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i saw another guy who trys to sell his tool so i tought its better to release my offsets of course i have some more and maybe i will release theme to but not yet. This is to help people make their own Tools
link to my Tool :
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here are some more functions i found:
-HudDamageElem: 0xDCC598
-ElementOffsets: 0xE18678
money: 0124D644
xp: 0124D640/ 0124D63C (mp)
clan: 0124D9B8 or 0x0124D005
-Name Offset:
this offsets are for real name changer
here are some options for hacked names:
glichi 2 line name 0A
glichi @@@@@ name 7C
|FB| Facebook
|@H - Big Name
|@N| - Normal Name
|@S| - Small Name
Character Offset:
- Bad Guy: 0x0124E26C
Djinn - 4C 3D 21 5C
- Hero: 0x0124E26D
Djinn - 3D 21 5c
Vision Mod:
- Bright Vision : 0x11D20F0
- on 2F
- off 3F
- in game Money Player 1: 0x1262e68
- in game Money Player 2: 0x1262f98
- client 3: 0x012630C
1.19 God Mode: 0x479cd8
- on 0x60
- off 0x4e, 0x80, 4, 0x21
and this secound God Mode Offset:
- 0x479D08
- on 0x60
- off 0x4e, 0x80, 4, 0x21
this offsets also affects the health
Infinity Ammo: 0x6e4288
- on 0x60, 0x3D, 0x05, 0x74
- off 0xb1, 0x3D, 0x05, 0x74
easy coop games: 0x124d7a3
normal coop games: 0x124d7a7
hard coop games: 0x124d7ab
crushing coop games: 0x124d7af
reset stats: 0x124d6e4 mit 6f9
djin unlock: 0x124f000
mit 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11
platin rank: 0x124efea mit 0xf9
same offset is for gold silver etc just play arround with the bytes
stars: 0x1240000 bis 0x1241eff
kills multiplayer: 0x0124D6E4
Deaths multiplayer: 0x0124d6eb
co-op kills: 0x0124D79C
Prestige: 0x0124e75b
Score: 0x0124efe4
ticket: 0x0124efdf
total gold: 0x0124effa
classname offset for class 1: 0124D148
Primary Gun = 0124D168
Secound Gun = 0124D16C
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D164
Booster 1 = 0124D158
Booster 2 = 0124D15C
classname offset for class 2: 0124D178
Primary Gun = 0124D198
Secound Gun = 0124D19C
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D194
Booster 1 = 0124D188
Booster 2 = 0124D18C
classname offset for class 3: 0124D1A8
Primary Gun = 0124D1C8
Secound Gun = 0124D1CC
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D1C4
Booster 1 = 0124D1B8
Booster 2 = 0124D1BC
classname offset for class 4: 0124D1D8
Primary Gun = 0124D1F8
Secound Gun = 0124D1FC
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D1F4
Booster 1 = 0124D1E8
Booster 2 = 0124D1EC
red paw (rote Pfote) = 0x124F05E mit 0x01
Tournament Points: 0x0124efe4
wins: 0x124d6ec
Loses: 0x124d6f0
Headshots: 0x124d6f4
Time Played: 0x124d6f5
object Points: 0x124e767
Dont know if somebody needs this but with this you could make a mod menu so in this Example its a Aimchecker but you could also use it to make a mod Menu 
#region Aim_Check
private void Aimchecker_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//I used a Vision Offset that is changing if you aim
byte[] getAim = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory (0x11D20A0, getAim);
int Value = BitConverter.ToInt32(getAim, 0);
int not_aiming = new int();
not_aiming = 1065353216;
//just converted the byte to int to check if this int/bytes are stored in the Offset
int Running = new int();
Running = 1063693630;
//just converted the byte to int to check if this int/bytes are stored in the Offset
if (Value == not_aiming)
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("not Aiming!");
//here i print a Fps text that says whether the Client is aiming
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
else if (Value == Running) //running changes also the vision offset so i had to declare it
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("not Aiming!");
//here i print a Fps text that says whether the Client is aiming
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
//just put here the cod for the mod menu like options or Functions in
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Aiming!");
//just an example here it says the Client is aiming
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
#region Aimbot On
private void metroButton17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] FPSON = new byte[] { 0x40 };
PS3.SetMemory(0x737E50, FPSON);
//turns FPS on
byte[] FPSPosition = new byte[] { 0x3F, 0x8F };
PS3.SetMemory(0x1158434, FPSPosition);
//set the Positon of the FPS more cenered
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Aimbot On");
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
//sets the Text "Aimbot on" as FPS text
MessageBox.Show("Aimbot is now Enabled!", "Aimbot ON", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
this.PS3.CCAPI.Notify(CCAPI.NotifyIcon.INFO, "Aimbot is now Enabled!");
Aimchecker.Enabled = true;
//starts the Timer in the Region Aim_Check
#region Aimbot OFF
private void metroButton18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Aimbot OFF!");
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
//sets the Text "Aimbot OFF" as FPS text
MessageBox.Show("Aimbot is now Disabled!", "Aimbot OFF", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
this.PS3.CCAPI.Notify(CCAPI.NotifyIcon.INFO, "Aimbot is now Disabled!");
byte[] FPSOFF = new byte[] { 0x41 };
PS3.SetMemory(0x737E50, FPSOFF);
//Turns FPS off
Aimchecker.Enabled = false;
//disables the Timer in the Region Aim_Check
here is also the Button Monitoring Offset :
- 0x134D8A8
just get the Bytes for example L1 or other Key and convert it to int than you can use my Code just change the Offset and ints ^^
Credits to sc58
big Thanks to RayzMoDz he helped me a lot <3 <3 <3
if you use theme please give Credis