Post: COD4 Bypass Mod Menus (PS3)
07-29-2014, 03:10 AM #1
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set playlist "7"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set a "Cg_hudchatposition 250 250;say [^1UFO];bind DPAD_UP vstr l;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr b;bind BUTTON_B ufo;cg_chatheight 1"
set b ";say [^1God mode];bind DPAD_UP vstr a;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr c;bind BUTTON_B god"
set c ";say [^1Unlimited Ammo];bind DPAD_UP vstr b;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr d;bind BUTTON_B player_sustainAmmo 1"
set d ";say [^1Give All];bind DPAD_UP vstr c;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr e;bind BUTTON_B give all"
set e ";say [^1Kick All];bind DPAD_UP vstr d;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr f;bind BUTTON_B kick all"
set f ";say [^1Cod Jumper];bind DPAD_UP vstr e;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr g;bind BUTTON_B toggle jump_height 220 42;toggle g_speed 250 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;"
set g ";say [^1Chrome];bind DPAD_UP vstr f;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr h;bind BUTTON_B toggle r_specularmap 2 0"
bind button_LTRIG ""
bind button_RTRIG ""
set clanName "^6"

set t "cg_chatheight 0;bind BUTTON_B +gostand;bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;r_filmtweakenable 0;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr a"
set h ";say [^1Promod];bind DPAD_UP vstr g;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr i;bind BUTTON_B cg_fov 80"
set i ";say [^1Sherbert];bind DPAD_UP vstr h;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr j;bind BUTTON_B toggle r_debugShader 1 0"
set j ";say [^1Half Speed];bind DPAD_UP vstr i;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr k;bind BUTTON_B toggle timescale 0.5 1.0"
set k ";say [^1Double Speed];bind DPAD_UP vstr j;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr l;bind BUTTON_B toggle timescale 2.0 1.0"
set l ";say [^1Advanced];bind DPAD_UP vstr k;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr a;bind BUTTON_B toggle cg_laserForceOn 1"
bind button_RSTICK ""
set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr a"
set cg_drawThroughWalls 1 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000



set a "Cg_hudchatposition 250 250;cg_chatheight 5;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 0 0 0;r_filmtweakdarktint 0 0 0;say ^0__^7Host^0____________^3[Self]^0_____________^7Vision;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^5>God;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^7UFO;bind dpad_left vstr c;bind dpad_right vstr b;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind button_x god"
set b "say ^0__^7Self^0_____________^1[Vision]^0_____________^7Host;say ^0_;say ^0_______________________^6>Promod;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^7Chrome;bind dpad_left vstr a; bind dpad_right vstr c;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x cg_fov 80"
set c "say ^0__^7Vision^0_____________^6[Host]^0_____________^7Self;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^4>Kick all;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^7Move;bind dpad_left vstr b;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x kick all"
bind button_b "give all;r_filmTweakenable 0;cg_chatheight 0;player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_laserforceon 1"
set clanname "{v9}"

set 1 "say ^0__^7Host^0____________^3[Self]^0_____________^7Vision;say ^0_;say ^0_________________________^7God;say ^0_;say ^0_________________________^6>UFO;bind dpad_left vstr c;bind dpad_right vstr b;bind dpad_down vstr a;bind button_x noclip"
set 2 "say ^0__^7Self^0_____________^1[Vision]^0_____________^7Host;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^7Promod;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^1>Chrome;bind dpad_left vstr a;bind dpad_right vstr c;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_x r_specularmap 2"
set 3 "say ^0__^7Vision^0_____________^6[Host]^0_____________^7Self;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^7Kick all;say ^0_;say ^0________________________^2>Move;bind dpad_left vstr b;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr c;bind button_x toggle jump_height 950 42;toggle g_speed 800 220;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
bind button_back "give briefcase_bomb_mp;wait 350;vstr a;^3R^5a^2i^1n^6b^7o^4w;^3v9;^1O=Close"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"



set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp5;set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp6;set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp7;set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp8;set xp vstr xp1"
set xp5 "bind dpad_left noclip;bind dpad_right god;bind dpad_up player_sustainAmmo 1;say ElITe MeNU;say Press DPAD < Press DPAD > Press DPAD ^"
set xp6 "bind dpad_left give all;bind dpad_right kick all;bind dpad_up jump_height 220;g_speed 250;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;;say ElITe MeNU;say ElITe MeNU Press DPAD < Press DPAD > Press DPAD ^"
set xp7 "bind dpad_left set cg_thirdPerson 0;bind dpad_right set cg_thirdPerson 1;bind dpad_up toggle r_debugShader 1 0;say ElITe MeNU;say ElITe MeNU Press DPAD < Press DPAD > Press DPAD ^"
set xp8 "bind dpad_left give radar_mp;bind dpad_right give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_up give helicopter_mp;say ElITe MeNU;say KillStreak Menu Press DPAD < Press DPAD > Press DPAD ^"
set clanName "^1"
bind dpad_down "vstr xp"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1
set Cg_hudchatposition "310 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set cg_drawThroughWalls 1 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0 ; set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000
set activeAction "vstr start"
set start "set activeAction vstr start;bind button_back vstr a;say ^2Take off God Mode Or get Kicked!"
set clanname "^0¼"
set f1 "cg_chatheight 0;r_showfloatzdebug 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1"
set 1 "kick all"
set 2 "statset 3003 4294967296 ; statset 3012 4294967296 ; statset 3020 4294967296 ; statset 3060 4294967296 ; statset 3070 4294967296 ; statset 3082 4294967296;statset 252 10;statSet 2326 55;statset 2301 2417000000;0Stats"
set 3 "ufo;give brick_blaster_mp;give ammo"
set 4 "bg_falldamageminheight 9999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 9999;scr_xpscale 24170000;g_speed 999;fast_restart"
set 5 "r_znear 50;cg_laserForceOn 1;aim_lockon_debug 1;compassSize 3;set party_host 1;set Party_ConnectToOthers 1;cg_drawFps 1;r_fullbright 1;g_compassshowenemies 1;god;jump_height 999"
set f "say ^4Kick;say ^4Stats ;say ^4UFO;say ^4Speed;say Infections;say ^2[ Exit ];bind DPAD_UP vstr e;bind BUTTON_A vstr f1"



set activeAction "vstr start"
set start "set activeAction vstr start;bind button_back vstr a;say ^2Take off God Mode Or get Kicked!"
set clanname "^0¼"
set f1 "cg_chatheight 0;r_showfloatzdebug 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1"
set 1 "kick all"
set 2 "statset 3003 4294967296 ; statset 3012 4294967296 ; statset 3020 4294967296 ; statset 3060 4294967296 ; statset 3070 4294967296 ; statset 3082 4294967296;statset 252 10;statSet 2326 55;statset 2301 2417000000;0Stats"
set 3 "ufo;give brick_blaster_mp;give ammo"
set 4 "bg_falldamageminheight 9999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 9999;scr_xpscale 24170000;g_speed 999;fast_restart"
set 5 "r_znear 50;cg_laserForceOn 1;aim_lockon_debug 1;compassSize 3;set party_host 1;set Party_ConnectToOthers 1;cg_drawFps 1;r_fullbright 1;g_compassshowenemies 1;god;jump_height 999"
set f "say ^4Kick;say ^4Stats ;say ^4UFO;say ^4Speed;say Infections;say ^2[ Exit ];bind DPAD_UP vstr e;bind BUTTON_A vstr f1"

set clanname "^0¼"
set a "cg_hudchatposition 305 250;r_showfloatzdebug 1;cg_chatheight 6;cg_chattime 75000;say ^2[ Kick ];say ^4Stats;say ^4UFO;say ^4Speed;say Infections;say ^4Exit;bind DPAD_UP vstr f;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr b;bind BUTTON_A vstr 1"
set b "say ^4Kick;say ^2[ Stats ];say ^4UFO;say ^4Speed; say Infections; say ^4Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr a;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr c;bind BUTTON_A vstr 2"
set c "say ^4Kick;say ^4Stats;say ^2[ UFO ];say ^4Speed; say Infections; say ^4Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr b;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr d;bind BUTTON_A vstr 3"
set d "say ^4Kick;say ^4Stats;say ^4UFO;say ^2[ Speed ]; say Infections; say ^4Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr c;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr e;bind BUTTON_A vstr 4"
set e "say ^4Kick;say ^4Stats;say ^4UFO;say ^4Speed; say [ Infections ]; say ^4Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr d;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr f;bind BUTTON_A vstr 5"



set clanName "^6OF"
set Cg_hudchatposition "250 250"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set cg_chatHeight "5"
set player_meleeRange "900"
set xp9 "bind dpad_up toggle g_gravity 200 600 1000 ;bind dpad_right toggle jump_height 1000 ;bind dpad_down g_gravity 10 ;bg_fallDamageMaxheight 99999 ; bg_fallDamageMinheight 99999;say Jump Menu ; say ^2Haut: Gravité 200-600-1000;say ^3Bas: No Gravité;say ^4Droite: Super Jump"
set xp10 "bind dpad_up toggle timescale 0.5 ; bind dpad_right toggle timescale 25.0 ; bind dpad_down toggle timescale 1.0 ;say Vitesse Menu ; say ^8Haut: Slow;say ^2Droite: Fast;say ^4Bas: Normal"
set xp11 "bind dpad_up g_speed 1000 ; bind dpad_right g_speed 600 ; bind dpad_down g_speed 0 ;say Speed Menu ;say ^8Haut: Speed 1000;say ^2Droite: Speed 600;say ^4Bas: Speed 0"
Bind BUTTON_RSTICK "+melee;r_showFloatZDebug 0"
Bind BUTTON_START "togglemenu ; ui_allow_teamchange 1"

set gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set input_autoAim "1"
set cg_drawFPS "1"
set scr_game_forceuav "1"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set perk_weapRateMultiplier "0"
set xp "vstr xp1"
set xp1 "vstr xp7 ; set xp vstr xp2"
set xp2 "vstr xp8 ; set xp vstr xp3"
set xp3 "vstr xp9 ; set xp vstr xp4"
set xp4 "vstr xp10 ; set xp vstr xp5"
set xp5 "vstr xp11 ; set xp vstr xp1"
set xp7 "bind dpad_up god;bind dpad_right noclip ; bind dpad_down scr_dm_timelimit 0 .0001 ; scr_game_allowkillcam 0 ; scr_dm_numlives 0 1 ;scr_dm_scorelimit 0 1 ;say ^8Mode Basic;say ^2Haut: god mode;say ^4Droite: noclip;say ^6Bas: Match En Cage Ilimité"
set xp8 "bind dpad_up scr_xpscale 600;bind dpad_right scr_xpscale 5000;bind dpad_down fast_restart;say ^5Mode XP;say ^5Haut: 3000xp;say ^6Droite: 25000xp Niv14;say ^2Bas: Reset Partie"
bind BUTTON_LTRIG "vstr xp; r_showFloatZDebug 1 ;say ^3Menu By INFINITY_GODX"
set cg_overheadNamesSize "2"
set cg_overheadRankSize "2"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"



set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set a "bind button_a vstr 1;bind dpad_up +actionslot 1;say [ ^5Account Menu ^7];say ^1Fun Menu;bind dpad_down vstr b"
set 1 "bind button_a player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_chatHeight 5;say ^5Account Menu;say [ ^3Infinite Ammo ^7];say 10th Prestiege;say 11th Prestiege;say Challenges;bind dpad_down vstr 1b"
set 1b "bind button_a statSet 2326 10;say ^5Account Menu;say Infinite Ammo;say [ ^310th Prestiege ^7];say 11th Prestiege;say Challenges;bind dpad_down vstr 1c"
set 1c "bind button_a statSet 2326 11;say ^5Account Menu;say Infinite Ammo;say 10th Prestiege;say [ ^311th Prestiege ^7];say Challenges;bind dpad_down vstr 1d"
set b "bind button_a vstr 2;say ^5Account Menu;say [ ^1Fun Menu^7];bind dpad_down vstr a"
set 2 "bind button_a god;cg_chatHeight 5;say ^1Fun Menu;say [ ^3God ^7];say UFO;say Super;say Teleport;bind dpad_down vstr 2a"
set 2a "bind button_a UFO;say ^1Fun Menu;say God;say [ ^3UFO ^7];say Super;say Teleport;bind dpad_down vstr

set gpad_buttonsConfig "t"
set Cg_hudchatposition "250 250"
set clanName "{@@}"
set e "+actionslot 4;bind button_a +gostand;bind dpad_up vstr a;cg_chatheight 0;r_filmtweakenable 0"
bind dpad_up "vstr a;cg_chatHeight 2;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakInvert 1; r_filmTweakLightTint 1.06 0.5 1.3"
bind button_x "vstr e"
set 1d "bind button_a statSet mp/unlock_challenges 32;say ^5Account Menu;say Infinite Ammo;say 10th Prestiege;say 11th Prestiege;say [ ^3Challenges ^7];bind dpad_down vstr 1"
set j "jump_height 999;g_speed 800;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 9999;bg_fallDamageMaxHeight 9999"
set 2c "bind button_a vstr j;say ^1Fun Menu;say God;say UFO;say [ ^3Super ^7];say Teleport;bind dpad_down vstr 2d"
set 2d "bind button_a setviewpos 1111 2222 3333 4444;say ^1Fun Menu;say God;say UFO;say Super;say [ ^3Teleport ^7];bind dpad_down vstr 2"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_host "1"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
bind dpad_up "vstr a"
set Cg_hudchatposition 310 220
set a "cg_chatHeight 4;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 0 0 0;say [^1Admin];say 2;say 3;say 4;bind button_x vstr M;bind dpad_down vstr b"
set b "say 1;say ^1Infection;say 3;say 4;bind button_x vstr K;bind dpad_down vstr c"
set c "say 1;say 2;say ^1Fun;say 4;bind button_x vstr V;bind dpad_down vstr d"
set d "say 1;say 2;say 3;say ^1Exit;bind button_x vstr e;bind dpad_down vstr a"
set K "cg_chatheight 1;say ^2MaxAmmo;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1;bind dpad_down vstr K1"
set K1 "say ^2LaserAim;bind button_x cg_laserForceOn 1;bind dpad_down vstr K2"
set K2 "say ^2SteadyAim;bind button_x perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.0000000001;bind dpad_down vstr K"
bind dpad_right "say ^2Get These Codes At"
bind button_LTRIG "say ^3NO GOD MODE BITCHES"
set x3 "scr_xpscale 200;fast_restart"
set clanName "^4"

set M "cg_chatheight 1;say ^2God;bind button_x god;bind dpad_down vstr M1"
set M1 "say ^2Cod Jumper;bind button_x jump_height 999;g_speed 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;bind dpad_down vstr M2"
set M2 "say ^2High XP;bind button_x vstr x2;bind dpad_down vstr M3"
set M3 "say ^2Low XP;bind button_x vstr x3;bind dpad_down vstr M4"
set M4 "say ^2Kick;bind button_x kick all;bind dpad_down vstr M"
set V "cg_chatheight 1;say ^2Air$;bind button_x give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_down vstr V1"
set V1 "say ^2UFO;bind button_x noclip;bind dpad_down vstr V2"
set V2 "say ^2Mod;bind button_x cg_fov 100;toggle r_specularmap 2 0;bind dpad_down vstr V3"
set V3 "say ^2SlowMo;bind button_x cg_drawThroughWalls 1;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;bind dpad_down vstr V"
set x2 "scr_xpscale 4000;fast_restart"
set playlist "2"
set e "+actionslot 4;bind button_a +gostand;cg_chatheight 0;r_filmTweakenable 0"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "K"
player_sustainAmmo 1
cg_hudChatPosition "5 250"
cg_chatHeight 6
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind button_back set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_do_notify X;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;vstr P;vstr 1;vstr MAT"
set P "bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr X"
set X "unbind dpad_up;unbind dpad_down;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance"
bind button_x "toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1;vstr FH"
set IN "cg_overheadNamesGlow 0 1 1 1;cg_overheadRankSize 11;lowAmmoWarningColor1 0.5 0 0.8 1;lowAmmoWarningColor2 0 1 0 1;phys_gravity 1;cg_gun_x 2;g_teamname_allies ^5Dicks;g_teamname_axis ^2Pussies;g_teamicon_allies x;g_teamicon_axis x;scr_do_notify ^2Infections Set!"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set loc_warnings "0"
set loc_warningsAsErrors "0"
set MAT "set ui_gametype ^2Kush Friendly's ^6CFG ^5v8"
ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor "0.5 0 0.8 1"
clanName "^2*"

set 1 "say ^4God Mode ^2<--;say ^4No Clip;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4Super Speed;say ^4Infections;set a vstr 6;set b vstr 2;set i god"
set 2 "say ^4God Mode;say ^4No Clip ^2<--;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4Super Speed;say ^4Infections;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i noclip"
set 3 "say ^4God Mode;say ^4No Clip;say ^4Add Bots ^2<--;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4Super Speed;say ^4Infections;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 4;set i scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "say ^4God Mode;say ^4No Clip;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4Super Jump ^2<--;say ^4Super Speed;say ^4Infections;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 5;set i toggle jump_height 1000 39;bg_falldamageminheight 999"
set 5 "say ^4God Mode;say ^4No Clip;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4Super Speed ^2<--;say ^4Infections;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 6;set i toggle g_speed 1300 190"
set 6 "say ^4God Mode;say ^4No Clip;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4Super Speed;say ^4Infections ^2<--;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 1;set i vstr IN"
set FH "\""^5Force Host ^2Toggled""



set gpad_buttonsConfig "X"
cg_hudchatposition "50 250"
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify ^2X^0e^2X;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;bind button_back togglescores;vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^2God;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x god"
set 2 "say X;say ^2UFO;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x noclip"
set 3 "say X;say X;say ^2Add Bots;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind dpad_down vstr 4;bind button_x scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "say X;say X;say X;say ^2Level 55;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 3;bind dpad_down vstr 5;bind button_x scr_set_level 55"
set 5 "say X;say X;say X;say X;say ^2Super Jump;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 4;bind dpad_down vstr 6;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamageminheight 999 139"

set 6 "say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say ^2Super Speed;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 5;bind dpad_down vstr 7;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1110 190"
set 7 "say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say ^2Force Host;say X;bind dpad_up vstr 6;bind dpad_down vstr 8;bind button_x toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"
set 8 "say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say ^2Page 2;bind dpad_up vstr 7;bind dpad_down vstr 8;bind button_x vstr a"
set a "say ^2Slow-Mo;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_x toggle timescale 0.13 1"
set b "say X;say ^2Give All;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr c;bind button_x give all"
set c "say X;say X;say ^211th Prestige;say X;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind button_x statSet 2326 11"
set d "say X;say X;say X;say ^2Page 1;say X;say X;say X;say X;bind dpad_up vstr c;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind button_x vstr 1"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "X"
set ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify 55 Set"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;bind button_back togglescore;vstr 1;vstr HCM"
set player_sustainAmmo 1
set cg_hudChatPosition "50 240"
set cg_chatHeight "3"
set 1 "say ^2|--VIP--|;say ^6|--Admin--|;say ^6|--Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x vstr zs"
set 2 "say ^6|--VIP--|;say ^2|--Admin--|;say ^6|--Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x vstr cs"
set 3 "say ^6|--VIP--|;say ^6|--Admin--|;say ^2|--Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind button_x vstr rs"
set zs "say ^2|--UFO--|;say ^6|--Give All--|;say ^6|--Infect--|;bind dpad_down vstr zc;bind button_x noclip"
set zc "say ^6|--UFO--|;say ^2|--Give All--|;say ^6|--Infect--|;bind dpad_down vstr zv;bind button_x give all"
set zv "say ^6|--UFO--|;say ^6|--Give All--|;say ^2|--Infect--|;bind dpad_down vstr zs;bind button_x cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_gun_x 3.5"

