Post: DexmodderFTW (Your Typical Scammer)
03-12-2015, 06:44 PM #1
Can’t trickshot me!
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Hi NGU I wanted to take the time and point out another scammer on NGU and hopefully save you from getting scammed yourself by the same guy whose name is DexmodderFTW

Here are some pics/proof of our conversation which clearly states I get all updates for the script bypass for free you know since i paid this guy 50$
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Some of you are probably thinking wtf why did you pay that much my awnser to that is it was in the moment i was one of the person people that saw that post saying there was a script bypass and i was not going to let it pass me by i did it purely on instinct
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Here he is again reassuring me that of course ill get all updates for free

K so Fast Forward 4 months from that its 03/12/15 atm i of course quote him in the message and ask for an update which i will of course keep private if asked and this was his response

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A F*cking No?

Of course i asked again and he replies
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Soo basically i know posting this wont give me the bypass which everyone knows they have since they've been constantly posting videos but i just want to know am i crazy for wanted the update even though i paid 50$ for the bypass and all updates thanks in advanceGandalf the Grey
Proof they have bypass:

The following 16 users say thank you to OpenlyLegit for this useful post:

BaSs_HaXoR, CoreyTrevor, DexTeamFTW, Dog88Christian, EraseTheSanity, EternalHabit, FlipFlow, koekblik2, Kronoaxis, Next To Nothing, ResistThePizza, Rey, RTE, Slinky, xFLAMER, zKillShxt
03-12-2015, 07:02 PM #20
just release a cex version man
03-12-2015, 07:05 PM #21
Originally posted by DexModderFTW View Post
just to make things clear. he bought the 1.19 bypass (december 20) and i said he will get the next update free, he got 1.20 bypass free. so wat is the deal?

Your sir have been caught in the act, and yet you're afraid to admit it. Classic you. I don't know how you can maintain any relationships with the way you act dude. Good luck in life. Seriously. Smile

Oh and before you try to continue about saying "the next update" and not "updates" check again: You must login or register to view this content.
Last edited by BaSs_HaXoR ; 03-12-2015 at 07:07 PM.

The following 14 users say thank you to BaSs_HaXoR for this useful post:

Eddie Mac, EraseTheSanity, Fantasy Gam3r, get_rekt912, joshk326, Kronoaxis, ResistThePizza, Rey, rhett1989, Self, TheSaltCracka, VenomizedMods
03-12-2015, 07:05 PM #22
Originally posted by DexModderFTW View Post
just to make things clear. he bought the 1.19 bypass (december 20) and i said he will get the next update free, he got 1.20 bypass free. so wat is the deal?

You quite clearly state whoever purchases your script bypass gets free updates* correction, not update*....
03-12-2015, 07:05 PM #23
Big Daddy
Originally posted by DexModderFTW View Post
just to make things clear. he bought the 1.19 bypass (december 20) and i said he will get the next update free, he got 1.20 bypass free. so wat is the deal?

the deal is i hope sameone stole ur private stuff lol
03-12-2015, 07:05 PM #24
Originally posted by DexModderFTW View Post
just to make things clear. he bought the 1.19 bypass (december 20) and i said he will get the next update free, he got 1.20 bypass free. so wat is the deal?

1.19 - 1.20 are the same shit that's the point being made here got caught and now try to cover it up shame on you
03-12-2015, 07:06 PM #25
NextGenUpdate Elite
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03-12-2015, 07:06 PM #26
hmm ok, its better (but you says updateS) Winky Winky
03-12-2015, 07:07 PM #27
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by DexModderFTW View Post
just to make things clear. he bought the 1.19 bypass (december 20) and i said he will get the next update free, he got 1.20 bypass free. so wat is the deal?

yo cutty let me get your skype i wanna buy the bypass
03-12-2015, 07:08 PM #28
Do a barrel roll!
Look on "ebutouy "

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