Post: Screw 3ARC, How To Get XP Using SPLITSCREEN
11-29-2010, 10:15 PM #1
[b][move]NGU - Home of The Virgins![/b][/move]
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sorry guys, Treyarch wins. :( Somehow they patch my private match xp (It involved signing out and signing back in) AND my secret prestige glitch project (Needed combat training prestiging...) I guess this ends my little ride. Thanks to everyone for thanking and nominating this thread. It means a lot to me. Sorry guys.
Last edited by NeglectFate ; 12-15-2010 at 12:21 AM. Reason: I fail.

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12-13-2010, 12:52 PM #812
Do a barrel roll!
I know someone said a while back you can't increase your win/loss ratio using ss.

Well I found out a way you can use this method really quickly 2 win every game
(if it's allready been posted somewere else my apologies)

just set a game up of sabotage on a small map like nuke town
(I suggest a class with marathon, lightweight to get 2 the bomb quicker)

next once it starts plant the bomb

after that just wait for it to count down or if you want get a few kills on the other guy while your waiting

after it finish's you then should have a win in your stats Smile

I found this to be the quickest as it only takes a minute 2 finish a game you will also get xp for quick victory's and stuff

hope this help's
12-13-2010, 12:55 PM #813
Originally posted by The
Yes, just you and your controller going at it to get you some XP, Increase your K/D, and Give you Mad COD Points.


NEW 12/2/10: YOU can get banned for this! Treyarch has recently banned a few users whom did this exploit/glitch. Please use at your own RISK. I'm not at fault if you get banned. Post here if you been banned You must login or register to view this content.

And personally, I'm gonna keep do it til they fix it. I'm not letting Treyarch play terrorist on me. Their unjust scare tactics are sickening and wrong... They are banning us because we found something that they didn't fix properly. They should know ANYONE would use a shortcut like this. Hey, if they found a way to make their games development cost less by exploiting a previous company that left something around, you don't think they would do that? Of course they would. Only difference is that this is a VIDEO GAME. Who the **** cares if I raise my kd up or level up faster by using one of TREYARCH's FAULTS? Instead of banning people, why don't you fix the ****ing game?

At any case, when you hack/glitch you must also accept the consequences of it too. So if you get banned, I'm sorry but theres nothing you and I can do. The only reason I find this quite unjustified is because they are banning us for doing some stupid glitch they left around. When the private match xp glitch was there no ban. They just fixed it, which is okay. But banning only a few people and not fixing this while there are many people that did the prestige hack and is still not banned, or even other normal boosters that never got caught/banned is ****ed up 3ARC. I honestly believe they are just mad at me and thats why they are banning people for doing Jk but yeah...

LOOK HERE FOR WAYS TO GET DETECTED LESS You must login or register to view this content.

This was founded by ME, Aka The_Snake (Previously known as G-Shooter). I did NOT leech to get this. This is a NGU Original lol Tested for PS3 and apparently not working for 360. Sowwy :/



Thanks everyone, for the nominations and thanks! I would just like to address other fail sites, like The End's Website (I never liked him..), have been leeching this tutorial, which I honestly do not mind that much. I'm informing you so CERTAIN PEOPLE don't say something like "You stole this," Or "Copy and paste much?" So yeah Smile

So the tutorial...

What you need, a friend, two controllers, and I highly RECOMMEND a tactical insertion for your second controller.

1.Tell your friend to start an OPEN party and make sure you can join him.

2. After you established that you can connect to him, back out and go to split screen.

3. Connect another controller (a guest account) and make it a HQ match, and I would recommend the map as Nuketown

4. Highlight Start Game, but do not click on it yet.

5. Click triangle and go find your friend's name (MAKE SURE HE IS IN AN OPEN PARTY! NOT A GAME, OR A CLOSED ONE).

6. Click Square to Join his session. You should get a "Joining Session."

7. Now quickly tap X over and over to cancel the message and it should start the game as well.

8. Look at the starting screen for the map, it'll just say Nuketown and no gametype.

9. Your online account weapons should be shown now.

10. It does freeze a lot. If you click start, the only way to get out of the menu is to click options and start again.

11. If your person freezes and cannot move, click circle and R3 repeatedly.

12. Have fun being so 1337 Happy

13. I changed the game type to HQ because they put a limit on demo, thus making this the easiest and highest gaining XP gametype. Look.... Player Two MUST have a tactical insertion. Both players go to the HQ, player two is put back a little so he doesn't capture the HQ. Player one takes HEADSHOTS (150 xp) on player two, and player two just has to keep putting down T.Is. When you capture the HQ, you get an additional 300 xp per kill. Repeat this until the score gets to 235-245. Now from here you just go to any place you want and take headshots on player two until the time is up.

14. Just a F.Y.I, I use Search now actually. It provides more xp in less time. When Player one plants the bomb, lets player two defuse it and take a headshot after he finishes defusing it completely. When on defense, let player two plant, take a headshot and defuse. You should get 7000 IN GAME XP (Not including your first blood bonuses and 500 xp extra for every headshot and plant/defuse)

This was founded by oX-matto-Xo

I only have two controllers so I can't test this, but according to him, you can use four controllers at a time Smile

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Go click here and thank DiJiTaLGoDz for the video

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Go here and thank Tidgeee

Things to do with this:




Weapon/Equipment Challenges

Boosting your W/L Ratio

Get an INSANELY high K/D

Just a heads up, while you are playing, you are really in your friends party lol So if he tries talking to you in his mic, you'll hear him. Tell him to disband the party, stay or (the best method) FIND A MATCH after you got a kill and you should be fine. After every match you MUST repeat this.

And for the last time, NO this is not patched. I literally have been doing this all day and 2 mins ago as well. It works. Please check that you can connect to the guy you are going to use and that you are RAPIDLY tapping x when joining session appears.


I know ya fags love me now Winky Winky

Great Post man, Good work, thanks :wub:
12-13-2010, 12:57 PM #814
Im hosting for people to do this if anyones interested. Check this thread You must login or register to view this content.
12-13-2010, 08:29 PM #815
[b][move]NGU - Home of The Virgins![/b][/move]
Originally posted by lsaajack View Post
I know someone said a while back you can't increase your win/loss ratio using ss.

Well I found out a way you can use this method really quickly 2 win every game
(if it's allready been posted somewere else my apologies)

just set a game up of sabotage on a small map like nuke town
(I suggest a class with marathon, lightweight to get 2 the bomb quicker)

next once it starts plant the bomb

after that just wait for it to count down or if you want get a few kills on the other guy while your waiting

after it finish's you then should have a win in your stats Smile

I found this to be the quickest as it only takes a minute 2 finish a game you will also get xp for quick victory's and stuff

hope this help's

I didn't understand any of that lol
12-14-2010, 12:52 PM #816
Climbing up the ladder
Originally posted by The
I didn't understand any of that lol

i guess today morning they've patched it ,, 1:00 am .. :jim:
12-14-2010, 12:55 PM #817
Do a barrel roll!
I cant Get It To Work Anymore ? Have They Patched It?:(
12-14-2010, 01:17 PM #818
Insane Prodigy
yes lol they patched everything
12-14-2010, 01:24 PM #819
That Sucks...!
12-14-2010, 01:40 PM #820
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by The
I didn't understand any of that lol

what I was basically saying was you could go into a game of sabotage in splitscreen plant the bomb really quickly and win the game so it added on your stats as a win so you could get a lot of win's really quickly

anyway it's all irrelavent now as it looks like they have patched it in the new update

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