set cs "say ^2|--God Mode--|;say ^6|--Add Bots--|;say ^6|--Level 55--|;bind dpad_down vstr co;bind button_x god"
set co "say ^6|--God Mode--|;say ^2|--Add Bots--|;say ^6|--Level 55--|;bind dpad_down vstr cu;bind button_x scr_testClients 18"
set cu "say ^6|--God Mode--|;say ^6|--Add Bots--|;say ^2|--Level 55--|;bind dpad_down vstr cs;bind button_x scr_set_level 55"
set HCM "scr_do_notify ^2Chronic Dev ^5| ^2High^0Class^2Mods"
set rs "say ^2|--Super Jump--|;say ^6|--Super Speed--|;say ^6|--Force Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr rw;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamageminheight 999 139"
set rw "say ^6|--Super Jump--|;say ^2|--Super Speed--|;say ^6|--Force Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr rx;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1100 190"
set rx "say ^6|--Super Jump--|;say ^6|--Super Speed--|;say ^2|--Force Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr rs;bind button_x toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"
set con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "XeX"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set cg_hudChatPosition "50 250"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify ^2You Are Now Level 55!"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;^6Dev.Mode_^1OFF"
bind dpad_right "cg_chatHeight 2;vstr a"
set a "say ^2Admin Menu;say Fun Menu;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_x vstr 1"
set b "say Admin Menu;say ^2Fun Menu;bind dpad_down vstr a;bind button_x vstr x0"
set 1 "cg_chatHeight 4;say ^2Force Host;say Super Jump;say Super Speed;say Toggle Ammo;bind dpad_up vstr 4;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x toggle party_hostmigration 0 1;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"
set 2 "say Force Host;say ^2Super Jump;say Super Speed;say Toggle Ammo;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 42;bg_falldamageminheight 999"
set AM "toggle player_sustainAmmo 1 0"

set 3 "say Force Host;say Super Jump;say ^2Super Speed;say Toggle Ammo;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind dpad_down vstr 4;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1250 190"
set 4 "say Force Host;say Super Jump;say Super Speed;say ^2Toggle Ammo;bind dpad_up vstr 3;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind button_x vstr AM"
set x0 "cg_chatHeight 4;say ^2God;say UFO;say Level 55;say Add Bots;bind dpad_down vstr x1;bind dpad_up vstr x3;bind button_x god"
set x1 "say God;say ^2UFO;say Level 55;say Add Bots;bind dpad_down vstr x2;bind dpad_up vstr x0;bind button_x noclip"
set x2 "say God;say UFO;say ^2Level 55;say Add Bots;bind dpad_down vstr x3;bind dpad_up vstr x1;bind button_x scr_set_level 55"
set x3 "say God;say UFO;say Level 55;say ^2Add Bots;bind dpad_down vstr x0;bind dpad_up vstr x2;bind button_x scr_testClients 18"
bind button_rtrig "scr_do_notify ^1<3^2<3^3<3 ^2zModded_Lobbies ^5Bitches"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set input_viewSensitivity "5"
set cg_hudChatPosition "50 250"
set cg_chatHeight "1"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind dpad_left set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_do_notify ^2You Are Now Level 55!;set scr_testClients 17;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_dm_score_kill 1337;set scr_dm_score_suicide 1337"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;scr_do_notify ^2Dev Mode ^6[^1OFF^6]"
set player_sustainAmmo 1
bind dpad_right "say Loading...;wait 250;vstr 1"
set 1 "say ^2God Mode;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x god"
set 2 "say ^2UFO Mode;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x noclip"
set 3 "say ^2Add Bots;bind dpad_down vstr 4;bind button_x set scr_testClients 17"
set 4 "say ^2Level 55;bind dpad_down vstr 5;bind button_x set scr_set_level 55"
set 5 "say ^2Super Jump;bind dpad_down vstr 6;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 42;bg_falldamageminheight 999"
set 6 "say ^2Super Speed;bind dpad_down vstr 7;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1111 190"

set 7 "say ^2Pro Mod;bind dpad_down vstr 8;bind button_x toggle cg_gun_x 3.5 0"
set 8 "say ^2Slow-Mo;bind dpad_down vstr 9;bind button_x toggle timescale 0.15 1"
set 9 "say ^2Max Clients;bind dpad_down vstr 10;bind button_x sv_maxclients 18"
set 10 "say ^2Fast Restart;bind dpad_down vstr 11;bind button_x fast_restart"
set 11 "say ^2Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 12;bind button_x give all"
set 12 "say ^2Kick All;bind dpad_down vstr 13;bind button_x kick all"
set 13 "say ^2Brick Blaster;bind dpad_down vstr 14;bind button_x give brick_blaster_mp"
set 14 "say ^2Lock Lobby;bind dpad_down vstr 15;bind button_x g_password 420x"
set 15 "say ^2Unlock Lobby;bind dpad_down vstr 16;bind button_x g_password "
set 16 "say ^2Wall Hack;bind dpad_down vstr 17;bind button_x toggle r_znear 35 1"
set 17 "say ^2Force Host;bind dpad_down vstr 18;bind button_x toggle party_hostmigration 0 1;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"
set 18 "say ^2Cartoon Mode;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind button_x toggle r_fullbright 1 0"



set gpad_buttonsConfig K
bind dpad_up vstr m
set m "vstr p;vstr 1"
set l7 "say ^2God Mod^0e;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr s1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4"
set l8 "vstr o1;say ^0N;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l9"
set l9 "vstr o1;say ^2N^0o;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l10"
set l10 "vstr o1;say ^2No ^0C;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l11"
set l11 "vstr o1;say ^2No ^2C^0l;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l12"
set l12 "vstr o1;say ^2No ^2Cl^0i;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l13"
set l13 "vstr o1;say ^2No ^2Cli^0p;vstr o3;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr o1;vstr s2;vstr o3;vstr o4"
set l14 "vstr o1;vstr o2;say ^0J;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l15"
set l15 "vstr o1;vstr o2;say ^2J^0u;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l16"
set l16 "vstr o1;vstr o2;say ^2Ju^0m;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr l17"
set l17 "vstr o1;vstr o2;say ^2Jum^0p;vstr o4;wait 8;vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr s3;vstr o4"
clanName "^2"

set 1 "vstr l1;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 2;set i god"
set 2 "vstr l8;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i noclip"
set 3 "vstr l14;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 1;set i toggle jump_height 1000 49;bg_falldamageminheight 999"
set o1 "say God Mode"
set o2 "say No Clip"
set o3 "say Jump"
set s1 "say ^2God Mode"
set s2 "say ^2No Clip"
set s3 "say ^2Jump"
set p "bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr x"
set x "bind dpad_up vstr m;unbind dpad_down;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance"
set l1 "say ^0G;vstr o2;vstr o3;wait 8;vstr l2"
set l2 "say ^2G^0o;vstr o2;vstr o3;wait 8;vstr l3"
set l3 "say ^2Go^0d;vstr o2;vstr o3;wait 8;vstr l4"
set l4 "say ^2God ^0M;vstr o2;vstr o3;wait 8;vstr l5"
set l5 "say ^2God M^0o;vstr o2;vstr o3;wait 8;vstr l6"
set l6 "say ^2God Mo^0d;vstr o2;vstr o3;wait 8;vstr l7"
cg_chatHeight 3



set gpad_buttonsConfig K
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind dpad_up set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 0;set scr_do_notify X"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;vstr P;vstr 1;vstr F;player_sustainAmmo 1"
set P "aim_lockon_debug 1;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr X"
set X "aim_lockon_debug 0;vstr U;unbind dpad_up;unbind dpad_down;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance"
set aim_lockon_region_height 480
set aim_lockon_region_width 330
con_gameMsgWindow1Filter gamenotify
con_gameMsgWindow0Filter obituary
con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime 0
con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount 7
con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime 9
con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime 0
clanName "{KF}"
set E1 "\""^0God Mode""
set E2 "\""^0No Clip""
set E3 "\""^0Add Bots""
set E4 "\""^0Lobby Mods""
set E5 "\""^0Infections""
set E6 "\""^0Slow Mo""
set W1 "\""God Mode""
set W2 "\""No Clip""
set W3 "\""Add Bots""
set W4 "\""Lobby Mods""
set W5 "\""Infections""
set W6 "\""Slow Mo""

