Post: Ultimate Prestige Hack Tutorial*IN-DEPTH* w/ FAQ!
07-17-2010, 07:05 PM #1
kids with guns
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Before I actually start, I would like to clear something up;

I am aware of the fact this is essentially the same as the original tutorials, but they seem to have 'died' in a sense, no one is there to offer support on the thread, and they are just basic threads, with no FAQs, so I felt like creating this thread, to counteract all these reasons, so do not criticise me and write things like, "old" or "copy" because that has all been explained.

With that out the way, I will explain what will be in this thread. Firstly, a downloads section will be included, which is exactly what it sounds like, contained in the section you will find all the downloads, some are necessary for your method, some are not.

Next, there will be a section for the original method, containing the method, and what you will need. It will be an easy to follow guide, with very detailed steps, to avoid confusion.

Finally, an FAQ section will be added, including common questions asked, and additional user posted questions, if need be.

I hope this guide helps, and like I said, please do not flame me for trying to help the community.


WinRAR; You must login or register to view this content.

WinRAR will be used to extract the Patch Blocker files, and the actual prestige files, it is a vital part of the procedure.

Patch Blocker; You must login or register to view this content.

Patch Blocker enables you to delete patches, and then start the game, without the game asking you to install the latest patch, this is what is known as bypassing. For detailed instructions on how to use patch blocker, please click the spoiler below.
Using Patch Blocker;

1) Open Patch Blocker, prior to extracting it, by double clicking the icon wherever you extracted the file.
2) You will see a screen with an IP, and a port, do not click start, or use this IP at all, yet.
3) Access the XMB on your PS3 by clicking the button in the middle of your controller, scroll along to 'Settings' then down to 'Network Settings'
4) Re-configure your settings, doing everything as usual, but only this time, hit yet when asked if you want to use a proxy server.
5) Enter the IP and port you see when running patch blocker, and then continue configuration as normal.
6) When you get to the point where you are asked to 'Test Connection' after everything is set-up hit 'Start' on patch blocker.
7) Do not close patch blocker at any time during this process, now hit test connection.
Cool Man (aka Tustin) Your connection should succeed, and all patches will be disabled.

The Prestige Files;

Please click the spoiler below for the US prestige files only.
Prestige File Downloads;

Prestige 1;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 2;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 3;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 4;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 5;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 6;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 7;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 8;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 9;
You must login or register to view this content.
Prestige 10;
You must login or register to view this content.

UK Prestige Files; You must login or register to view this content.

These are the UK only files, courtesy of RiDiCuL0uss.

Again, the prestige files play a vital part in this process, they enable you to hack to the desired prestige, if you do not use these correctly, malfunctions will occur, and the hack will not work. For instructions on how to ready these for use, click the spoiler below.
Setting up the Prestige Files;

1) Extract them to your Desktop, or another easy to find place, using WinRAR.
2) Note down the names of the files, one should be 'Prestige', and the other 'Error' or something similar.
3) Leave these on your desktop, and they will be ready for use.

That is it for the Downloads, as they are all you need, however you will need other things. Which are listed below.

  • 2 PS3 controllers. (or just switch controller ID via PS button)
  • A USB memory stick

The explanation as to why you need these will become obvious as the tutorial progresses, so no detail will be gone into on these.


Well, now we should be totally prepared to begin with the method, so let me briefly describe the format, the instructions will be given, and for the tricky parts, there will be a spoiler with additional help within it, this should minimize questions, and keep everything flowing.

1) Preparing the files.

In the original tutorial, only the US files are provided, so you may be used to transferring files over, but now this is not necessary, as both files have been provided.

You will need a memory stick for this part, and you will need to transfer all the contents of the desired prestige file, over to your flash drive.

This is a very simple process, simply open up your flash drive, and drag and drop the file, nothing too complicated.

2) Transferring to your PS3.

Plug your flash drive into your PS3, and go to 'Saved Data Utility' which will be listed under the 'Game' section. Head into this, and navigate your way to your flash drive.

When in your flash drive, find your save files that we made earlier, and hit triangle on them, and them press copy. What this is doing is taking your hacked saves, and overwriting the default saves, with said hacked ones.

3) Starting up Modern Warfare 2.

