Post: M4CarbineSin ScAmmed Me! :/
09-01-2010, 02:54 AM #1
Halfway to a ☆
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); M4CarbineSin refuses to pay me for downloading sharecash files. Sharecash is a website the pays you per download of the file by way of surveys. In his thread he saud originally (he editted it when i told him i was reporting him (i got pics no worries)) that
1 download would earn you 35k
Second for 40k and third for 45k.
He then said in a later reply that for all his vbux 15 downloads would be necesary. After bidding i guess he just said whoever downloads 19 gets all of his vbux. I downlkaded 5 files when i encountered a problem which refused to let me downliad the files. The files simply wouldnt downlkad no matter how many surveys were completed. So i told him about the problem and about how i did 5 so i should be payed for the five i did which is 210k. He point blank refused and then after i told him i would be reporting him changed his thread. I'll post pictures as soon as i have a chance to get on my laptop.

09-02-2010, 10:28 PM #29
Originally posted by Spartan
Look at the picture posted, this is your last chance to pay him.

i like how you this is my last chance like 10 times lol and nothing happened. :tits:
09-02-2010, 10:38 PM #30
Thread closed, enjoy your ban.

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