set H "\""^5BCFG v2.5""
set U ".;.;.;.;.;.;^2Kush_Friendly"
set F "scr_do_notify ^5Created By ^2Kush Friendly"
set 1 "vstr H;vstr W1;vstr E2;vstr E3;vstr E4;vstr E5;vstr E6;set a vstr 6;set b vstr 2;set i god"
set 2 "vstr H;vstr E1;vstr W2;vstr E3;vstr E4;vstr E5;vstr E6;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i noclip"
set 3 "vstr H;vstr E1;vstr E2;vstr W3;vstr E4;vstr E5;vstr E6;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 4;set i scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "vstr H;vstr E1;vstr E2;vstr E3;vstr W4;vstr E5;vstr E6;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 5;set i vstr FH"
set 5 "vstr H;vstr E1;vstr E2;vstr E3;vstr E4;vstr W5;vstr E6;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 6;set i vstr IK"
set 6 "vstr H;vstr E1;vstr E2;vstr E3;vstr E4;vstr E5;vstr W6;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 1;set i toggle timescale 0.25 1"
set FH "toggle g_speed 1111 190;toggle jump_height 1000 39;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
set IK "ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor 1 0 0 1;cg_overheadNamesGlow 0 1 1 1;cg_overheadRankSize 11;phys_gravity 800;cg_gun_x 2;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^2Infections Set"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "K"
player_sustainAmmo 1
cg_hudChatPosition 5 250
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind button_back set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_do_notify X"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;vstr R;vstr 1;bind BUTTON_BACK togglescores"
set R "bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr X"
set X "unbind dpad_up;unbind dpad_down;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance"
set o1 "say ^1God Mode"
set o2 "say ^1No Clip"
set o3 "say ^1Add Bots"
set o4 "say ^1Infections"
set o5 "say ^1Super Jump"
set o6 "say ^1Super Speed"
set o7 "say ^1Slow-Mo"
set o8 "say ^1Lobby Ad"
set s1 "say ^2God Mode"
set s2 "say ^2No Clip"
set s3 "say ^2Add Bots"
set s4 "say ^2Infections"
set s5 "say ^2Super Jump"
set s6 "say ^2Super Speed"
set s7 "say ^2Slow-Mo"
set s8 "say ^2Lobby Ad"
set IN "cg_overheadNamesGlow 0 1 1 1;cg_overheadRankSize 11;cg_laserForceOn 1;lowAmmoWarningColor1 0.5 0 0.8 1;lowAmmoWarningColor2 0 1 0 1;phys_gravity 1"

set 1 "vstr s1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4;vstr o5;vstr o6;vstr o7;vstr o8;set a vstr 8;set b vstr 2;set i god"
set 2 "vstr o1;vstr s2;vstr o3;vstr o4;vstr o5;vstr o6;vstr o7;vstr o8;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i noclip"
set 3 "vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr s3;vstr o4;vstr o5;vstr o6;vstr o7;vstr o8;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 4;set i scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr s4;vstr o5;vstr o6;vstr o7;vstr o8;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 5;set i vstr IN"
set 5 "vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4;vstr s5;vstr o6;vstr o7;vstr o8;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 6;set i toggle jump_height 1000 39;bg_falldamageminheight 999"
set 6 "vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4;vstr o5;vstr s6;vstr o7;vstr o8;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 7;set i toggle g_speed 1000 190"
set 7 "vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4;vstr o5;vstr o6;vstr s7;vstr o8;set a vstr 6;set b vstr 8;set i toggle timescale 0.3 1"
set 8 "vstr o1;vstr o2;vstr o3;vstr o4;vstr o5;vstr o6;vstr o7;vstr s8;set a vstr 7;set b vstr 1;set i scr_do_notify ^4Created By ^2Kush Friendly"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
player_sustainAmmo 1
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;vstr M;vstr 1"
set M "bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr X"
set X "bind dpad_down +melee;bind dpad_up +melee;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance"
set 1 "cg_chatHeight 4;say ^2Account;say ^5VIP;say ^5Admin;say ^5Host;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 2;set i vstr a1"
set 2 "say ^5Account;say ^2VIP;say ^5Admin;say ^5Host;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i vstr b1"
set 3 "say ^5Account;say ^5VIP;say ^2Admin;say ^5Host;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 4;set i vstr c1"
set 4 "say ^5Account;say ^5VIP;say ^5Admin;say ^2Host;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 1;set i vstr d1"
set a1 "cg_chatHeight 2;say ^2Level 55;say ^511th;set a vstr a2;set b vstr a2;set i scr_set_level 55"
set a2 "say ^5Level 55;say ^211th;set a vstr a1;set b vstr a1;set i statSet 2326 11"
cg_hudChatPosition "5 250"

set b1 "cg_chatHeight 3;say ^2UFO;say ^5Pro Mod;say ^5Give All;set a vstr b3;set b vstr b2;set i noclip"
set b2 "say ^5UFO;say ^2Pro Mod;say ^5Give All;set a vstr b1;set b vstr b3;set i cg_gun_x 3.5 0"
set b3 "say ^5UFO;say ^5Pro Mod;say ^2Give All;set a vstr b2;set b vstr b1;set i give all"
set c1 "cg_chatHeight 3;say ^2God;say ^5UAV;say ^5Add Bots;set a vstr c3;set b vstr c2;set i god"
set c2 "say ^5God;say ^2UAV;say ^5Add Bots;set a vstr c1;set b vstr c3;set i scr_game_forceuav 1"
set c3 "say ^5God;say ^5UAV;say ^2Add Bots;set a vstr c2;set b vstr c1;set i scr_testClients 18"
set d1 "cg_chatHeight 3;say ^2Super Jump;say ^5Super Speed;say ^5Force Host;set a vstr d3;set b vstr d2;set i toggle jump_height 1000 39;bg_falldamageminheight 999"
set d2 "say ^5Super Jump;say ^2Super Speed;say ^5Force Host;set a vstr d1;set b vstr d3;set i toggle g_speed 1200 190"
set d3 "say ^5Super Jump;say ^5Super Speed;say ^2Force Host;set a vstr d2;set b vstr d1;set i toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "K"
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify XeX;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;bind button_back togglescores;vstr q;wait 120;vstr 1;vstr binds;vstr WATERMARK"
player_sustainAmmo 1
set aim_lockon_region_height 480
set aim_lockon_region_width 340
set con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "gamenotify"
set binds "bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr x;aim_lockon_debug 1"
set con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "obituary"
set con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime "0"
set q "\""^6Developer Mode ^2OFF""
set con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount "7"
set con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime "3"
set x "bind dpad_down +actionslot3;bind dpad_up +actionslot1;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;aim_lockon_debug 0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime "0"
set INFECT "cg_gun_x 3.5;cg_DrawFPS 3;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^2Infections Set!"

set 1 "^5BCFG_v2.4;^6Made_By:^2Kush_Friendly;^2God_Mode;^ 4UFO_Mode;^4Add_Bots;^4Lobby_Mods;^4Infections;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 2;set i god"
set 2 "^5BCFG_v2.4;^6Made_By:^2Kush_Friendly;^4God_Mode;^ 2UFO_Mode;^4Add_Bots;^4Lobby_Mods;^4Infections;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i noclip"
set 3 "^5BCFG_v2.4;^6Made_By:^2Kush_Friendly;^4God_Mode;^ 4UFO_Mode;^2Add_Bots;^4Lobby_Mods;^4Infections;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 4;set i scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "^5BCFG_v2.4;^6Made_By:^2Kush_Friendly;^4God_Mode;^ 4UFO_Mode;^4Add_Bots;^2Lobby_Mods;^4Infections;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 5;set i vstr LM"
set 5 "^5BCFG_v2.4;^6Made_By:^2Kush_Friendly;^4God_Mode;^ 4UFO_Mode;^4Add_Bots;^4Lobby_Mods;^2Infections;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 1;set i vstr INFECT"
set WATERMARK "scr_do_notify ^5BCFG v2.4 ^2Kush Friendly"
set LM "toggle g_speed 1111 190;toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamagemaxheight 999 139"
set clanName "{KF}"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify XEX;set scr_set_level 55;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;^6Developer^2OFF;vstr 1;cg_chatHeight 7;vstr binds;vstr WM;bind button_back togglescores"
player_sustainAmmo 1
set clanName "{KF}"
set cg_hudchatposition 5 250
set WM "scr_do_notify ^2Kush Friendly ^1The ^2Kush ^3Mods"
set binds "bind dpad_down vstr a;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind button_a vstr s;bind button_b vstr x"
set z1 "god"
set z2 "noclip"
set z3 "scr_testClients 18"
set z4 "toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamagemaxheight 999 139"
set z5 "toggle g_speed 1100 190"
set z6 "cg_gun_x 3.5;cg_DrawFPS 3;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^2Infections Set!"
set party_host 1
set party_ConnectToOthers 0
set x "bind dpad_down +actionslot3;bind dpad_up +actionslot1;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;cg_chatHeight 0"

