Post: Android vs iphone?
06-17-2012, 04:14 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys i need to get a new phone soon and im uncertain between an iphone and an android. For a while i've been wanting an iphone cause its cool, it's popular its from ''apple''. Although i've done some research on androids and i feel as if it has better qualities than an iphone. For those who have an android or iphone, could you name the model and the advantages to your phone and disadvantages and why an android/iphone is better? ThanksSmile
06-21-2012, 08:11 PM #20
iPhone's are over rated in my opinion.
06-21-2012, 08:56 PM #21
PSN: awong_
If you don't really care about speeds or customization and just want a stock, plain yet appealing look go for the iPhone. There's next to no customization if you don't jailbreak it. If you just want a phone that'll do what phones do (texting, calling, the occasional game), then the iPhone is for you.

However, if you're interested in clock speeds, making your phone faster, and those kinds of things go for an Android device. on top of the market now is probably the One X, or the Galaxy Nexus (I would also say the SIII since it has really good, top of the line specs, but it just looks so bad <.<Winky Winky.

All in all both are really good phones, it really just depends on what kind of user you are.
06-21-2012, 09:12 PM #22
Former Staff
iphone if your a simpleton, android is you want a beast of a phone
06-22-2012, 03:00 AM #23
To me it kind of depends what you're going to be using it for. I find that Android is better for games and customization, so more of a fun phone. On the contrary I feel that the iPhone is more of a sleek business phone. You like what you've got and don't want to change it. At the moment I own a Samsung galaxy S2 LTE that's unlocked for my provider. I love it for gaming because it's got a huge screen great for games, and I can download and use roms without having to jailbreak my phone. Good luck!
06-22-2012, 05:26 PM #24
Gym leader
I've had both phones, and I went from an iPhone to Android. I've had WAY more problems with Android than I ever had with iPhone. Texting isn't as smooth on the iPhone as some of the apps that you can get on Anroid, but I think the extra tap or two is definitely worth it. If you're on your phone constantly, then I'd HIGHLY recommend you get an iPhone.
06-28-2012, 12:12 PM #25
☯ Y.O.L.O ☯
i Phone bro is better :wub: :love:
06-28-2012, 08:47 PM #26
Top Loader
i have both a iphone 3gs and galaxy s2 and htc desire.
i have used 4s but do not own one

things i like about the iphone:
Rock solid (99% of the time) operation and memory management
overall better app stabillity due to the fact that ios only runs on proprietary hardware (not to mention no carrier customisations)
LARGE collection of games
more free or cheaper apps
user friendly and a good start for people new to smartphones
great audio output capabilities (headphone/line level out/digital out)
HUGE range of accessories and cases.
No need to wait for os updates as you download them straight after apple releases them.
great apple store support
solid build quality, takes alot of shit from the kids in a cheap case and is still standing

Things i do not like about the iphone:
ITUNES sucks big time. Your phones content (music and....) is locked to your computer and can not be updated on other computers
Files can not be sent to and from an iphone wirelessly as bluetooth and wifi is crippled.
No way to manage files or folders
can not download any file type with browser
app capabilities are limited due to apples imposed restrictions on os and developers
Need to convert files like music or movies to be able to hear or see them on the iphone.
limited browsing capabilities.
non removable battery.
non upgradeable internal memory.
one phone model per year or so
no drag and drop files on computer

Things i like about my android
Browse the web using flash
view websites in TRUE desktop mode with user agent options and ability to download any type of file including zips which you can also extract
File management
full control of hardware and os
bluetooth/wifi direct file sending and receiving
psx and many other emulators available.
ps3 wireless bluetooth controller compatible.
better compatibility with generic peripherals
torrent downloading capabilities
play any video or music file without conversion.
usually removable battery and upgradeable internal memory
ability to install customised operating systems with a variety of diff themes and functions if you like tinkering
variety of handsets
better multitasking
drag and drop anything on the phone like usb drive

Things i do not like about the android os
Carrier customisations and variety of hardware manufacturers means your phones os may be left behind in updates or not even updated at all.
Carrier customisations means you have bloatware, branding and potential instability issues
sheer variety of hardware android runs on means you may not get the best app compatibility.
lower number and quality of games
higher app prices and lower number of free apps.
average app finishing/quality seems to be a tad lower than iphone but this may be a side effect of some of the sheer variety of handsets on different versions of android.
Harder (but not much) to use for a new smartphone user maybe due to the larger number of things that you can tinker with
worse memory management

To be fair it is quite a different story once ios is jailbroken but any customisation of iphone is more limited as the source code is not available like androids is.

Also remember you are comparing one os (ios) locked to one one PREMIUM proprietary phone (iPhone) per year to an open source os (Android) that is used on literally thousands of handsets both budget all the way to premium.

i have forgotten the rest. personally i use my android phone much more as i am a techy guy and hate limitations and am not too crazy about having so many games on the phone
07-04-2012, 07:21 AM #27
Bounty hunter
I think Android Phone is better. But is my opinion. I tried both phones out Iphone and Android. You have more things to do on Android. ;-)
07-11-2012, 02:18 AM #28
The main thing is do you want an OS that thinks your stupid and wont let you control almost every setting on your phone. If you want an os that dosent think your stupid go with android.

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