Post: Xbox LIVE Player Scams Kid Out of $500
03-20-2011, 07:23 PM #1
Tory Lanez
On bail right now
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Xbox LIVE player Scams Kid out of 500$

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I hope Zach Grant thinks twice next time

The 14 year old was offered something deemed "to good to be true". Zach was playing a game over xbox live when someone told him that he could get him free microsoft points. Zach gave over all the information the other person asked for ( i presume , email + password ). This led to the mass loss of 500$ on his father's credit card. The person then went on to use the boy's credit card details , which had been saved to his account, to rent movies and various other things.

A in-depth story (You must login or register to view this content.)

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I hope the boy learnt a valuable lesson. Identity theft is still a huge problem on games consoles. Personally i think if the boy's parents had had half a brain they would of thought not to buy there 14 year old son Halo Reach.

Original Rant:

14 year old Zach Grant will think twice next time an offer from someone over Xbox LIVE seems too good to be true.

Whilst playing a game over Xbox LIVE, Zach was contacted by another player who told him he could get Microsoft Points if he gave him the right information. Having craved these points for weeks, Zach jumped at the opportunity. Giving the player all the information he asked for.

Unfortunately the player used the information to charge movies and games to Zach’s father’s credit card. Racking up over $500 in charges. The local news report tells the story.

Of course, most people know the sensible way to avoid identity theft, but it’s still a huge problem. Certainly this is an unfortunate mistake and the kid has learned his lesson. Being so young and having lost the family so much money, I’m sure he is devastated by it and feels terrible. However, there is another issue I have with this story.

Here I go again, if the kid is too dumbass not to give out sensitive information over Xbox LIVE, is he really mentally developed enough to being playing Halo Reach? The game is rated Mature in the US, which means it’s not suitable for a 14 year old to be playing. Okay, it’s no Black Ops as far as content is concerned, but the fact remains he is being left to play this game that is rated well above his age bracket AND he is left alone online to talk to God knows who.

Sure, I’m sorry to hear they lost a lot of money and that someone is out there scamming kids, but I am a damn sight more annoyed that yet again a child is given access to a game he shouldn’t be. This is why stupid parents who don’t know facts come knocking on the games industry’s door all the time because their children were somehow at risk from these games. Blame the other parents!

Rant over. For now.

The lesson here is, don’t give your child access to games he shouldn’t have, but if you do, don’t leave him alone with millions of strangers on the internet. Seriously.

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Last edited by Tory Lanez ; 03-20-2011 at 09:11 PM.

The following user thanked Tory Lanez for this useful post:

04-24-2011, 01:05 AM #74
$500 is poop money
04-24-2011, 02:12 AM #75
My Hate
At least I can fight
I always get messages from people trying to scam me. When I had CFW, I said I'll prestige them to pay them back before I would "give" them my information.I told him to invite his friends as well. Once we all spawned, I locked the lobby and deranked em all. Happy
04-24-2011, 02:21 AM #76
You talkin to me?
thats sucky oh well
04-25-2011, 01:14 PM #77
Bounty hunter
lol someone should have taught the kid better then to do that! in additon you shouldnt keep a credit card on file with you xbox account just add it when you want to buy something
04-26-2011, 12:29 AM #78
i'lln 2 tha maX
Stupid kids these days, 14 year old shouldnt be saving a credit card on a account anyway, and the parents are stupid for saving it in the first place ahah
04-26-2011, 12:36 AM #79
Do a barrel roll!
Its not f#*&ing hacking when you Give the Email nd Password :wtf:
04-26-2011, 12:40 AM #80
Clearly Outplayed
Kids need to learn some sort of common sense. Just saying.
04-26-2011, 12:47 AM #81
Climbing up the ladder
True dumbass this is exactly why kids shouldn't play rated M games in his case Halo Reach.

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