We all know how to set up Modern Warfare 2, so do so now. Allow Modern Warfare 2 to load up, and then make your way to multiplayer. This all must be down with the latest patch still installed, otherwise you've went wrong already.

Right, now you must read carefully, I will bullet point the following steps for ease of reading.

  1. Go to 'Play Online' as usual, and let your stats load up.
  2. Back out, and head to split screen.
  3. Load up the 'PRESTIGE' file on one controller.
  4. Load up the 'ERROR' file on the other controller.
    You will get an error message! Just exit from it, it's perfectly normal.
  5. Exit from the error, and go back into split screen.
  6. Load up the profiles again, by pressing 'X' on each controller.
  7. Now start a game, any type, any map, anything, just start one.
  8. Exit the game, back to XMB.

4) Deleting the patch.

Right, so were back on the XMB, now you want to make your way over to the 'Game Data Utility' which is again under the 'Game' menu.

When in this, you will see a list of all the games you have played, all very interesting, yes. Now look for Modern Warfare 2, and delete it; which is of course done by hitting triangle, then finding delete.

Now you have deleted the patch successfully, but obviously we must prevent this patch from loading again, which brings us to the next step.

5) Blocking the patch.

This step will be done by using the patch blocker, which is in the downloads section earlier, if you haven't already downloaded, do so now.

Right, please click the spoiler below for instructions on how to block the patch.
1) Open Patch Blocker, prior to extracting it, by double clicking the icon wherever you extracted the file.
2) You will see a screen with an IP, and a port, do not click start, or use this IP at all, yet.
3) Access the XMB on your PS3 by clicking the button in the middle of your controller, scroll along to 'Settings' then down to 'Network Settings'
4) Re-configure your settings, doing everything as usual, but only this time, hit yet when asked if you want to use a proxy server.
5) Enter the IP and port you see when running patch blocker, and then continue configuration as normal.
6) When you get to the point where you are asked to 'Test Connection' after everything is set-up hit 'Start' on patch blocker.
7) Do not close patch blocker at any time during this process, now hit test connection.
Cool Man (aka Tustin) Your connection should succeed, and all patches will be disabled.

5) Finalising the hack.

Nearly done guys. Now you have deleted the patch, you can start up Modern Warfare 2 again, and hopefully, nothing will happen and you will be bypassed.
If you sign out while bypassed, do not be alarmed, this is again normal, and you must just sign back in, and resume.
Do as you did before, go into 'Multiplayer' then 'Play Online' let your stats load, and then back out, and go into split screen.

Again, I will bullet point the following steps, for ease of reading.

  1. Load up the error file, which will give you the error.
  2. Exit from the error, then go back into split screen.
  3. Hit 'X' and your error profile should load up again.
  4. Now go into the split screen lobby, and prestige as normal.
    Again, you will get an error, it's normal people!
  5. Exit from the error message, and go back into split screen.
  6. Change profile on controller 1, to the prestige profile, you will get no error.
  7. Head to controller 2, and load up the error profile.
  8. Exit from the error message again, and then go to 'Play Online'.
  9. You will now see yourself as rank 70, in the previous prestige you desire.
  10. Prestige as usual, and you will be rank 1, desired prestige, and this will stick.

6) A final adjustment.

Congratulations, you have completed the hack, however there is one more thing you must do, re-install the patch, otherwise you will still be bypassed, and constantly signing out.

To do this, exit the game, to the XMB, and re-configure your network settings, the opposite of what we done before. So basically, this time you do what you would normally do, however you hit 'No' on the proxy server option, rather than the 'Yes' option.

This will prevent the patch from being blocked, and you may now load up Modern Warfare 2 again, and you will be prompted to install the patch again, do so, and your back to normal.


Q. Do I lose any of my titles/emblems/camos?
A. No, you keep everything you had previously, however you must still unlock the guns at the normal ranks. But; when you unlock them, you will in turn unlock everything you already did have.

Q. Is there a way to unlock everything?
A. Yes, it would appear, but no one knows yet, apart from a small minority, I, nor the majority of members on this site, will be able to help with this.

Q. My patch blocker signs me out constantly?
A. This is normal, it is the first build of the patch blocker, so it will have some faults, but just keep signing back in, it's perfectly normal.