set 1 "say ^1The ^2Kush ^3Mods;say ^2God Mode;say ^9UFO Mode;say ^9Add Bots;say ^9Super Jump;say ^9Super Speed;say ^9Infections;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 6;set s vstr z1"
set 2 "say ^2The ^3Kush ^1Mods;say ^9God Mode;say ^2UFO Mode;say ^9Add Bots;say ^9Super Jump;say ^9Super Speed;say ^9Infections;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 1;set s vstr z2"
set 3 "say ^3The ^1Kush ^2Mods;say ^9God Mode;say ^9UFO Mode;say ^2Add Bots;say ^9Super Jump;say ^9Super Speed;say ^9Infections;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 2;set s vstr z3"
set 4 "say ^1The ^2Kush ^3Mods;say ^9God Mode;say ^9UFO Mode;say ^9Add Bots;say ^2Super Jump;say ^9Super Speed;say ^9Infections;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 3;set s vstr z4"
set 5 "say ^2The ^3Kush ^1Mods;say ^9God Mode;say ^9UFO Mode;say ^9Add Bots;say ^9Super Jump;say ^2Super Speed;say ^9Infections;set a vstr 6;set b vstr 4;set s vstr z5"
set 6 "say ^3The ^1Kush ^2Mods;say ^9God Mode;say ^9UFO Mode;say ^9Add Bots;say ^9Super Jump;say ^9Super Speed;say ^2Infections;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 5;set s vstr z6"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "k"
bind dpad_up "vstr O"
set O "bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind button_a vstr i;bind button_b vstr L;vstr 1"
set L "bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;bind dpad_up vstr O"
set 1 "^2God;^5UFO;^5Modz;^5WallHack;^5ProMod;^5GiveAll; ^5LowGravity;set a vstr 7;set b vstr 2;set i god"
set 2 "^5God;^2UFO;^5Modz;^5WallHack;^5ProMod;^5GiveAll; ^5LowGravity;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 3;set i noclip"
set 3 "^5God;^5UFO;^2Modz;^5WallHack;^5ProMod;^5GiveAll; ^5LowGravity;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 4;set i g_speed 1200;jump_height 999"
set 4 "^5God;^5UFO;^5Modz;^2WallHack;^5ProMod;^5GiveAll; ^5LowGravity;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 5;set i r_znear 35"
set 5 "^5God;^5UFO;^5Modz;^5WallHack;^2ProMod;^5GiveAll; ^5LowGravity;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 6;set i cg_gun_x 3.5"
set 6 "^5God;^5UFO;^5Modz;^5WallHack;^5ProMod;^2GiveAll; ^5LowGravity;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 7;set i give all"
set 7 "^5God;^5UFO;^5Modz;^5WallHack;^5ProMod;^5GiveAll; ^2LowGravity;set a vstr 6;set b vstr 1;set i g_gravity 180"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
set con_minicon "1"
set con_miniconlines "7"
set con_minicontime "8"
set con_miniconScrollTime "0"
set con_miniconFadeInTime "0"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "u"
set ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify XEX;set scr_set_level 55;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;^6Developer^2OFF;vstr ZXC"
player_sustainAmmo 1
bind dpad_down "vstr menu"
set menu "vstr binds;vstr o1"
set binds "bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind button_a vstr 3;bind button_b vstr 4"
set cmd1 "god"
set cmd2 "noclip"
set cmd3 "scr_testClients 18"
set cmd4 "scr_set_level 55"
set cmd5 "toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamagemaxheight 999 139"
set cmd6 "toggle g_speed 1111 190"
set cmd7 "toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_ConnectToOthers 0 1"
set cmd8 "give all"
set cmd9 "toggle g_gravity 100 800;toggle phys_gravity 1 -800"
set cmd10 "cg_gun_x 3.5;cg_DrawFPS 3;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^2Infections Set!"
set cmd11 "scr_xpscale 555;fast_restart"
set cmd12 "statSet 2326 11;scr_do_notify ^211th Prestige Set!"

set o1 "^1God_Mode;set 2 vstr o12;set 1 vstr o2;set 3 vstr cmd1"
set o2 "^2UFO_Mode;set 2 vstr o1;set 1 vstr o3;set 3 vstr cmd2"
set o3 "^3Add_Bots;set 2 vstr o2;set 1 vstr o4;set 3 vstr cmd3"
set o4 "^4Level_55;set 2 vstr o3;set 1 vstr o5;set 3 vstr cmd4"
set o5 "^5Super_Jump;set 2 vstr o4;set 1 vstr o6;set 3 vstr cmd5"
set o6 "^6Super_Speed;set 2 vstr o5;set 1 vstr o7;set 3 vstr cmd6"
set o7 "^1Force_Host;set 2 vstr o6;set 1 vstr o8;set 3 vstr cmd7"
set o8 "^2Give_All;set 2 vstr o7;set 1 vstr o9;set 3 vstr cmd8"
set o9 "^3Low_Gravity;set 2 vstr op8;set 1 vstr o10;set 3 vstr cmd9"
set o10 "^4Infections;set 2 vstr o9;set 1 vstr o11;set 3 vstr cmd10"
set o11 "^5High_XP;set 2 vstr o10;set 1 vstr o12;set 3 vstr cmd11"
set o12 "^611th_Prestige;set 2 vstr o11;set 1 vstr o13;set 3 vstr cmd12"
set 4 "bind dpad_down vstr menu;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;bind dpad_up +actionslot1"
set ZXC "scr_do_notify ^5Mod Menu Made By ^2Kush Friendly"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "XeX"
set ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify 55 Set"
set con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount "3"
set con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "11"
set con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime "0"
set player_sustainAmmo 1
set 1 "^2|--Main-Mods--|;^5|--Lobby-Settings--|;^5|--Other-Shit--|;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x vstr a1"
set 2 "^5|--Main-Mods--|;^2|--Lobby-Settings--|;^5|--Other-Shit--|;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x vstr b1"
set 3 "^5|--Main-Mods--|;^5|--Lobby-Settings--|;^2|--Other-Shit--|;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind button_x vstr c1"
set a1 "^2|--God--|;^5|--UFO--|;^5|--Give-All--|;bind dpad_down vstr a2;bind button_x god"
set a2 "^5|--God--|;^2|--UFO--|;^5|--Give-All--|;bind dpad_down vstr a3;bind button_x ufo"
set a3 "^5|--God--|;^5|--UFO--|;^2|--Give-All--|;bind dpad_down vstr a1;bind button_x give all"

bind button_ltrig "developer 0;vstr 1;vstr XeX"
set XeX "scr_do_notify ^5JT@G Menu Made By ^2Chronic Dev"
set b1 "^2|--Super-Jump--|;^5|--Super-Speed--|;^5|--Force-Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr b2;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 42;toggle bg_falldamageminheight 999 142"
set b2 "^5|--Super-Jump--|;^2|--Super-Speed--|;^5|--Force-Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr b3;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1100 190"
set b3 "^5|--Super-Jump--|;^5|--Super-Speed--|;^2|--Force-Host--|;bind dpad_down vstr b1;bind button_x toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"
set c1 "^2|--Add-Bots--|;^5|--Level-55--|;^5|--Pro-Mod--|;bind dpad_down vstr c2;bind button_x scr_testClients 18"
set c2 "^5|--Add-Bots--|;^2|--Level-55--|;^5|--Pro-Mod--|;bind dpad_down vstr c3;bind button_x scr_set_level 55"
set c3 "^5|--Add-Bots--|;^5|--Level-55--|;^2|--Pro-Mod--|;bind dpad_down vstr c1;bind button_x toggle cg_gun_x 3.5 0;cg_scoreboardMyColor 0.5 0 0.8 1"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "f"
ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify XeX;disconnect"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;bind button_back togglescores;scr_do_notify ^2YOUR TEXT HERE!"
con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "boldgame"
con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "11"
bind dpad_up "vstr 1;scr_do_notify ^5Menu & Codes Made By ^2Chronic Dev"
cg_hudChatPosition "50 250"
player_sustainAmmo 1
con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "x"
set 1 "say ^2God;say ^4Level 55;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4UFO;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4super Speed;say ^4Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind button_x god"
set 2 "say ^4God;say ^2Level 55;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4UFO;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4super Speed;say ^4Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind button_x scr_set_level 55"

set 3 "say ^4God;say ^4Level 55;say ^2Add Bots;say ^4UFO;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4super Speed;say ^4Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 4;bind button_x scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "say ^4God;say ^4Level 55;say ^4Add Bots;say ^2UFO;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4super Speed;say ^4Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 5;bind button_x noclip"
set 5 "say ^4God;say ^4Level 55;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4UFO;say ^2Super Jump;say ^4super Speed;say ^4Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 6;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 42;toggle bg_falldamageminheight 999 142"
set 6 "say ^4God;say ^4Level 55;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4UFO;say ^4Super Jump;say ^2super Speed;say ^4Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 7;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1100 190"
set 7 "say ^4God;say ^4Level 55;say ^4Add Bots;say ^4UFO;say ^4Super Jump;say ^4super Speed;say ^2Give All;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind button_x give all"
set cg_chatHeight "7"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "f"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set cg_hudChatPosition "247 59"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify ^2You Are Now Level 55!"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;^6Dev.Mode^5[^1OFF^5]"
bind dpad_up "vstr 1"
set 1 "cg_chatHeight 6;say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^2Main Mods^0--Lobby;say ^2God;say ^0UFO;say ^0Level 55;say ^0Force Host;bind dpad_up vstr 4;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x god"
set 2 "say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^2Main Mods^0--Lobby;say ^0God;say ^2UFO;say ^0Level 55;say ^0Force Host;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x noclip"
set 3 "say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^2Main Mods^0--Lobby;say ^0God;say ^0UFO;say ^2Level 55;say ^0Force Host;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind dpad_down vstr 4;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x scr_set_level 55"

