Post: Wunderwaffe DG-2 ★FIRST LOOK★
05-01-2009, 08:10 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Wunderwaffe DG-2 Vampire Vision LOOKS INSANE!!
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Wunderwaffe is German for "wonder weapons", and was a term assigned during World War II by the Nazi propaganda ministry to a few revolutionary "superweapons". Most of these weapons reached the combat theatre too late, and in too insignificant numbers (if at all) to have a military effect. Even if they did, the "Wunderwaffe" mostly failed to fulfill their destructive capabilities.

DG-2 translation: "Magic Bullet"

★UPDATED★ 5/7/09
Just wanted to say thanks for ALL the people interested in this new weapon. and THANKS!! for the REP+ Keep 'em coming

★UPDATED★ 5/11/09
A real photo of the picture above. Creds to DaleGee
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says it's a MP44? huh!
Last edited by CHEEK SPREADER ; 05-11-2009 at 10:51 PM.

The following 25 users say thank you to CHEEK SPREADER for this useful post:

bobert, boston1984, chris2k7sears, Cwebster1995, Dingus98, drunkenrepublicn, Favo, kazbluegreen, keitchy, KINGLAWLOR4, ls18, Megadeth, NanuGama, NP Carling26, ShAdoW_RiDa, sk84life, SoLDieRDaP, SpongehAcee, TRIFLENx69, welsh_legend_, WOW__your__cool, Xx-ShAdOw--xX
05-02-2009, 09:56 AM #11
great find mate , tanks for the info
05-02-2009, 03:22 PM #12
Meh, its probably based off "Hard Landing", the start area. Seems like it'll take place there
05-02-2009, 03:24 PM #13
Looks cool, thanks.
05-02-2009, 04:24 PM #14
Former Blue Mod
hey guys i thort of a CRAZY idea of wat da DG-2 could be used for... k lets jus say in the new map there's a tower that provides electricity to the whole area (like the power switch in verrukt) ok so first u have to open a few/a lot of doors,den in da l8r levels the zombies somehow get smarter n attack the tower.. so wat u have to do is defend it from inside if u fail to do that the power goes off until it is fixed agen... so ur not allowed to use ANYTHING that uses electricity lol.. heres were the DG-2 cums in...k so one of u grabs the DG-2 (if uve played RESI 5,the level wen u use a flamethrower on the boss) the DG-2 is like sits on the wall n wen u use it,it becomes a gun but it has a small amount of ammo,after u get it u have to get the edge of the map n there is a door that opens up to the outside but ur only allowed to use it wen the powers out,so u open it up n ur allowed 2 ppl out,1 man with the DG-2 and 1 man to cover him while he repairs the electricity.. but wen the door opens hell hounds are released from the jungle/the game releases them.. its really dark outside so u have to use the DG-2's light... wen u find the tower there's a box next to it n thats wat the DG-2's power units for,the guy with the DG-2 has to go up to the box n hold square until the bar fills up (similar to wen u revive somebody) n the other guy covers u cuz zombies try to attack u.. but wen ur done u go bak inside n resume play.. this does not happen every round but it happens about every 5-10 rounds...

sorry for the long post lol

rep/thank my post if u thought it was good/useful!
Last edited by ShAdoW_RiDa ; 05-02-2009 at 05:51 PM.
05-02-2009, 07:21 PM #15
Samurai Poster
Wow nice one. Anyway i think it will be a flooded knee deep and at night with raining and like a castle or sumin XD
05-02-2009, 07:23 PM #16
hahaa thats one beast of a gun thanks for this Winky Winky
05-02-2009, 07:25 PM #17
Little One
Originally posted by RiDa View Post
hey guys i thort of a CRAZY idea of wat da DG-2 could be used for... k lets jus say in the new map there's a tower that provides electricity to the whole area (like the power switch in verrukt) ok so first u have to open a few/a lot of doors,den in da l8r levels the zombies somehow get smarter n attack the tower.. so wat u have to do is defend it from inside if u fail to do that the power goes off until it is fixed agen... so ur not allowed to use ANYTHING that uses electricity lol.. heres were the DG-2 cums in...k so one of u grabs the DG-2 (if uve played RESI 5,the level wen u use a flamethrower on the boss) the DG-2 is like sits on the wall n wen u use it,it becomes a gun but it has a small amount of ammo,after u get it u have to get the edge of the map n there is a door that opens up to the outside but ur only allowed to use it wen the powers out,so u open it up n ur allowed 2 ppl out,1 man with the DG-2 and 1 man to cover him while he repairs the electricity.. but wen the door opens hell hounds are released from the jungle/the game releases them.. its really dark outside so u have to use the DG-2's light... wen u find the tower there's a box next to it n thats wat the DG-2's power units for,the guy with the DG-2 has to go up to the box n hold square until the bar fills up (similar to wen u revive somebody) n the other guy covers u cuz zombies try to attack u.. but wen ur done u go bak inside n resume play.. this does not happen every round but it happens about every 5-10 rounds...

sorry for the long post lol

rep/thank my post if u thought it was good/useful!

Good Thinking
05-02-2009, 08:00 PM #18
Yea thanks for the share looks really cool.

05-02-2009, 08:15 PM #19
Maggbot timeout!
but if this new thing is just with the STG how good can it be??

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