Post: How to Make Chrome Faster
05-08-2010, 11:12 AM #1
Smiley Stories
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As you may know if you have You must login or register to view this content. it's a pretty quick browser and is generally very good. But sometimes it needs that little push to make it load the page. Well this extension is very useful in making it load the page a lot quicker. Now its a lot quicker for me because my Internet connection is really bad. And I have used this on Mac but I'm sure it works for everyone.

Developer Details

  1. Endless Pages automatically loads the next page just before you reach the end so you don't have to click "Next" or wait
  2. Look up definitions instantly by highlighting a word
  3. Better Google: shows you relevant results from real-time and shopping search engines such as OneRiot and Amazon
  4. Search more conveniently: select text then click on a search engine to search
  5. Automatically turns text URLs into links
  6. Adds related articles to Wikipedia

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05-27-2010, 11:26 PM #11
nice post man
too bad my antivirus mistook chrome for a virus and now i cant even open a new chrome that i downloaded...
damn microsoft essentials
06-06-2010, 05:04 PM #12
Bounty hunter
Nice, Im using chrome now, beets firefox <- mine keeps crashing

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