Post: Some Addresses (1.24)
07-05-2014, 01:47 AM #1
Proud Former Admin
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey NGU,
A friend asked me to looking for some HudElem Functions in MW3, i do not have any use for them, but maybe you?

PS: It looks like that IW removed the Function "HudElem_Alloc" from MW2 and MW3, it is now integrated into "Gscr_NewHudElement"

0x0022CBA0 - SV_AddServerCommand(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)
0x002249FC - SV_DropClient(client_s *drop, const char *reason, bool tellThem)
0x00224D74 - SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)
0x00174F0C - SV_ExecuteClientMessage(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)
0x00175310 - SV_PacketEvent(netadr_t from, msg_t *msg)
0x00182568 - SendScoreboard(gentity_s *ent)
0x00188BA0 - HECmd_SetText(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001BE550 - G_RumbleIndex(const char *name)
0x0049CA74 - I_strlwr(char *s)
0x00220948 - Scr_GetString(unsigned int index)
0x00210FE0 - SL_ConvertToString(unsigned int stringValue)
0x00215794 - Scr_GetConstString(unsigned int index)
0x00211F20 - SL_GetStringForVector(const float *v)
0x002115A0 - SL_GetStringOfSize(const char *str, unsigned int user, unsigned int len, int type)
0x00209630 - Sys_EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect)
0x0020951C - RtlEnterCriticalSection
0x0020A5B8 - Sys_LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect)
0x0020A4C0 - RtlLeaveCriticalSection
0x00189400 - HECmd_SetClock(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001890B8 - HECmd_SetClock_Internal(scr_entref_t entref, he_type_t type, const char *cmdName)
0x002204B0 - Scr_GetFloat(unsigned int index)
0x00189440 - HECmd_SetClockUp(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189480 - HECmd_SetValue(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189538 - HECmd_SetWaypoint(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00020110 - BG_LerpHudColors(hudelem_s *elem, int time, hudelem_color_t *toColor)
0x00075C48 - DrawSingleHudElem2d(int localClientNum, hudelem_s *elem)
0x003CB0C0 - UI_AnyMenuVisible(int localClientNum)
0x000745A4 - GetSortedHudElems(int localClientNum, hudelem_s **elems)
0x000763B0 - CG_Draw2dHudElems(int localClientNum, int foreground)
0x000819DC - CG_ServerMaterialName(int localClientNum, int index, char *materialName, unsigned int maxLen)
0x0038B8F0 - HudElemWaypointHeight(int localClientNum, hudelem_s *elem)
0x00076684 - AddDrawSurfForHudElemWaypoint(int localClientNum, hudelem_s *elem)
0x00189828 - HECmd_FadeOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189940 - HECmd_ScaleOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189A58 - HECmd_MoveOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00187168 - HudElem_SetDefaults(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x00189CA8 - HECmd_Reset(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189D08 - HECmd_Destroy(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001BB09C - Scr_FreeHudElem(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x0021A948 - Scr_NotifyNum(int entnum, unsigned int classnum, unsigned int stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)
0x00218414 - Scr_ClearOutParams(void)
0x00212880 - FindVariableIndexInternal2(unsigned int name, unsigned int index)
0x00212CF8 - RemoveRefToValue(int type, VariableUnion u)
0x001874D4 - Scr_FreeHudElemConstStrings(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x00217EBC - Scr_FreeEntityNum(int entnum, unsigned int classnum)
0x001872E8 - HudElem_DestroyAll(void)
0x00187230 - HudElem_ClientDisconnect(gentity_s *ent)
0x002201A8 - Scr_IsSystemActive(char sys)
0x001B152C - Scr_PlayerDisconnect(gentity_s *self)
0x001828E0 - StopFollowing(gentity_s *ent)
0x001913C8 - G_TraceCapsule(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *mins, const float *maxs, const float *end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask)
0x00238BFC - SV_SetupIgnoreEntParams(IgnoreEntParams *ignoreEntParams, int baseEntity)
0x00238CB0 - SV_Trace(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *mins, const float *maxs, const float *end, IgnoreEntParams *ignoreEntParams, int contentmask, int locational, char *priorityMap, int staticmodels)
0x001D4EB0 - CM_BoxTrace(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *end, const float *mins, const float *maxs, unsigned int model, int brushmask)
0x001D4B48 - CM_Trace(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *end, const float *mins, const float *maxs, unsigned int model, int brushmask)
0x001778C8 - ClientDisconnect(int clientNum)
0x00220F90 - Scr_GetEntityRef(unsigned int index)
0x001BB03C - Scr_GetEntity(unsigned int index)
0x00189D7C - HECmd_SetPlayerNameString(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001BB128 - Scr_AddHudElem(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x00187610 - GScr_NewClientHudElem(void)
0x001876F8 - GScr_NewTeamHudElem(void)
0x0018754C - GScr_NewHudElem(void)
0x002182A8 - Scr_AddClassField(unsigned int classnum, const char *name, unsigned int offset)
0x00187818 - GScr_AddFieldsForHudElems(void)
0x001B6F18 - SP_script_brushmodel(gentity_s *self)
0x0022925C - SV_SetBrushModel(gentity_s *ent)
0x00237848 - SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)
0x002377B8 - SV_UnlinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)

Enjoy :yes:
Last edited by seb5594 ; 07-05-2014 at 07:22 AM.

