Post: [IDEA] stopping excessive modded lobbies
04-10-2016, 06:44 PM #1
Java Developer
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Recently got back into modding specifically in the Call of Duty franchise and was joining public matches to see how bad the servers were in half of the well active modded cods to date. We can all agree that these cfg kids need to be stopped and let the well mature modders handle it.

OKAY OKAY OKAY.... The idea!

Making a script/patch of some sorts. Hell if it has to be sprx so be it but making a scirpt that would kick or at least disable all CFG users or kick the user that uses a certain command that effects the gameplay.

There are "non" host commands that work in most cod engines so is it possible? Those who know the engine well im sure know the answer.

OVERALL?!? meh idea is an idea...
05-06-2016, 10:45 PM #11
IKR I don't mind private matches or zombieland or even xp lobbies, but the ones that use aimbot are dicks

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