Post: Scammed by Bromosexual / xRhysEvz
08-09-2010, 09:13 PM #1
I’m too L33T
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Today I Was looking for people interested in selling me a PSN Card, He told me he had one. I Told him to private message me but he prefered private messaging in the shoutbox. I Told him to let me try out the code to see if it works and he had no proof that he had the card, I told him I'm in the Trustworthy Level 1 List i'm not a scammer i swear, He still refused he said " You trade first because what you are offering has not money value " So I said " k " " brb " So Around the time of 4:30 to 4:39 It took me to withdrawl the vbux and send it heres proof of the payment, but i dont write a reason so i may have messed up.
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Up to 5:00 I Have been sent him three messages two on his profile and one in a private message, up to this exact moment he hasn't replied.
Last edited by CrazzyDexter407 ; 08-09-2010 at 09:16 PM.
08-09-2010, 10:03 PM #20
You have been refunded, CLOSED.

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