 0x38907c67;
UltraKill = 0x38907c6d;
KillChain = 0x38907c73;
AssistedSuicide = 0x38907883;
BackStabber = 0x38907889;...

Non Host
advuav: (Not sure which one)
0xC7808 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)
0xC7824 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x00,0xAC)

No Recoil: 0x18E1D0 (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x48,0x5E,0xD9,0xB1)
Wallhack: 0x113c40 (on: 0x38, 0xc0, 0xff, 0xff) (off: 0x63, 0xe6, 0x00, 0x00)[/QOUTE]

0x582A68 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x02,0x0C)
0x582AA0 // (on: 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) (off: 0x41,0x82,0x01,0xD4)

Steady Aim: 0x74DF4E (on: 0x00,0x00,0x40,0x82) (off: 0x00,0x02,0x40,0x82)
Chams: 0x103C40
fps: 0xBB41C
Weapons_flag: 0x7D888
Dead Bodies_flag: 0x104F40
No Blur: 0x3EA75C

0x7A7DB8 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
0x76FE50 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
0x7A7CBC (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)

Zombie Stats
Prestige : 0x3880A5AF
Xp : 0x3880A54F
Kills : 0x3880A65C
Head shoots : 0x3880A561
Rounds Survived : 0x3880A57F
Avg. Rounds/Game : 0x3880A57F
Avg. Game Score : 0x3880A555
Score Per Minute : 0x3880A555
Time played : 0x3880A5AB

Zombie Weapons
0x018EFCFB: Primary Weapon
0x018EFD4B: Secondary Weapon

0x01: Default Weapon
0x02: Vesper
0x04: VMP
0x06: Bootlegger
0x07: Kuda
0x09: Pharo
0x11: Whispering Regurgitator
0x13: Infernus
0x15: Impaler
0x17: Barrage
0x19: Ein Sten
0x20: Shieva
0x22: HVK-30
0x24: Man-O-War
0x26: XR-2
0x28: Anointed Avenger
0x30: The Unspeakable
0x31: Cumulus Struggle
0x33: KRM-262
0x34: Argus
0x35: 205 Brecci
0x36: Haymaker 12
0x37: Shoeshining 100
0x38: Ancient Messenger
0x39: Dagon's Glare
0x41: Gordon
0x43: Dire Wolf
0x45: Trapezohedron Shard
0x47: Blight Oblivion
0x49: Athena's Spear
0x51: Arrhythmic Dirge
0x53: Bahamut
0x55: Ikken Hissatsu
0x57: MR6
0x58: Bloodhound
0x59: RK5
0x61: XM-53
0x62: Heliacal Incandesence
0x63: Combat Knife
0x66: Base Weapon
0x67: IDK Even Know See For Yourself
0x68: Crazy Gun
0x80: Mar-Astagua Arbgwaoth
0x81: Nar-Ullaqua Arbgwaoth
0x82: Lor-Zarozzor Arbgwaoth
0x88: Porter's X2 Ray Gun
0x89: Ray Gun
0x92: Beast Mode
0x8E: Wunderwaffle DG-3 JZ
0x0B: Weevil
0x0C : Razorback
0x0F: Crocuta
0x1A: ICR-1
0x1C: KN-44
0x2A: Illuminated Deanimator
0x2C: High Velocity Kicker
0x2E: Dread Armada
0x3A: Stellar Screech
0x3B: BRM
0x3C : Dingo
0x3F: 48 Dredge
0x4B: Locus
0x4C : Drakon
0x4F: SVG-100
0x5A: L-CAR 9
0x5B : Rex-Kalibur 115
0x5E: Flux Collider 935

Zombie Addresses
r_setframefog = 0x3CD8C8;
gclient103 = 0x18EF9F0;
gentity_s = 0x1783D00;
demigod = gclient103 + 0x130,
money = gclient103 + 0x5e8d,
speed = gclient103 + 0x5de5,
freeze = gclient103 + 0x130,
lag = gclient103 + 0x5d27,
primary = gclient103 + 0x30b,
secondary = gclient103 + 0x35b,
primaryammo = gclient103 + 0x53e,
secondaryammo = gclient103 + 0x57a,
primaryammo1 = gclient103 + 0x546,
secondaryammo1 = gclient103 + 0x582,
gnade = gclient103 + 0x57f,
getname = gclient103 + 0x5db0,
zmcounter = 0x012047C3;

Way to go Easter Bunny. So cool of you to post this Smile
11-29-2015, 02:16 PM #5
Save Point
Thanks m8 was missing a few.
11-29-2015, 02:19 PM #6
I am error
Again, again, again, this offset Antiban is for COD AW...
11-29-2015, 02:27 PM #7
Easter Bunny
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by rachod View Post
Again, again, again, this offset Antiban is for COD AW...

You must login or register to view this content. it doesnt match up with any aw antiban offsets tho
i checked all of them none of those are for aw but i mentioned i dont know if they work in the topic
11-29-2015, 02:39 PM #8
I am error
Originally posted by Easter
You must login or register to view this content. it doesnt match up with any aw antiban offsets tho
i checked all of them none of those are for aw but i mentioned i dont know if they work in the topic

You must login or register to view this content.
11-29-2015, 02:42 PM #9
Easter Bunny
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by rachod View Post
You must login or register to view this content.

Thanks i will remove it and his credits lol
11-29-2015, 02:52 PM #10
Thanks for these, apretiate it

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