The following 14 users say thank you to seb5594 for this useful post:

Akaipwn, CITYCOMET, GMTPS3, ItsLollo1000, kiwi_modz, Mango_Knife, John, Notorious, OLDSCHOOLMODZHD, Sticky, Swaqq, Turk_Warrior, xHostModer, xPAQz
07-06-2014, 12:36 AM #11
Former Staff
Originally posted by Akaipwn View Post
How about Dvar_GetString, don't know if its released but i can't find it.

0x2911A8 have fun :p

The following user thanked SC58 for this useful post:

07-06-2014, 12:54 AM #12
Former Staff
Originally posted by seb5594 View Post
Hey NGU,
A friend asked me to looking for some HudElem Functions in MW3, i do not have any use for them, but maybe you?

PS: It looks like that IW removed the Function "HudElem_Alloc" from MW2 and MW3, it is now integrated into "Gscr_NewHudElement"

0x0022CBA0 - SV_AddServerCommand(client_s *client, svscmd_type type, const char *cmd)
0x002249FC - SV_DropClient(client_s *drop, const char *reason, bool tellThem)
0x00224D74 - SV_ExecuteClientCommand(client_s *cl, const char *s, int clientOK)
0x00174F0C - SV_ExecuteClientMessage(client_s *cl, msg_t *msg)
0x00175310 - SV_PacketEvent(netadr_t from, msg_t *msg)
0x00182568 - SendScoreboard(gentity_s *ent)
0x00188BA0 - HECmd_SetText(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001BE550 - G_RumbleIndex(const char *name)
0x0049CA74 - I_strlwr(char *s)
0x00220948 - Scr_GetString(unsigned int index)
0x00210FE0 - SL_ConvertToString(unsigned int stringValue)
0x00215794 - Scr_GetConstString(unsigned int index)
0x00211F20 - SL_GetStringForVector(const float *v)
0x002115A0 - SL_GetStringOfSize(const char *str, unsigned int user, unsigned int len, int type)
0x00209630 - Sys_EnterCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect)
0x0020951C - RtlEnterCriticalSection
0x0020A5B8 - Sys_LeaveCriticalSection(CriticalSection critSect)
0x0020A4C0 - RtlLeaveCriticalSection
0x00189400 - HECmd_SetClock(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001890B8 - HECmd_SetClock_Internal(scr_entref_t entref, he_type_t type, const char *cmdName)
0x002204B0 - Scr_GetFloat(unsigned int index)
0x00189440 - HECmd_SetClockUp(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189480 - HECmd_SetValue(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189538 - HECmd_SetWaypoint(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00020110 - BG_LerpHudColors(hudelem_s *elem, int time, hudelem_color_t *toColor)
0x00075C48 - DrawSingleHudElem2d(int localClientNum, hudelem_s *elem)
0x003CB0C0 - UI_AnyMenuVisible(int localClientNum)
0x000745A4 - GetSortedHudElems(int localClientNum, hudelem_s **elems)
0x000763B0 - CG_Draw2dHudElems(int localClientNum, int foreground)
0x000819DC - CG_ServerMaterialName(int localClientNum, int index, char *materialName, unsigned int maxLen)
0x0038B8F0 - HudElemWaypointHeight(int localClientNum, hudelem_s *elem)
0x00076684 - AddDrawSurfForHudElemWaypoint(int localClientNum, hudelem_s *elem)
0x00189828 - HECmd_FadeOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189940 - HECmd_ScaleOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189A58 - HECmd_MoveOverTime(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00187168 - HudElem_SetDefaults(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x00189CA8 - HECmd_Reset(scr_entref_t entref)
0x00189D08 - HECmd_Destroy(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001BB09C - Scr_FreeHudElem(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x0021A948 - Scr_NotifyNum(int entnum, unsigned int classnum, unsigned int stringValue, unsigned int paramcount)
0x00218414 - Scr_ClearOutParams(void)
0x00212880 - FindVariableIndexInternal2(unsigned int name, unsigned int index)
0x00212CF8 - RemoveRefToValue(int type, VariableUnion u)
0x001874D4 - Scr_FreeHudElemConstStrings(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x00217EBC - Scr_FreeEntityNum(int entnum, unsigned int classnum)
0x001872E8 - HudElem_DestroyAll(void)
0x00187230 - HudElem_ClientDisconnect(gentity_s *ent)
0x002201A8 - Scr_IsSystemActive(char sys)
0x001B152C - Scr_PlayerDisconnect(gentity_s *self)
0x001828E0 - StopFollowing(gentity_s *ent)
0x001913C8 - G_TraceCapsule(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *mins, const float *maxs, const float *end, int passEntityNum, int contentmask)
0x00238BFC - SV_SetupIgnoreEntParams(IgnoreEntParams *ignoreEntParams, int baseEntity)
0x00238CB0 - SV_Trace(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *mins, const float *maxs, const float *end, IgnoreEntParams *ignoreEntParams, int contentmask, int locational, char *priorityMap, int staticmodels)
0x001D4EB0 - CM_BoxTrace(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *end, const float *mins, const float *maxs, unsigned int model, int brushmask)
0x001D4B48 - CM_Trace(trace_t *results, const float *start, const float *end, const float *mins, const float *maxs, unsigned int model, int brushmask)
0x001778C8 - ClientDisconnect(int clientNum)
0x00220F90 - Scr_GetEntityRef(unsigned int index)
0x001BB03C - Scr_GetEntity(unsigned int index)
0x00189D7C - HECmd_SetPlayerNameString(scr_entref_t entref)
0x001BB128 - Scr_AddHudElem(game_hudelem_s *hud)
0x00187610 - GScr_NewClientHudElem(void)
0x001876F8 - GScr_NewTeamHudElem(void)
0x0018754C - GScr_NewHudElem(void)
0x002182A8 - Scr_AddClassField(unsigned int classnum, const char *name, unsigned int offset)
0x00187818 - GScr_AddFieldsForHudElems(void)
0x001B6F18 - SP_script_brushmodel(gentity_s *self)
0x0022925C - SV_SetBrushModel(gentity_s *ent)
0x00237848 - SV_LinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)
0x002377B8 - SV_UnlinkEntity(gentity_s *gEnt)

