Post: [RELEASE] The BIGGEST patch_mp.ff ever
02-13-2011, 01:33 PM #1
You're Goddamn Right
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:wtf: [RELEASE] The BIGGEST patch_mp.ff ever :wtf:

By CraigChrist of se7ensins
In this beta, I have removed every asset other than GSCs. What this means:

* You can only play DLC maps if you switch to them in-game
* Model 1887 range is restored to really far
* Sprint speed with care package markers is restored to really ****ing fast
* Anything that was patched (excluding several things like elevators and 10h prestige glitch) is now un-patched

However. It also allows me complete control of every single rawfile in the game. I can add/remove/resize any rawfile that I want. This includes CFGs and other stuff. The rawfiles in this beta are...

Originally posted by another user
* animtrees/destructibles.atr - Max Size: 303
* animtrees/destructibles_dlc.atr - Max Size: 48
* animtrees/destructibles_dlc2.atr - Max Size: 88
* common_scripts/_destructible_dlc.gsc - Max Size: 1912
* common_scripts/_destructible_dlc2.gsc - Max Size: 1912
* common_scripts/_destructible_types_dlc.gsc - Max Size: 780
* common_scripts/_destructible_types_dlc2.gsc - Max Size: 2084
* common_scripts/utility.gsc - Max Size: 16759
* File1.gsc - Max Size: 20480 (Contains onEvent examples)
* File2.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File3.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File4.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File5.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File6.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File7.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File8.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* File9.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* FileA.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* FileB.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* FileC.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* FileD.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* FileE.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* FileF.gsc - Max Size: 20480
* maps/mp/_awards.gsc - Max Size: 5501
* And more gscs from the common_mp...


Last edited by DEREKTROTTER ; 03-25-2011 at 07:50 PM. Reason: updated

The following 97 users say thank you to DEREKTROTTER for this useful post:

Okami, <Jimbo>, JordanCarr, |ManiaC|, Adamâ„¢, add_me, alcapoter, Arvindian, bernie2007, Brian235026, BriceC, chickensamw1993, Clanor, CleanMODSHD, cod4 sniperman, Da Shiz, DanGFX, daswiftguy, DiJiTaLGoDz, DJ-MERKEL, DR-Dizzy, DRFT-ii_JOKER, drive4567, effinTyler, ericsklarski, Fifa97, FourzerotwoFAILS, FrozN, gamer89117, GetDeleted -_-, Gilmar_, GodDrinksPepsi, GuilloDesigns, hacker4life, Hells, hydro_122499, Beats, IAMSTEN, IzBoogz, JamazkieHD, jammie01, Jayy, JonnyWilson_1, Judgement, Karoolus, kevin46571, killa skillz, legitmod, LIL_SMOKEY412, lovebros, macoroniman1234, User23434, maxrox, Morphia, Mr.Oppossum, MV-rockers, Mw2Freak13, nch90, Neal Caffrey, NGU???, nick3000, Night Wolf, noob_like_you, NorrisHD, olboijoe, Pauly, pies5674321, PussayPatrol, rabrabrab, RaverBoy, RiZ-N, Shisha, skitterz, Skyl1n3, soebred, Stealthclown, tambiya786, The InvadeR, theycallmeryan, thinkcentre12ba, Threatz2Fresshh, Treyarch FTG-7, Uk_ViiPeR, Unonymous, Wild., Wondoh, xChoco--, xCoD_I3eAsT, xDeltaaa, xFkN, xG-Tank, Xr3v0 HD, xSpider95, xTrueFear, xVz, xXPolojackXx, yaro
02-16-2011, 11:08 AM #110
Look up my Patch Edits :P
Originally posted by sonscl View Post
thank you derek for putting so much effort for us into your patches Claps

He DIDNT make this. So many fanboys on this site. Not saying anything but ANYONE can take this from another website, and post it here. And he even stated that in his thread.

