Post: Uncharted 3 1.19 Offsets
07-20-2014, 10:38 PM #1
Pokemon Trainer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); i saw another guy who trys to sell his tool so i tought its better to release my offsets of course i have some more and maybe i will release theme to but not yet. This is to help people make their own Tools

link to my Tool : You must login or register to view this content.

here are some more functions i found:

-HudDamageElem: 0xDCC598

-ElementOffsets: 0xE18678

money: 0124D644
xp: 0124D640/ 0124D63C (mp)
clan: 0124D9B8 or 0x0124D005
-Name Offset:
this offsets are for real name changer

here are some options for hacked names:
glichi 2 line name 0A
glichi @@@@@ name 7C
|FB| Facebook
|@H - Big Name
|@N| - Normal Name
|@S| - Small Name

Character Offset:
- Bad Guy: 0x0124E26C
Djinn - 4C 3D 21 5C

- Hero: 0x0124E26D
Djinn - 3D 21 5c

Vision Mod:
- Bright Vision : 0x11D20F0
- on 2F
- off 3F

- in game Money Player 1: 0x1262e68
- in game Money Player 2: 0x1262f98
- client 3: 0x012630C

1.19 God Mode: 0x479cd8
- on 0x60
- off 0x4e, 0x80, 4, 0x21

and this secound God Mode Offset:
- 0x479D08
- on 0x60
- off 0x4e, 0x80, 4, 0x21
this offsets also affects the health

Infinity Ammo: 0x6e4288
- on 0x60, 0x3D, 0x05, 0x74
- off 0xb1, 0x3D, 0x05, 0x74

easy coop games: 0x124d7a3
normal coop games: 0x124d7a7
hard coop games: 0x124d7ab
crushing coop games: 0x124d7af
reset stats: 0x124d6e4 mit 6f9

djin unlock: 0x124f000
mit 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11

platin rank: 0x124efea mit 0xf9

same offset is for gold silver etc just play arround with the bytes

stars: 0x1240000 bis 0x1241eff

kills multiplayer: 0x0124D6E4
Deaths multiplayer: 0x0124d6eb
co-op kills: 0x0124D79C
Prestige: 0x0124e75b
Score: 0x0124efe4
ticket: 0x0124efdf
total gold: 0x0124effa

classname offset for class 1: 0124D148
Primary Gun = 0124D168
Secound Gun = 0124D16C
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D164
Booster 1 = 0124D158
Booster 2 = 0124D15C

classname offset for class 2: 0124D178
Primary Gun = 0124D198
Secound Gun = 0124D19C
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D194
Booster 1 = 0124D188
Booster 2 = 0124D18C

classname offset for class 3: 0124D1A8
Primary Gun = 0124D1C8
Secound Gun = 0124D1CC
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D1C4
Booster 1 = 0124D1B8
Booster 2 = 0124D1BC

classname offset for class 4: 0124D1D8
Primary Gun = 0124D1F8
Secound Gun = 0124D1FC
Medaillen Rückstoß = 0124D1F4
Booster 1 = 0124D1E8
Booster 2 = 0124D1EC

red paw (rote Pfote) = 0x124F05E mit 0x01
Tournament Points: 0x0124efe4
wins: 0x124d6ec
Loses: 0x124d6f0
Headshots: 0x124d6f4
Time Played: 0x124d6f5
object Points: 0x124e767

Dont know if somebody needs this but with this you could make a mod menu so in this Example its a Aimchecker but you could also use it to make a mod Menu Happy
#region Aim_Check
private void Aimchecker_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//I used a Vision Offset that is changing if you aim
byte[] getAim = new byte[4];
PS3.GetMemory (0x11D20A0, getAim);
int Value = BitConverter.ToInt32(getAim, 0);

int not_aiming = new int();
not_aiming = 1065353216;
//just converted the byte to int to check if this int/bytes are stored in the Offset

int Running = new int();
Running = 1063693630;
//just converted the byte to int to check if this int/bytes are stored in the Offset

if (Value == not_aiming)
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("not Aiming!");
//here i print a Fps text that says whether the Client is aiming

Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
else if (Value == Running) //running changes also the vision offset so i had to declare it
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("not Aiming!");
//here i print a Fps text that says whether the Client is aiming

Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);

//just put here the cod for the mod menu like options or Functions in

byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Aiming!");
//just an example here it says the Client is aiming

Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);

#region Aimbot On
private void metroButton17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] FPSON = new byte[] { 0x40 };
PS3.SetMemory(0x737E50, FPSON);
//turns FPS on

byte[] FPSPosition = new byte[] { 0x3F, 0x8F };
PS3.SetMemory(0x1158434, FPSPosition);
//set the Positon of the FPS more cenered

byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Aimbot On");
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
//sets the Text "Aimbot on" as FPS text