set 4 "say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^2Main Mods^0--Lobby;say ^0God;say ^0UFO;say ^0Level 55;say ^2Force Host;bind dpad_up vstr 3;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x toggle party_host 1 0;toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1"
set a "cg_chatHeight 5;say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^0Main Mods--^2Lobby;say ^2Super Jump;say ^0Super Speed;say ^0Max Clients;bind dpad_up vstr d;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_left vstr 1;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamageminheight 999 139"
set b "say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^0Main Mods--^2Lobby;say ^0Super Jump;say ^2Super Speed;say ^0Max Clients;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr c;bind dpad_left vstr 1;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1250 190"
set c "say ^5BCFG v2.1;say ^0Main Mods--^2Lobby;say ^0Super Jump;say ^0Super Speed;say ^2Max Clients;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind dpad_left vstr 1;bind button_x sv_maxclients 18"
bind button_rtrig "scr_do_notify ^5BCFG ^6v2.1 ^4Made ^3By ^2Chronic Dev"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_do_notify ^2You Are Now Level 55!"
set con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "11"
set con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount "6"
set a "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^0Main_Mods^0______^2Lobby;^2Supe r _Jump;^0Super_Speed;^0Kick_All;^0==;bind dpad_up vstr c;bind dpad_down vstr b;bind dpad_left vstr 1;bind button_x toggle jump_height 1000 39;toggle bg_falldamageminheight 999 139"
set b "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^0Main_Mods^0______^2Lobby;^0Supe r _Jump;^2Super_Speed;^0Kick_All;^0==;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down vstr c;bind dpad_left vstr 1;bind button_x toggle g_speed 1250 190"
set c "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^0Main_Mods^0______^2Lobby;^0Supe r _Jump;^0Super_Speed;^2Kick_All;^0==;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind dpad_down vstr a;bind dpad_left vstr 1;bind button_x kick all"

set 1 "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^2Main_Mods^0______^0Lobby;^2God; ^ 0UFO;^0Add_Bots;^0Force_Host;bind dpad_up vstr 4;bind dpad_down vstr 2;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x god"
set 2 "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^2Main_Mods^0______^0Lobby;^0God; ^ 2UFO;^0Add_Bots;^0Force_Host;bind dpad_up vstr 1;bind dpad_down vstr 3;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x noclip"
set 3 "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^2Main_Mods^0______^0Lobby;^0God; ^ 0UFO;^2Add_Bots;^0Force_Host;bind dpad_up vstr 2;bind dpad_down vstr 4;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x scr_testClients 18"
set 4 "^5BCFG^0_^5v2.0;^2Main_Mods^0______^0Lobby;^0God; ^ 0UFO;^0Add_Bots;^2Force_Host;bind dpad_up vstr 3;bind dpad_down vstr 1;bind dpad_right vstr a;bind button_x toggle party_connectToOthers 0 1;toggle party_host 1 0"
bind button_rtrig "vstr 1"
bind button_ltrig "developer 0;^6Dev.Mode_^1OFF"
set player_sustainAmmo "1"
set con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "gamenotify"
set con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "obituary"
set con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0"
set con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime "0"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
bind DPAD_DOWN "vstr a"
set f1 "cg_chatheight 0;bind BUTTON_A +gostand;bind DPAD_UP +actionslot 1;r_filmtweakenable 0;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr a"
set 1 "cg_drawFps 1;cg_fov 110;r_specularmap 2;g_compassshowenemies 1;god;^6Mods"
set 2 "statSet 2326 11; statSet 2302 2147400000; statset 2303 2147400000;^6Stat"
set 3 "toggle scr_xpscale 300 3000;^6Xp"
set 4 "bg_falldamageminheight 9999; bg_falldamagemaxheight 9999;jump_height 999; g_speed 700"
set 5 "fast_restart;cg_fov 120;jump_height 75; g_speed 125;player_sustainammo 0"
set f "say ^4Mods;say ^4Stats ;say ^4SetXp;say ^4Move; say ^4Restart; say ^2[ Exit ]*;bind DPAD_UP vstr e;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr a;bind BUTTON_A vstr f1"
bind button_ltrig "noclip"

set playlist "7"
set a "cg_hudchatposition 305 250;player_sustainammo 1;cg_chatheight 6;cg_chattime 75000; r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 0 0 0; say ^1[ Mods ]*;say Stats;say SetXp;say Move;say Restart;say Exit;bind DPAD_UP vstr f;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr b;bind BUTTON_A vstr 1"
set b "say Mods;say ^1[ Stats ]*;say SetXp;say Move; say Restart; say Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr a;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr c;bind BUTTON_A vstr 2"
set c "say Mods;say Stats;say ^1[ SetXp ]*;say Move; say Restart; say Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr b;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr d;bind BUTTON_A vstr 3"
set d "say Mods;say Stats;say SetXp;say ^1*; say Restart; say Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr c;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr e;bind BUTTON_A vstr 4"
set e "say Mods;say Stats;say SetXp;say Move; say ^1[ Restart ]*; say Exit; bind DPAD_UP vstr d;bind DPAD_DOWN vstr f;bind BUTTON_A vstr 5"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set 4 "say GodMode;say NoClip;say LowXP;say ^2HighXP;bind button_x scr_xpscale 3000 100;bind dpad_down vstr 5"
set 5 "cg_chatheight 4;say ^2Restart;say SuperJump;say Infections;say ProMod;bind button_x fast_restart;bind dpad_down vstr 6"
set 6 "say Restart;say ^2SuperJump;say Infections;say ProMod;bind button_x toggle jump_height 999 42;toggle g_speed 999 190;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;bind dpad_down vstr 7"
set 7 "say Restart;say SuperJump;say ^2Infections;say ProMod;bind button_x perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.01;cg_laserForceOn 1;toggle player_sustainAmmo 1 0;bind dpad_down vstr 8"
set 8 "say Restart;say SuperJump;say Infections;say ^2ProMod;bind button_x cg_fov 100;bind dpad_down vstr 1"
set e "cg_chatheight 0;r_filmTweakenable 0"

set playlist "7"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set clanName "*"
bind dpad_up " vstr 1"
set Cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set 1 "give Briefcase_bomb_mp;cg_chatheight 4; r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 0 0 0;wait 60;cg_chatheight 1;say ^1Loading Menu;wait 30;say ^1Loading Menu..;wait 30;say ^1Loading Menu...;wait 60;cg_chatheight 4;say ^2GodMode;say NoClip;say LowXP;say HighXP;bind button_x god;^2Menu-Opened;bind dpad_down vstr 2"
set 2 "say GodMode;say ^2NoClip;say LowXP;say HighXP;bind button_x noclip;bind dpad_down vstr 3"
set 3 "say GodMode;say NoClip;say ^2LowXP;say HighXP;bind button_x scr_xpscale 200;bind dpad_down vstr 4"
bind button_b " vstr e"
bind button_LTRIG "cg_chatheight 1;say ^6tannerman25wait 20;say ^5tannerman25;wait 20;say ^1tannerman25;wait 20;say ^4tannerman25;wait 20;say ^2tannerman25;wait 20;say ^3tannerman25"
bind button_back "say ^6Push ^0UP ^5UP ^3UP ^1For All ^4Challenges And ^211th Prestige!!"



bind dpad_up vstr m
set cg_hudchatposition 270 250
set m "scr_do_notify ^2blackops7121's v10.1;cg_chatheight 4;r_blur 9; vstr 9"
set 9 "say ^0M ^4[^2Host^4];say ^0E;say ^0N;say ^0U;set x vstr s;set d vstr g"
set g "set x vstr h;say ^0M;say ^0E ^4[^2Game^4];say ^0N;say ^0U;set d vstr v"
set v "set x vstr f;say ^0M;say ^0E;say ^0N ^4[^2Devl^4];say ^0U;set d vstr e"
set e "set x cg_chatheight 0;r_blur 0;say ^0M;say ^0E;say ^0N;say ^0U ^4[^0Exit^4];set d vstr 9"
set s "set x god;say ^0H ^4[^2God^4];say ^0O;say ^0S;say ^0T;set d vstr 1"
set 1 "set x noclip;say ^0H;say ^0O ^4[^2Fly^4];say ^0S;say ^0T;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "set x toggle player_sustainAmmo 1 0;say ^0H;say ^0O;say ^0S ^4[^2Ammo^4];say ^0T;set d vstr 3"
set 3 "set x cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 80;say ^0H;say ^0O;say ^0S;say ^0T ^4[^2Infx^4];set d vstr s"
set b "scr_testclients 18"
set 5 "scr_set_level 55"
set com_errorMessage "^2blackops7121 v10.1"
set u "developer 0;fast_restart"
bind button_x vstr x
bind dpad_down vstr d

set gpad_buttonsConfig "ops"
set h "set x vstr y;say ^0G ^4[^2Jump^4];say ^0A;say ^0M;say ^0E;set d vstr p"
set z "set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^2<3^0Mods^2<3"
set p "set x toggle g_speed 300 500;say ^0G;say ^0A ^4[^2Speed^4];say ^0M;say ^0E;set d vstr r"
set r "set x toggle timescale 0.5 1;say ^0G;say ^0A ;say ^0M ^4[^2Slow^4];say ^0E;set d vstr t"
set t "set x fast_restart;scr_xpscale 300;say ^0G;say ^0A;say ^0M;say ^0E ^4[^2+XP^4];set d vstr h"
set f "set x vstr b;say ^0D ^4[^2Bots^4];say ^0E;say ^0V;say ^0L;set d vstr n"
set n "set x vstr 5;say ^0D;say ^0E ^4[^2LvL55^4];say ^0V;say ^0L;set d vstr l"
set l "set x vstr z;say ^0D;say ^0E;say ^0V ^4[^2On^4];say ^0L;set d vstr 6"
set 6 "set x vstr u;say ^0D;say ^0E;say ^0V;say ^0L ^4[^2Off^4];set d vstr f"
set y "toggle jump_height 999 500;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;scr_do_notify ^^4blackops7121"
set party_connectToOthers "0"



