Post: The Criticism Thread! (Anti-Mw2.)
11-17-2009, 12:12 AM #1
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Need to let your anger out on something related to mw2?
Then post here, this is simply to stop flamming fights in this section.
So instead of creating a whole new thread to just let out steam, post here, it would be much more appreciated by people who infact love the game.

Forum rules do apply, so don't get too personal, for example:
"I hate Hawt because he camps all the timee!"

Please keep it cool, don't get too hot headed over a game.

The following user thanked Kaspa for this useful post:

08-10-2010, 08:37 PM #434
I hate this Teleport-from-300ft-away-and-knife-him-perk.
I hate Hitmarkers :!!!
I hate IW, because they patch everything fun, but not this ****in 1st Perk :(

And the worst thing is :
08-11-2010, 02:12 AM #435
Gym leader
I hate ....

Knifing people through a hailstorm of bullets
"Pro Quick scopers"
Quick scopes... so stupid
OMA noob tubes
The ranking system
The matchmaking system
How there is no back blast on claymores
Stupid 9 year olds that cant even buy the game for themselves.
Kids screaming in the mic
Bullet lag
Hit markers with sniper rifles
Thermal scopes - not when people use them, how they are so far off from what they are in real life
How people claim this is realistic, when it is so far from it
Host migration
Selecting host
The in game music is so loud, we should be able to turn it down
akimbo weapons that act as snipers
last stand/ final stand
PAINKILLER!!!! ill take juggernaut over Painkiller anyday
the win loss system, how you take losses for beating kids so badly they pull cord and you take a loss???
joining a game in progress thats nearly over
the patch's that dont really fix sh!t and create new problems
People getting owned and calling you a "tryhard"
people in general
People that ask you to 1v1 in a team based game. what does that prove?
That this game has so many flaws and yet its so damn addicting

much much more... thank god IW is done for.
08-15-2010, 06:29 AM #436
Once I got it in my head that this game is extremely unrealistic and wayyy arcadey. It has helped my stress levels go down and i've enjoyed the game more. Addicting but a very stress inducing game
08-17-2010, 01:20 PM #437
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by Dub
im gonna take a complete guess and really hate campers

LOOOL i hate campers to tho but the thing that is even worse than campers are OMA Noob Tubers
08-19-2010, 11:00 PM #438
Retired Super
I hate those stupid names with xXx_something with sniper_xXx... Its okey on console but when ppl on PC do it... When they can have what name they want... instead of xXxX_sniper_xXxX just have sniper ffs! And i hate the ppl who nubtoobe and g18 and runners but i also hate whiners. a real pro can take a few nade shells without going crazy over the mic!
08-19-2010, 11:23 PM #439

being called a hacker when kids see my M240/1887/M93 gold titles. Just because they're jealous or dont know how to boost i guess I'm bad :whistle:

being called a tryhard because i do good in a pub match

being called a hacker at 10th prestige even though the game has been out for almost a year

host migration that apparently just sits in mid air when migrating

guys that claim they're pro because they know "lyk all teh spwn n00b tube spts"

guys that act pro in pub matches because they have their butt-buddies with the same names i.e oO_ or xX_-

guys that talk shit and say 1v1 and then call you a "pussy" or "queer" for saying it doesn't prove anything.

Kids that say they're so "L33T" but don't know what the hell GB or MLG Variant is Facepalm

those amazingly cool hitmarkers i get with an Intervention bullet from 2 feet away

in relation to my last point above, guys that can take me out across the map in Wasteland with a silenced cold blooded WA2000 or M21 with one shot

Scrandoms that are on my team and don't plant bombs in S&Awesome face but only go for kills

lobbies full of Pub* clans that talk shit for really no reason at all

"pros" that dropshot you from behind (****ing really?)FacepalmFacepalmFacepalm

people that D-ride my friend when I play with him because he has the skull emblem Not Happy or Sad (oh dude can you get me in a challenge lobby!??!?!111)

Infinity Ward in general really.

The fact that even though Black Ops is coming out and the replay value on MW2 is going to drop dramatically, IW developers STILL won't let us know how to get the skull.

Thats about it for now :P
08-26-2010, 05:22 PM #440
Bounty hunter
The fact that it costs £65 for maps and the game, yet IW doesn't spend any of this money patching the bullshit aka OMA, Commando, UMP, hitmarkers
08-27-2010, 12:51 AM #441
mw2 pisses me off for 2 reasons:

1.)NOOB TOOBING: Horrible idea especially with danger close
2.)ONE MAN ARMY NOOBTUBING: its ridiculous how many people do it now
08-28-2010, 05:28 AM #442
Total Imbalance
Game was gd in till the 3 months was over then it just rolled down hill with bull shit trailing it.

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