MessageBox.Show("Aimbot is now Enabled!", "Aimbot ON", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
this.PS3.CCAPI.Notify(CCAPI.NotifyIcon.INFO, "Aimbot is now Enabled!");

Aimchecker.Enabled = true;
//starts the Timer in the Region Aim_Check

#region Aimbot OFF
private void metroButton18_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
byte[] FPSText = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Aimbot OFF!");
Array.Resize(ref FPSText, FPSText.Length + 1);
PS3.SetMemory(0x11D20E0, FPSText);
//sets the Text "Aimbot OFF" as FPS text

MessageBox.Show("Aimbot is now Disabled!", "Aimbot OFF", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
this.PS3.CCAPI.Notify(CCAPI.NotifyIcon.INFO, "Aimbot is now Disabled!");

byte[] FPSOFF = new byte[] { 0x41 };
PS3.SetMemory(0x737E50, FPSOFF);
//Turns FPS off

Aimchecker.Enabled = false;
//disables the Timer in the Region Aim_Check

here is also the Button Monitoring Offset :
- 0x134D8A8
just get the Bytes for example L1 or other Key and convert it to int than you can use my Code just change the Offset and ints ^^

Credits to sc58

big Thanks to RayzMoDz he helped me a lot <3 <3 <3
if you use theme please give Credis
Last edited by OfficialJesseP ; 11-12-2016 at 04:31 AM. Reason: added Offset (Character, Vision) and Aimchecker Code

The following 9 users say thank you to Chrise_deluxe for this useful post:

/SneakerStreet/, AIBOLOS, anxify, Hate, Matteohackz, Phreaker, suspect0
04-08-2015, 08:31 PM #56
How do u hack uncharted
06-20-2015, 11:43 PM #57
08-13-2015, 06:19 PM #58
AWESUM MAN THNX FOR THESE NOW I JUST NEED TO LEARN HOW MAKE DAM TOOL LOL CANT FIND MOD MENU ANYWERE FOR THIS GAME AN SHITTY RTM TOOLS AROUND ARE FREEZING MY Game soon as i start shooting on multiplyr any ideas ? would be really appreciated m8ty Smile and again thnx for all this info an hard work done Smile
08-31-2015, 11:19 PM #59
I have the offsets for upgrades gold.
whoever I wanted to sell them.
12-06-2015, 07:47 PM #60
Hey chrise what is the byte for gold boosters ???
12-08-2015, 11:06 PM #61
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by ObeHaxx View Post
Hey chrise what is the byte for gold boosters ???

Nobody is going to tell you it. It's extremely easy to find yourself really. Search in the 00000000-10000000 in Netcheat, set bytes to 4 bytes, then search for everything within that range. Afterwards, change your booster and change the net heat option to "Changed".

Repeat it over and over till you find the booster address. Now you need to figure out how you are going to turn that booster offset into a gold booster. :P
12-12-2015, 05:09 PM #62
Originally posted by Kronoaxis View Post
Nobody is going to tell you it. It's extremely easy to find yourself really. Search in the 00000000-10000000 in Netcheat, set bytes to 4 bytes, then search for everything within that range. Afterwards, change your booster and change the net heat option to "Changed".

Repeat it over and over till you find the booster address. Now you need to figure out how you are going to turn that booster offset into a gold booster. :P

Thanks a lot man, if I figure it out i'll tell you.
12-12-2015, 05:26 PM #63
Originally posted by Kronoaxis View Post
Nobody is going to tell you it. It's extremely easy to find yourself really. Search in the 00000000-10000000 in Netcheat, set bytes to 4 bytes, then search for everything within that range. Afterwards, change your booster and change the net heat option to "Changed".

Repeat it over and over till you find the booster address. Now you need to figure out how you are going to turn that booster offset into a gold booster. :P

Well, I did it, and i found one changed byte for booster 1, then i changed to a lvel 2 booster, then to the first booster and then nothing :/
12-13-2015, 02:53 AM #64
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by ObeHaxx View Post
Well, I did it, and i found one changed byte for booster 1, then i changed to a lvel 2 booster, then to the first booster and then nothing :/

Nice! Although specify your problem a bit more! Are you trying to turn the booster into gold or are you trying to get the booster to stick? If so, go into a match with your edited booster and wait till the match is done.

If you want to know the correct bytes to make a booster gold, just simply get a single booster to gold and see the bytes for yourself so you'll know. Smile

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