set gpad_buttonsConfig "ops"
set h "set x vstr y;say ^1G ^4[^5Move^4];say ^1A;say ^1M;say ^1E;set d vstr p"
bind button_LTRIG vstr z
set z set ui_mapname "mp_bog;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^1<3^5Mods^1<3"
set p "set x toggle g_gravity 500 50;say ^1G;say ^1A ^4[^5Grav^4];say ^1M;say ^1E;set d vstr r"
set r "set x toggle timescale 0.5 1;say ^1G;say ^1A ;say ^1M ^4[^5Slow^4];say ^1E;set d vstr t"
set t "set x fast_restart;scr_xpscale 300;say ^1G;say ^1A;say ^1M;say ^1E ^4[^5+XP^4];set d vstr h"
set f "set x vstr b;say ^1D ^4[^5Bots^4];say ^1E;say ^1V;say -;set d vstr n"
set n "set x vstr 5;say ^1D;say ^1E ^4[^5LvL55^4];say ^1V;say -;set d vstr l"
set l "set x vstr u;say ^1D;say ^1E;say ^1V ^4[^5Off^4];say -;set d vstr f"
set y "g_speed 500;jump_height 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;scr_do_notify ^^1blackops7121"
set party_connectToOthers "0"

bind dpad_up vstr m
set cg_hudchatposition 270 250
set m "scr_do_notify ^1<3^5UnBoUnD_xQwickZ-^1<3;cg_chatheight 4;r_blur 9;say ^1M ^4[^5Host^4];say ^1E;say ^1N;say ^1U;set x vstr s;set d vstr g"
set g "set x vstr h;say ^1M;say ^1E ^4[^5Game^4];say ^1N;say ^1U;set d vstr v"
set v "set x vstr f;say ^1M;say ^1E;say ^1N ^4[^5Dev^4];say ^1U;set d vstr e"
set e "set x cg_chatheight 0;r_blur 0;say ^1M;say ^1E;say ^1N;say ^1U ^4[^0Exit^4];set d vstr m"
set s "set x god;say ^1H ^4[^5God^4];say ^1O;say ^1S;say ^1T;set d vstr 1"
set 1 "set x noclip;say ^1H;say ^1O ^4[^5Fly^4];say ^1S;say ^1T;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "set x toggle player_sustainAmmo 1 0;say ^1H;say ^1O;say ^1S ^4[^5Ammo^4];say ^1T;set d vstr 3"
set 3 "set x cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 80;say ^1H;say ^1O;say ^1S;say ^1T ^4[^5Infx^4];set d vstr s"
set b "scr_testclients 18"
set 5 "scr_set_level 55"
set u "developer 0;fast_restart"
bind button_x vstr x
bind dpad_down vstr d





===== MORE =====


set binds "cg_chatheight 7;set party_connectToOthers 0;bind button_ltrig vstr L2;bind button_a vstr x;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind button_rtrig vstr R2;bind dpad_up vstr u"
set aim "set cg_tracerchance 1;set cg_tracerlength 7500;set cg_tracerSpeed 500;set cg_tracerwidth 4;set cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;set cg_enemyNameFadeOut 9999999;set cg_drawThroughWalls 1;set aim_lockon_debug 1;set aim_lockon_region_height 0;set aim_lockon_region_width 999999;set aim_lockon_deflection 0.0005"
set e "cg_chatheight 0;bind dpad_down +actionslot3;bind dpad_up +actionslot1;bind button_a +gostand"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "xGP"
set 4 "say GOD;say NOCLIP;say DERANK;say AIMBOT;say >GIVE ALL<;say KNIFE;say EXIT;set x give all;set d vstr 5;set u vstr 3"
set developer_script "1"
set developer "1"
set clanname "^2xGP"


set ui_mapname "mp_bog;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set L2 vstr mm;vstr binds;cg_chatheight 7;Cg_hudchatposition 310 220"
set mm "vstr binds;give briefcase_bomb_mp;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^2Green Poison;say >GOD<;say NOCLIP;say DERANK;say AIMBOT;say WALL HACK;say GIVE ALL;set x god;set d vstr 1"
set 1 "say GOD;say >NOCLIP<;say DERANK;say AIMBOT;say GIVE ALL;say KNIFE;say EXIT;set x noclip;set d vstr 2;set u vstr mm"
set 2 "say GOD;say NOCLIP;say >Awesome faceERANK<;say AIMBOT;say GIVE ALL;say KNIFE;say EXIT;set x fast_restart;set scr_xpscale -80000;set d vstr 3;set u vstr 1"
set 3 "say GOD;say NOCLIP;say DERANK;say >AIMBOT<;say GIVE ALL;say KNIFE;say EXIT;set x vstr aim;set d vstr 4;set u vstr 2"
set party_host "1"
set 5 "say GOD;say NOCLIP;say DERANK;say AIMBOT;say GIVE ALL;say >KNIFE<;say EXIT;set x player_meleeRange 999;set d vstr 6;set u vstr 4"
set 6 "say GOD;say NOCLIP;say DERANK;say AIMBOT;say GIVE ALL;say KNIFE;say >EXIT<;set x vstr e;set d vstr mm;set u vstr 5"


bind dpad_down "vstr 1"
Set 1 "give briefcase_bomb_mp;cg_chatheight 7;cg_hudchatposition 230 250;say ^0AMMO;say XP;say DERANK;say PROMOD;say JUMP;say SLOW;bind button_a vstr b;bind dpad_down vstr 2"
Set 2 "say AMMO;say ^0XP;say DERANK;say PROMOD;say JUMP;say SLOW;bind button_a vstr d;bind dpad_down vstr 3"
Set 3 "say AMMO;say XP;say ^0DERANK;say PROMOD;say JUMP;say SLOW;bind button_a vstr e;bind dpad_down vstr 4"
set 4 "say AMMO;say XP;say DERANK;say ^0PROMOD;say JUMP;say SLOW;bind button_a vstr f;bind dpad_down vstr 5"
Set 5 "say AMMO;say XP;say DERANK;say PROMOD;say ^0JUMP;say SLOW;bind button_a vstr g;bind dpad_down vstr 6"
bind dpad_left "god"
bind dpad_right "noclip"
set playlist "7"


set a "noclip;say ^2NOCLIP"
set b "player_sustainAmmo 1;say ^2AMMO"
set c "god;say ^2GOD"
set d "toggle scr_xpscale 99999 1;say ^2XP"
set e "toggle scr_xpscale -99999 1;say ^2DERANK"
set f "toggle cg_fov 80;say ^2PROMOD"
set g "toggle jump_height 999 100;say ^2JUMP"
set h "toggle timescale 0.5;say ^2SLOW"

set clanName "^1"
Set 6 "say AMMO;say XP;say DERANK;say PROMOD;say JUMP;say ^0SLOW;bind button_a vstr h;bind dpad_down vstr 1"
set cg_chatsize "12"
gpad_buttonsConfig "default_systemlink"
set cg_laserForceOn "1"
bind button_b "bind button_a +gostand"
bind button_back "toggle force_join 1"
bind button_ltrig "say ^1SUB TO CAPuclan27 ON YOUTUBE"


set playlist 7
set M "scr_do_notify ^2Accesses lv:^0Uber Beast;say ^0GxModz;say ^5[ God ];say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x god;set d vstr 1;cg_chatheight 8;r_blur 9;r_specularmap 2"
set 1 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say ^5;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr S;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say ^5[ Infect ];say unlock all;say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr I;set d vstr a"
set a "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say ^5[ unlock all ];say lv55;say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr c;set d vstr 3"
set ui_mapname "mp_shipment;bind BUTTON_Back vstr de;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_complete_all_challenges 1;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^0Welcome to ^5GxModz"
set S "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Move ^0|;g_speed 650;jump_height 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999"
bind button_x vstr x
set de developer 1


set gpad_buttonsConfig u
set cg_hudchatposition 250 250
set 5 "say ^0GxModz;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say x;say ^1[ Exit ];set x cg_chatheight 0;r_specularmap 0;r_blur 0;set d vstr M"
set 3 "say ^4GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say ^5[ lv55 ];say Bots;say Exit;set x vstr 55;set d vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^0GxModz;say God;say Move;say Infect;say unlock all;say lv55;say ^5[ Bots ];say Exit;set x vstr G;set d vstr 5"
set 55 "scr_set_level 55;scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Your now lv55 ^0|"
set G "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Bots Added ^0|;scr_testclients 18"
set c "scr_complete_all_challenges 1;scr_do_notify ^3| Challenges Complete |"
set I "scr_do_notify ^0| ^5Infections set ^0|;player_sustainAmmo 1;cg_DrawFPS 1;cg_laserForceOn 1;cg_fov 75"
bind dpad_down vstr d
bind Button_Ltrig developer 0
bind Dpad_Up vstr M


set 1 "say ^3God;set a vstr 2;set b vstr 11;set s vstr z1"

set 2 "say ^3NoCLIP;set a vstr 3;set b vstr 1;set s vstr z2"

set 3 "say ^3Bots;set a vstr 4;set b vstr 2;set s vstr z3"

set 4 "say ^3Super Jump;set a vstr 5;set b vstr 3;set s vstr z4"

set 5 "say ^3XP;set a vstr 6;set b vstr 4;set s vstr z5"

set 6 "say ^3Infections;set a vstr 7;set b vstr 5;set s vstr z6"

set 7 "say ^3Ammo;set a vstr 8;set b vstr 6;set s vstr z7"

set 8 "say ^3Gravity;set a vstr 9;set b vstr 7;set s vstr z8"

set 9 "say ^3Derank;set a vstr 10;set b vstr 8;set s vstr z9"

set 10 "say ^3Super Speed;set a vstr 11;set b vstr 9;set s vstr z10"

set 11 "say ^3Super XP;set a vstr 1;set b vstr 10;set s vstr z11"

set z4 "toggle jump_height 999 39;bg_fallDamageMinHeight 1000;scr_do_notify ^0Super ^3Jump"

set z8 "toggle g_gravity 100 775"

set z9 "fast_restart;scr_xpscale -999999999"

set z10 "toggle g_speed 550 190;scr_do_notify ^3Super ^0Speed"

set z11 "fast_restart;scr_xpscale 999999999"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "Black and Yellow"

set ui_mapname "mp_bog;bind BUTTON_BACK set developer 1;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^0Black ^7and ^3Yellow V.2;set scr_set_level 55;disconnect"

bind button_ltrig "developer 0;^2Dev.^1[OFF];vstr 1;cg_chatHeight 1;cg_hudchatposition 15 135;vstr binds;vstr WM;bind button_back togglescores"

set WM "scr_do_notify ^0Black ^7and ^3Yellow V.2"

set binds "bind dpad_down vstr a;bind dpad_up vstr b;bind button_a vstr s;bind button_b vstr x"

set z1 "god"

set z2 "noclip"

set z3 "scr_testClients 18;scr_do_notify ^0Bots ^3Added"

set z5 "scr_xpscale 500;fast_restart"

set z6 "cg_gun_x 3.5;cg_DrawFPS 3;cg_laserForceOn 1;scr_do_notify ^3Infections ^0Set!"