Q. PS3 won't connect to internet with patch blocker proxy?
A. This could be a number of reasons, you may not of hit start on the patch blocker. Or, you may have closed the patch blocker after hitting start, this is a big no no. However, your internet may just be screwed.

Q How do I de-prestige (prestige down) using this?
A. Easy, just do the exact same method, but with a lower prestige file, it works all the same.

Q. Does this still work?
A. Yes. (As of; 17/07/10)

To Conclude..

Thanks for reading, please do not flame as this has already been written. I am aware of this, and will ignore you if you flame. You may feel it is unnecessary to create another tutorial for this, but this is all explained at the top of this thread.

I feel that although the original tutorial still works, the support of the thread has died down, and no FAQs are listed, so users may encounter problems, and struggle to get them answered, hence creating this thread.

So please guys, lay off the flaming, thanks and nominations always appreciated, but as always, are not necessary. So if your feeling nice, I will welcome you with a loving hand.

Again, thank you all for reading. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to PM me, or reply to the thread, and if your question is valid I will stick it in the FAQs section, thanks.
Last edited by Serenity_ ; 07-25-2010 at 07:38 AM.

The following 35 users say thank you to Serenity_ for this useful post:

ajt_894, Alex, andrewman18, AnThRaX FaiL, applepie123, Ashford02, beastly12, blauersalon, Chaosfire, Chickengangsta, chili2510, CrazzyDexter407, deco14, Drake, DrMontana, EarthScar, FarmerJoyce, H2Owned-, IIR4ZORII, IRoyxX, MikeyCapp, n00byus, pboy887, phantons, Plurals, PS3LUV3R, Rainbow Dash, RedxDragonx69, remi06, Run Show, shane1230, Sho0t3r, Skeen, Thibaut27
08-03-2010, 04:58 AM #110
Sweet.. i need to do:mad:
08-04-2010, 08:56 PM #111
Hey i have a question,

Can i be 9th prestige lvl 70 without prestiging to 10th prestige with the hack?

EDIT: Do you have to prestige to make this work?? or can you just stick to the lvl 70 prestige file.
Last edited by marhven ; 08-04-2010 at 09:05 PM.
08-05-2010, 01:02 AM #112
Originally posted by marhven View Post
Hey i have a question,

Can i be 9th prestige lvl 70 without prestiging to 10th prestige with the hack?

EDIT: Do you have to prestige to make this work?? or can you just stick to the lvl 70 prestige file.

Sorry, i don't think you can.

As of Aug. 4 2010 this tutorial still works.
08-05-2010, 03:44 AM #113
Bounty hunter
when I go to hit start on patch blocker, then hit test connection, it says :
Obtained Ip address : succeeded
Internet connection : failed
Then I tried all the same settings and hit "Do not us proxy," and it says everything succeeded.

Help me please, this is getting frustrating

Originally posted by Predatorz View Post
Run > CMD > ipconfig

Copy your ip and paste it in the Patch Blocker.

PS3 > Internet Connection Settings > say 'yes' if it ask proxy > enter your IP + port = 8080. It should work if it's done correctly.

Patch blocker doesn't let you change the IP.
Last edited by killmerat ; 08-05-2010 at 04:08 AM.
08-05-2010, 05:47 PM #114
well i get right to the end and canot connect while in the proxy mode :(
08-06-2010, 12:59 AM #115
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by chili2510 View Post
well i get right to the end and canot connect while in the proxy mode :(

Dude, same here. The shit gets annoying... I just gave up and went into prestige as normal instead of hacking it, but if anyone can help, please reply to this and tell me what I'm doing wrong or what's happening. Chili, let me know if you can get it to work.
08-06-2010, 11:41 AM #116
as of 2:15pm i am now 8th prestige lvl 1Smile

thanks for the guide. once i read it over it was easy
Last edited by chili2510 ; 08-06-2010 at 05:22 PM.

The following user thanked chili2510 for this useful post:

08-06-2010, 11:25 PM #117
the patch blocker is not working and when i go into mw2 it asks for an update and then i go back to game data utility and even after i deleted the cod one it is back there. HELP!!! does anyone know how to do this w/out patch blocker
08-07-2010, 10:38 AM #118
Save Point
nice tut bro ill +rep u for effort. :rolleyes:

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