Post: New Zombie Ranking Theory.
11-28-2012, 09:48 AM #1
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Hey guys.
After a game I just played I'm kinda led to believe that the zombie rankings are based on level. Not Skill.
Nearly every game I play I am always top of the scoreboard when its either 1, 2, 3 or 4 players.
I always have most kills, Most Revives and Most Head shots. But every friend I play with manages to have a higher rank than me. I'm higher on the leader boards than they are and I'm a lot more consistent with my games than they are. (They get to round 15 nearly every game. I get to round 20-25 every game.) But after this game i had just played (Like 5 minutes ago) I finally leveled up. I got to round 31 with a friend and then my game froze and had to turn my ps3 off.
After i came back on I had leveled up from the skull. To the skull with blue eyes.

So I am beginning to believe that the Zombie Ranks are not based on skill, but on what your highest rounds are.
I am going to try get to round 40, 50, 60 ect. and Ill report back with whether I rank up or not.
If I do then I will be almost 100% sure that it is based on rounds.

Hopefully this kinda gives people a little help.


I have started playing a lot more 'Grief Mode' and winning a few of those seemed to get my rank from the normal 'Skull' to the 'Skull with Blue Eyes' rank.

Also then, I began to just play 'Survival' instead of 'TranZit' and after playing one game and making it to round 31 I managed to get the 'Skull with Blue Eyes and 1 Knife behind it' rank.

So I would say it could possibly be based on winning 'Grief Mode' matches and also making it to higher rounds on 'Survival' instead of 'TranZit' game mode.

The ranking system is most likely based on your past 5 games.
Which would explain the 1-5 tally marks you get. You could possibly earn them by having a 'good game' which would mean if your past 3 out of 5 games were good(I'm going to say above 20-25) then you will get a tally mark. Which would mean when you have 3 tally marks that means you had 3 'good games' out of your past 5 'good games'
I'm going to say you have to get over 20-25 to get a tally mark. So once you get 5 'good games' you will get blue eyes, and if you are more consistent with these then you will rank up.
Also if you are inactive on zombies for over a day or two you will be de-ranked. I was away for around almost 2 days and I was pushed back to the skull.

1. By not playing for a consecutive no. of days. Eg. 2-3 days.
2. Leaving when you are in mid-game.
3. Getting downed ALOT of times in a single game(20+)
4. Playing bad overall for a consecutive no. of games.

Last edited by Life. ; 12-04-2012 at 03:46 AM. Reason: Updating Theory. + Adding 'Way's to get De-Ranked'.

The following user thanked Life. for this useful post:

11-28-2012, 05:55 PM #11
Gym leader
i thinks is true cause i just play a few games But good games like 30-40 rounds and i'm already got the skull with the blue eyes...
11-28-2012, 08:44 PM #12
Originally posted by Lifestylez View Post
Hey guys.
After a game I just played I'm kinda led to believe that the zombie rankings are based on level. Not Skill.
Nearly every game I play I am always top of the scoreboard when its either 1, 2, 3 or 4 players.
I always have most kills, Most Revives and Most Head shots. But every friend I play with manages to have a higher rank than me. I'm higher on the leader boards than they are and I'm a lot more consistent with my games than they are. (They get to round 15 nearly every game. I get to round 20-25 every game.) But after this game i had just played (Like 5 minutes ago) I finally leveled up. I got to round 31 with a friend and then my game froze and had to turn my ps3 off.
After i came back on I had leveled up from the skull. To the skull with blue eyes.

So I am beginning to believe that the Zombie Ranks are not based on skill, but on what your highest rounds are.
I am going to try get to round 40, 50, 60 ect. and Ill report back with whether I rank up or not.
If I do then I will be almost 100% sure that it is based on rounds.

Hopefully this kinda gives people a little help.


I was kind of following you but i don't think so. You may be aware of this but you can be deranked, so how would that work then? I see what you're saying but there's a few flaws to this theory. Thanks for the post though.
11-29-2012, 12:02 AM #13
Little One
I think you gain a rank when you do better than other higher ranked players in the lobby. My 2 cents
11-29-2012, 03:59 AM #14
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Originally posted by chrisauh View Post
I think you gain a rank when you do better than other higher ranked players in the lobby. My 2 cents

Thats what I don't get. I get highest in the lobby every game. Still no rank up :/
11-29-2012, 12:30 PM #15
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by chrisauh View Post
I think you gain a rank when you do better than other higher ranked players in the lobby. My 2 cents

Ye thats what im thinking to now.

But you have to be in the same lobby with people of the same rank or higher and you have to be the best player/winner

if your playing with people of lower rank you wont progress as quick.

Now this does not work simply after playing one match you gotta play more to rank up

I was playing with randoms, all with blue eyes, I won/got the highest score in the match now I got blue eyes and knife :p the game didn't even finish the host left and lobby was closed but i was still promoted.

The following user thanked ilovepizzaa for this useful post:

11-29-2012, 12:57 PM #16
Bounty hunter
Maybe zombie ranks are based off of all the different zombie modes together, simply playing well on only tranzit can only take you so far.
11-29-2012, 07:45 PM #17
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Originally posted by I
Maybe zombie ranks are based off of all the different zombie modes together, simply playing well on only tranzit can only take you so far.

Yeah that's what I've found out. Ive been playing a lot of TranZit. When I started playing Grief, I got the Skull with Blue eyes. Then I played a normal survival on Town. Made it to level 31 and got The Skull with Blue Eyes and a Knife.
11-29-2012, 10:22 PM #18
Samurai Poster
I seem to be stuck on the skull with blue eyes. I have been here for weeks and have not moved up or down. I win about 75% of my grief games and have made it to round 37 solo tranzit and 30+ on Town with 4 players. I am kinda confused as to what I need to do to rank up. I feel like maybe I have too many downs/deaths compared to some of my friends who have the skull with a knife. Maybe I need to stop playing with randoms on Tranzit because i feel like I have a very high death to downs ratio on co-op. On versus I have a ton of downs but my deaths aren't that high (I feel like going down is part of that game mode, you will trap an enemy in a corner and sacrifice yourself knowing you will get revived in order to get them downed). Anyone got any ideas on what I should try to do to rank up? Currently I feel like I need to just play solo tranzit because I can get 1k+ kills without a down when I play that.

Also another thing I have noticed none of the top ranked players for wins in Grief have the shotguns emblem.
11-30-2012, 06:33 AM #19
Bounty hunter
I just got the shotguns with blue eyes after 3 tranzit games in a row that were all over round 40, one of which was round 50.

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