Post: How should BOP2 handle snipers ?
07-09-2012, 05:10 PM #1
In Flames Much?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Snipers was a intersting subject in black ops
Tbh the first nerf trey did was too much....what they need to do is force you to ADS before you can fire. None of this click and fire stuff

You need to have the scope up before you fire this would force snipers into drag scoping and above all aim.

I hope they don't put in the random cross hair thing again
Quick ADS snipers need to go without a doubt

QSing drag scoping is a tool not a playstyle. Trey need to understand that snipers should be strong but force you into a playstyle if you want to rush you better be good at drag scopes.

Irony of MW3 is that snipers work better at close range over shotguns, snipers should have a role in black ops until they patched it not worth using. Even after that still could be iffy due to the hitboxes
Last edited by ResistTheSun ; 07-09-2012 at 05:13 PM.

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07-24-2012, 01:07 AM #29
is just the man!
Originally posted by vFlaveh View Post
It should be harder than the first black ops where people were complaining about how hard it was to quickscope. The reason for this is that its really annoying when you get people trying to quickscope, especially on a game like that COD4 and MW2 was made for it but the more recent games shouldn't be as easy thats my opinion anyway. Smile

CoD4 wasn't made for quick scoping. Quick scoping started in CoD4. It should be as easy that any kid could do it. Just something that should take time to learn in my opinion
07-24-2012, 04:39 AM #30
Originally posted by ResistTheSun View Post
Snipers was a intersting subject in black ops
Tbh the first nerf trey did was too much....what they need to do is force you to ADS before you can fire. None of this click and fire stuff

You need to have the scope up before you fire this would force snipers into drag scoping and above all aim.

I hope they don't put in the random cross hair thing again
Quick ADS snipers need to go without a doubt

QSing drag scoping is a tool not a playstyle. Trey need to understand that snipers should be strong but force you into a playstyle if you want to rush you better be good at drag scopes.

Irony of MW3 is that snipers work better at close range over shotguns, snipers should have a role in black ops until they patched it not worth using. Even after that still could be iffy due to the hitboxes

Honestly, black ops 2 should be exactly the same is sniping as black ops 1's latest patch, with 2 major changes, firstly hitmarkers should only happen with leg shots, waist up should be 1shot kill. 2nd the random cross hair should be fixed..
07-27-2012, 04:59 PM #31
Bounty hunter
lol who cares I snipe all the time and sure it's easier in some games than others but if you just practice you'll be good no matter how the sniping is. so quit fucking complaining and go on black ops and practice sniping without aim assist that'll get you ready lmfao
07-28-2012, 02:47 PM #32
Cake is a lie
Black Ops sniping was ok towards the end. The maps were bigger with better sniper posts.

I don't quick scope though... I like to actually do well. L96 was good on BO.

Honestly sniping isn't so underpowered. If you use snipers in the correct role like defending flags and holding down chokepoints. However, if you're running around corners with a sniper rifle you're not someone I want to be playing with.
07-29-2012, 09:51 AM #33
instead of having you aim down only when the aim down button is pressed, why not have a toggle? like press L1 or LT and have it stay scoped in until you press the button again.
07-30-2012, 11:36 AM #34
MW2 Sniping
07-30-2012, 01:11 PM #35
League Champion
In my opinion i think they should just keep it the same as MW3 sniping is really good and accurate Smile !

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