The following 2 users say thank you to FrozN for this useful post:

ImTrippinHoes, xiGreyPanther
02-16-2011, 11:14 AM #111
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by FrozN View Post
He DIDNT make this. So many fanboys on this site. Not saying anything but ANYONE can take this from another website, and post it here. And he even stated that in his thread.

nah i didnt just mean this i meant everything hes done
02-16-2011, 04:31 PM #112
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by DEREKTROTTER View Post
yes TOO big, we can now port Granny Zombies, nemesis etc. Claps

if i can get this converted to PS3, i'm gonna add zombieland to my patch.

so now why dont you work on having whole gamemode patches into your v8 i.e in gamemodes there would be
Hawkins Zombieland
02-16-2011, 07:30 PM #113
Originally posted by NeverMoreModz View Post

Anyway. Good Work Derek. I Hope to see you making more & better patchs in the furture for the community.

Mate, im not a leech, your the ****ing leech around here, what can you do hax wise? So stfu GoML?Outie
02-16-2011, 07:41 PM #114
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by TheWraith
i know but what i would really like is DT's BlackRain Menu code... i wanna add that to a path but i cant mind. Hey DT will you give me the menu code ????

you need to do the leg work. take the missions.gsc from the BlackRain patch and take out everything except the menu and then you have a blank menu. You will still need verifications so either look at how Mossy did them (mossysfunctions) and make your own, or just copy those into your new patch with your cleaned menu.
02-16-2011, 09:09 PM #115
Gym leader
Originally posted by xNiicademus View Post
you need to do the leg work. take the missions.gsc from the BlackRain patch and take out everything except the menu and then you have a blank menu. You will still need verifications so either look at how Mossy did them (mossysfunctions) and make your own, or just copy those into your new patch with your cleaned menu.

na i dont have to do this. DEREK sent me the menu code Happy
02-16-2011, 11:52 PM #116
.::xAtO omIC::.
Bounty hunter
omfg, on ps3 ,that will great lol
02-17-2011, 01:42 AM #117
i was wonderin (i downloaded and was too stunned to know this but) which one do you edit haha, theres too many does it even matter or what?
02-17-2011, 04:46 AM #118
Originally posted by OnlyUfoMode View Post
Mate, im not a leech, your the ****ing leech around here, what can you do hax wise? So stfu GoML?Outie

You have 4 post and -3 rep for a reason leech. What can YOU do is the question. Also modding a video game is not hacking. Still not sure why you braindead ****s around here can't realize that.


Originally posted by Wiki
Modding is a slang expression that is derived from the verb "modify". Modding refers to the act of modifying a piece of hardware or software or anything else for that matter, to perform a function not originally conceived or intended by the designer. The term modding is often used within the computer game community, particularly in regard to creating new or altered content and sharing that via the web. It may also be applied to the overclocking of computers in order to increase the frequency at the which the CPU operates. Case modding is also a popular activity amongst many computer enthusiasts which involves the customization of a computer chassis or the installation of water cooling technology. In connection with automobiles, modding often refers to engine tuning, remapping of a vehicle's engine control unit or customization of the bodywork.

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Originally posted by Wiki
In common usage, a hacker is a stereotypical person who breaks into computers and computer networks, either for profit or motivated by the challenge.[1] The subculture that has evolved around hackers is often referred to as the computer underground but is now an open community.[2]
Other definitions of the word hacker exist that are not related to computer security. They are subject to the long standing hacker definition controversy about the true meaning of hacker. In this controversy, the term hacker is reclaimed by computer programmers who argue that someone breaking into computers is better called cracker,[3] not making a difference between computer criminals ("black hats") and computer security experts ("white hats"). Some white hat hackers claim that they also deserve the title hacker, and that only black hats should be called crackers. None of this controversy has gained any relevance in mainstream media, TV and movies, however.

Source: You must login or register to view this content.)

Hacking does not mean adding"Not Hacking";

self iPrintln("^1I am so not hacker");}

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