set z7 "player_sustainammo 1"

set party_host 1

set party_ConnectToOthers 0

set x "bind dpad_down +actionslot3;bind dpad_up +actionslot1;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance;cg_chatHeight 0"


set M "bind button_b vstr close;cg_chatheight 1;say [God];bind button_a god;bind dpad_down vstr M1"
set M1 "bind button_b vstr close;say [UFO];bind button_a noclip;bind dpad_down vstr M2"
set M2 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Cod Jumper];bind button_a jump_height 650;g_speed 550;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;bind dpad_down vstr M3"
set M3 "bind button_b vstr close;say [High XP];bind button_a vstr x2;bind dpad_down vstr M4"
set M4 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Super XP];bind button_a vstr x3;bind dpad_down vstr M"
set V "bind button_b vstr close;cg_chatheight 1;say [Verify];bind button_a vstr z;bind dpad_down vstr V1"
set V1 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Unverify];bind button_a vstr K;bind dpad_down vstr V2"
set V2 "bind button_b vstr close;say [10th];bind button_a statSet 2326 10;10th;bind dpad_down vstr V3"
set V3 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Derank];bind button_a vstr x4;bind dpad_down vstr V"
set z "g_speed 190;jump_height 42;say ^2You have been verified"
set x2 "scr_xpscale 1500;fast_restart"
set e "+actionslot 4;bind button_a +gostand;cg_chatheight 0;r_filmTweakenable 0"
set close "cg_chatHeight 0;r_filmTweakenable 0;bind dpad_up vstr a;bind dpad_down +actionslot 2;bind button_a +gostand;bind button_b +stance"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_host "1"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
bind dpad_up "vstr a"
set cg_hudchatposition 310 220
set a "bind button_b vstr close;cg_chatHeight 2;r_filmTweakenable 1;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 0 0 0;r_filmtweakdarktint 0 0 0;say [Mods];say Verification;bind button_a vstr M;bind dpad_down vstr b"
set b "bind button_b vstr close;say Mods;say [Verification];bind button_a vstr z1;bind dpad_down vstr a"
set K "bind button_b vstr close;cg_chatheight 1;say [Player 1];bind button_a clientkick 1;bind dpad_down vstr K1"
set K1 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Player 2];bind button_a clientkick 2;bind dpad_down vstr K2"
set K2 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Player 3];bind button_a clientkick 3;bind dpad_down vstr K3"
set K3 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Player 4];bind button_a clientkick 4;bind dpad_down vstr K4"
set K4 "bind button_b vstr close;say [Player 5];bind button_a clientkick 5;bind dpad_down vstr K"
set x3 "scr_xpscale 2417000;fast_restart"
set x4 "scr_xpscale -2417000;fast_restart"
set z1 "g_speed 0;jump_height 0;vstr V"


set binds "bind dpad_up vstr u;bind dpad_down vstr d;bind button_b vstr e;bind dpad_right vstr r"
set e "bind dpad_up +actionslot1;bind dpad_down +actionslot3;bind button_b +stance;cg_chatHeight 0;bind dpad_right +actionslot2"
set clanName "*GzL"
set 1 "say ^1god;set r god;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^ ^0join ^2*GzL;set d vstr 2"
set 2 "say ^1noclip;set r noclip;set d vstr 3"
set 3 "say ^1bots;set r scr_testClients 18;set d vstr 4"
set 4 "say ^1lvl55;set r set scr_complete_all_challenges 1;set scr_set_level 55;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set d vstr 5"
set 5 "say ^1give all;set r give all;set d vstr 6"
set 6 "say ^1ammo;set r player_sustainAmmo 1;set d vstr 7"
set 11 "say ^1JUMP;set r toggle jump_height 999 39;bg_falldamageminheight 999;set d vstr 12"
bind button_ltrig "fast_restart"
set 12 "say ^1SLOW;set r toggle timescale 0.5 1.0;set d vstr 13"
bind button_rstick "sv_maxclients 18"
set de developer 1
set C "give briefcase_bomb_mp"


bind button_back "disconnect;kick all"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
set party_host "1"
set ui_mapname "mp_bog;vstr de;set scr_testClients 18;set scr_forceRankedMatch 1;set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^0Wellcom To ^1GAMERzLOBBY's rank up"
bind button_x "developer 0;cg_chatheight 1;cg_hudchatposition 230 30;vstr m;vstr C;vstr binds"
set m "say ^1MODZ;set r vstr 1"
set gpad_buttonsConfig "xDNA"
set 7 "say ^1promod/laser;set r toggle cg_fov 80;toggle cg_laserForceOn 1;set d vstr 8"
set 8 "say ^1Airstrike;set r give airstrike_mp;set d vstr 9"
set 9 "say ^1Helicopter;set r give helicopter_mp;set d vstr 10"
set 10 "say ^1UAV;set r give radar_mp;set d vstr 11"
bind button_rtrig "set developer_script 1;set scr_do_notify ^1$UB^0$CR!BE ^1TO ^1GAMERz^0LOBBY27"
set u "toggle g_speed 670 190"
set 13 "say ^1force;set r toggle party_connectToOthers 0;set d vstr 14"
set 14 "say ^1perk;set r set perk_weapRateMultiplier 0.001;perk_bulletDamage 999;set perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.5;set d vstr 1"


set M "cg_chatheight 1;say ^2God;bind button_x god;bind dpad_down vstr M1"
set M1 "say ^2Cod Jumper;bind button_x jump_height 999;g_speed 999;bg_falldamageminheight 999;bg_falldamagemaxheight 999;bind dpad_down vstr M2"
set M2 "say ^2High XP;bind button_x vstr x2;bind dpad_down vstr M3"
set M3 "say ^2Low XP;bind button_x vstr x3;bind dpad_down vstr M4"
set M4 "say ^2Kick;bind button_x kick all;bind dpad_down vstr M"
set V "cg_chatheight 1;say ^2Air$;bind button_x give airstrike_mp;bind dpad_down vstr V1"
set V1 "say ^2UFO;bind button_x noclip;bind dpad_down vstr V2"
set V2 "say ^2Mod;bind button_x cg_fov 100;toggle r_specularmap 2 0;bind dpad_down vstr V3"
set V3 "say ^2SlowMo;bind button_x cg_drawThroughWalls 1;cg_enemyNameFadeIn 0;cg_enemyNameFadeOut 900000;bind dpad_down vstr V"
set x2 "scr_xpscale 4000;fast_restart"
set playlist "2"
set e "+actionslot 4;bind button_a +gostand;cg_chatheight 0;r_filmTweakenable 0"


set gpad_buttonsConfig "asdf"
set party_host "1"
set party_connectToOthers "0"
bind dpad_up "vstr a"
set Cg_hudchatposition 310 220
set a "cg_chatHeight 4;r_filmusetweaks 1;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 0 0 0;say [^1Admin];say 2;say 3;say 4;bind button_x vstr M;bind dpad_down vstr b"
set b "say 1;say ^1Infection;say 3;say 4;bind button_x vstr K;bind dpad_down vstr c"
set c "say 1;say 2;say ^1Fun;say 4;bind button_x vstr V;bind dpad_down vstr d"
set d "say 1;say 2;say 3;say ^1Exit;bind button_x vstr e;bind dpad_down vstr a"
set K "cg_chatheight 1;say ^2MaxAmmo;bind button_x player_sustainAmmo 1;bind dpad_down vstr K1"
set K1 "say ^2LaserAim;bind button_x cg_laserForceOn 1;bind dpad_down vstr K2"
set K2 "say ^2SteadyAim;bind button_x perk_weapSpreadMultiplier 0.0000000001;bind dpad_down vstr K"
bind dpad_right "say ^2Get These Codes At"
bind button_LTRIG "say ^3NO GOD MODE BITCHES"
set x3 "scr_xpscale 200;fast_restart"
set clanName "^4"

||| I DO NOT |||
||| Take Credit |||
||| For ANY Of |||
||| Theese |||
||| ''' Codes ''' |||
||| -steinchill |||
Last edited by steinchill ; 07-30-2014 at 01:40 AM. Reason: Do Not Want To Get Bad Replys For These Codes Not Being Mine
07-30-2014, 07:00 AM #2
If You Are Reading This Thanks For 50+ views On My First Post, And Also If This Is Useful Drop A Reply, Say Thanks
07-30-2014, 06:31 PM #3
Bounty hunter
Pretty good list of codes I guess someone would use them Prob's

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