Enjoy :yes:

No they didn't remove HudElem_Alloc lol you just can't find it that all, and im sure alot more of the function you posted are wrong aswell :p

The following user thanked SC58 for this useful post:

07-06-2014, 07:12 AM #13
Proud Former Admin
Originally posted by SC58 View Post
No they didn't remove HudElem_Alloc lol you just can't find it that all, and im sure alot more of the function you posted are wrong aswell :p

Check them out then Winky Winky
I was not sure about SV_Execute, i seen you had a other one and i thought mine is correct, i didn't searched for those funcs, just for Hud things, take a look for HudElem_Alloc then Smile
07-06-2014, 07:57 AM #14
Former Staff
Originally posted by seb5594 View Post
Check them out then Winky Winky
I was not sure about SV_Execute, i seen you had a other one and i thought mine is correct, i didn't searched for those funcs, just for Hud things, take a look for HudElem_Alloc then Smile

Hmm hudelem_alloc for 360 its the same each cod but i guess on ps3 it codded within another function but should be called the same way weird but its on the game
07-06-2014, 10:55 AM #15
Originally posted by Knife View Post
Ive been waiting ages for this
Now i can finally make the entity models solid.

Is it possible to make à stairway to heaven ? Happy
07-06-2014, 12:16 PM #16
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by SC58 View Post
0x2911A8 have fun :p

Thanks dude, love ya Winky Winky
07-08-2014, 09:37 AM #17
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by SC58 View Post
SV_ExecuteClientCommand is wrong this function is not in mw3..well it is but SV_ClientCommand and SV_ExecuteClientCommand are in one function soo idk what the name would be called but the SV_ExecuteClientCommand u got that address is for setting stats lol :p

lolz i got this for SV_ExecuteClientCommand:

0x0182DEC - SV_ExecuteClientCommand
07-08-2014, 09:46 AM #18
Former Staff
Originally posted by VezahMoDz View Post
lolz i got this for SV_ExecuteClientCommand:

0x0182DEC - SV_ExecuteClientCommand

lol that wrong...

this is it 0x228178 but the name is not longer SV_ExecuteClientCommand as this function is SV_ExecuteClientCommand and Sv_ClientCommand in one function idk what the name would be but mw3 does not have its own SV_ExecuteClientCommand lol

this address 0x182DEC is ClientCommand
Last edited by SC58 ; 07-08-2014 at 09:48 AM.
07-08-2014, 09:50 AM #19
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by SC58 View Post
lol that wrong...

this is it 0x228178 but the name is not longer SV_ExecuteClientCommand as this function is SV_ExecuteClientCommand and Sv_ClientCommand in one function idk what the name would be but mw3 does not have its own SV_ExecuteClientCommand lol

this address 0x182DEC is ClientCommand

oh yeah xd my mistake Happy

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