Post: Which Watch Dogs to get?
04-30-2014, 05:28 PM #1
Former Staff
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Can't wait for this game, but I'm still deciding on which one to get... You may be like, wtf Jon there's only one, not there is not, there is many different versions that come with additional packs from different stores.

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Explains it somewhat, even though I can't find the Dedsec Edition any where and only the Limited one...

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Explains everything pretty good, and what you get from each site.

I think Best Buy has the best offer, limited edition looks nice, but you're really buying stuff you can't use in the game... And if you get the Ps4 verision you already get a ton of stuff right? The gamestop one is cool I guess, I usually get all my games there but I don't know.

I was just thinking about getting the gold version on the PS store, it comes with the season pass on it already for $79.99, but that one is download only obviously and I was just wondering if you guys think the game will play better on a disc or on a download, like you think if I download it, I won't have any problems and it'll be just like the disc based game orrr you think I could notice a difference? Cause I'm thinking I get the best buy pre-order shit then buy the season pass later or just buy it all in one from the PS store. Idk guys I think your help!
04-30-2014, 09:52 PM #2
I'd rather own something that I can hold and see with my own eyes.

If you was to ever get bored of the game, you could sell it on eBay/ any other site.
05-04-2014, 12:02 AM #3
Pokemon Trainer
I buy most my ps4 games from the ps store, they all work great. But I think I'm gonna start buying disk's, just so I can sell them if I don't like the game.
05-04-2014, 08:00 PM #4
Pokemon Trainer
Retail version.
05-04-2014, 08:02 PM #5
[move] LOLOL [/move]
I prefer to know I have the disc, you can sell it!
05-12-2014, 08:55 PM #6
Former Staff
Normal disc copy for me, might get the season pass once I've played it to see if it's worth it or not

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