Post: No recoil glitch!
11-29-2011, 11:10 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Just found this out messing around in private match. I made 2 videos on it. The 2nd one explains it better than the first because in the original video I had only thought it worked for pistols. But come to find out it works on any gun!

Video Tutorials

Text tutorial

- You must have a sniper rifle. Doesn't matter which one, doesn't matter which proficiency or attachment.

STEP 1: Scope in your sniper rifle.
STEP 2: Lay prone while still scoped in.
STEP 3: Press triangle to switch to your secondary weapon.
STEP 4: Shoot your weapon and notice it has extremely low to no recoil.

This can be done with ANY pistol, machine pistol, SMG, AR and LMG. I tested it out and it works for all of them. The way to get it to work with primaries is obvious. Just kill somebody and pick up their gun and do steps 1-4.

A strategy I would use is to use Scavenger, Quickdraw and Steady Aim. Just so you pretty much never run out of ammo.

UPDATE: It seems as though I made a mistake. For some reason earlier when I was testing this it wouldn't work without Quickdraw but I just tested it with Assasian and Blast Shield and it worked! I also took off Sleight of Hand to see if maybe that's what was causing this to happen but it still worked!

ALL YOU NEED is a sniper rifle. Cool!
Last edited by Ryan915 ; 11-29-2011 at 12:04 PM.

The following 61 users say thank you to Ryan915 for this useful post:

-Skyline, .50Cal, 0089aj,, 2RAW4THESTREET, AgentSexyPig, AssClapper-130, atifI0, AyeeLG, Bad Luck Brian, Bane_FTW, Dank, BvB-09r-_-N!c0, Carbon0x, CasJ, Cryptic, csfola10taky, Daddy, DoOm-, Evaluable, GangstaCupcake1, GodDrinksPepsi, Greenbolt111, Hamilbum, Hawkin, himpmund, Holleeder, Beats, ii_QuickScope_x, jakerad95, jdrain11, Joel, Jordan Carver, Koltz, LiveLongDieHard, lolpwnedlol, Matheus41, Mr. Bean, O.P, ONEster, oX-matto-Xo, RADDY1993, ReK, Rip The Jacker, SKATEorDIE____, skillz369, SMarT, Solid Snake, Swifter, ThereThatGuy, thomaslop08, TiCiiX, w8t4it, xCeltics, xd366, xiiBomberHD, xVz, Yeezus Christ, zomcarnage
11-29-2011, 02:06 PM #11
Cool; that´s worth a try.
Where do you get the biggest advantage? What do you think?
11-29-2011, 02:16 PM #12
Originally posted by EnerGy View Post
Just tried this and it doesn't work :/

Keep trying. Make sure you keep your scope up while you're prone and then press triangle to switch to your secondary.

For some reason I can't get it to work with Overkill every time but sometimes it works. It's weird.
11-29-2011, 04:50 PM #13
Trustworthy lvl 1
Originally posted by Ryan915 View Post
Keep trying. Make sure you keep your scope up while you're prone and then press triangle to switch to your secondary.

For some reason I can't get it to work with Overkill every time but sometimes it works. It's weird.

Was able to get it to work early, now it doesnt work at all.
Last edited by AyeeLG ; 11-29-2011 at 04:55 PM.
11-29-2011, 05:02 PM #14
Spirit R
Do a barrel roll!
juz tested, very good find!!
11-29-2011, 05:04 PM #15
I’m too L33T
Originally posted by LG
Was able to get it to work early, now it doesnt work at all.

Hotfixed maybe?
11-29-2011, 05:09 PM #16
Trustworthy lvl 1
Originally posted by One
Hotfixed maybe?

Naa, i tested it with the MSR and L118A and noticed that it didnt work when i had the kick proficiency on. So i took it off and it worked. Idk if it wont work with other proficiencies. Dont feel like testing em out hah.
11-29-2011, 05:34 PM #17
E-Dubble <3
HAHA, so much fun with pp90 + this glitch Winky Winky
Edit: doesnt work with lmg s :/
Last edited by himpmund ; 11-29-2011 at 06:08 PM.
11-29-2011, 05:47 PM #18
Easter Egg!
i hope this doesn`t ruin the game.. i dont wanna be out gunned by them damm akimbo fmg`s from a mile away with no recoil Not Happy or Sad

The following 2 users say thank you to Assassin for this useful post:

11-29-2011, 06:08 PM #19
^ Me either. But for the most part it really won't affect the game because you actually have to be GOOD at the game to maintain a killstreak. Plus sometimes I can't get it to work in online matches. Not saying that it doesn't work, but sometimes I just can't seem to "activate" it. Once it's activated though you can pick up pretty much any gun and still have no recoil, just make sure to not die.

I'm almost 100% sure they will patch this but I don't think it's "hot fix-able". Because the issue lies within how the sniper zooms in. You can't just hot fix that. Or maybe you can who knows. Enjoy it while you guys can lol.

BTW a recommendation.. Use the G36C with red dot and silencer. Even if it means you have to kill yourself and then go pick it up with your sniper. It's not even fair if you get the glitch to work with it.

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