Post: 7 Things Black Ops Needs
06-01-2010, 09:30 AM #1
Retired Mod
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1. More Customization

If there was a positive point to take out of Modern Warfare 2, it was the return of customization to various aspects of the game, such as Camouflages, after they disappeared in World At War, and a series of brand new attachments players had never seen before. Best of all, was the addition of Callsigns, allowing every player to become an individual in the crowd, and created a new motive for completing challenges, a chance to 'show off' your skills. Treyarch must build on Infinity Ward's foundations - they've already confirmed a 'Create a Class 2.0', but the fanbase wants more. More technical weapon tweaks, custom camouflage, what your player looks like, more options with callsigns, all would be a very welcome addition to Black Ops multiplayer. We'll just have to see what they come up with.

2. Working Spawn System

As most of you well know, or probably have complained about in a thread somewhere on this forum, the Modern Warfare 2 spawn system was awful. Players would be trapped in an endless barrage of Chopper Gunner explosive ammo, leading to mass spawn killings. Rust was another awful map for spawns, which was bigger than Shipment, which Infinity Ward seemed to handle just fine in Call of Duty 4. So what happened? We'll never know, but lets hope Treyarch get their act together, and do a better job than Infinity Ward.

3. Weapon Balance

Just like in most Call of Duty games, a superior list of weapons soon emerge from all the rest. I'm talking the UMP45, the SCAR, and just any assault rifle in general. Snipers have become useless, as who need a real sniper, when you can just use an Assault Rifle, or even a Sub Machine Gun? Another thing, has been Infinity Ward's pure laziness. Off-centre sights, dodge silencers, weird added damage on various attachments - how!? How were these not spotted and fixed!? I certainly hope Treyarch take alot more care over their design process, as Infinity Ward's lack of it certainly shows.

4. Improved Killstreak System

The Tactical Nuke. It all seemed like a great idea at the time, but in reality, it's turned half the entire MW2 community into an angry mob. Boosters roam the servers, ruining the game for all those involved. Treyarch have already spoken of an enhanced system, so I'd love to see their ideas. Balance is another problem. Some killstreaks, you'd see in countless numbers every game, Harriers, AC130, Chopper Gunner. Others, such as the EMP, or Stealth Bomber, were very rare. Why use the Attack Helicopter over the Harrier Strike? Simply put, it's just better, that's why. Treyarch need to think up a series of balanced, yet exciting and useful killstreaks.

5. Improved Perk Design

Some perks created by Infinity Ward in Modern Warfare 2 were a great success, such as Ninja, Marathon, and Cold Blooded. Others were a disaster, namely Commando. I won't go into the details, but it was an awful, awful mistake. Death streaks were also a shocking idea, especially Pain Killer. As Gamer Crave put it, "there is a fine line between creating an accessible online experience, and rewarding poor play with a free kill". Treyarch must get this balance right, and be very cautious when adding perks of their own, and test them thoroughly, which brings me on to my next point.

6. A Beta Test

Why a beta test? Well, any mistakes that Treyarch may have made, can easily be found and fixed with the help of a Beta Test. Bugs and glitches can also be removed, before they end up in the final product, and requite weeks of patching and hotfixing to resolve. Infinity Ward's decision not to have a beta was a very poor one, and many of the awful glitches we were plagues by, probably wouldn't of existed if they did indeed have a beta.

7. Zombies

They speak for themselves....
Last edited by Caspa ; 06-01-2010 at 10:52 AM.

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06-01-2010, 05:09 PM #38
I wouldn't mind seeing killstreaks going back to set ones. Otherwise I agree totally with the post.
Thanks Caspa
Last edited by xScarsii ; 06-01-2010 at 05:13 PM.
06-01-2010, 05:26 PM #39
This post and thread replies are worthless unless a Treyarch employee reads this. Great ideas, but no where to shine.
06-01-2010, 05:30 PM #40
Little One
NIce i think all point of this are right
06-01-2010, 05:40 PM #41
Retired Mod
Originally posted by sotgun View Post
This post and thread replies are worthless unless a Treyarch employee reads this. Great ideas, but no where to shine.

I've already sent this thread to Zahm Winky Winky

The following user thanked Caspa for this useful post:

06-01-2010, 05:44 PM #42
N'wahs With Attitude
I think that Customisable Camoflages or Skins would be a great addition to the game. Players could then customise themselves with clan colours and such. Just a suggestion.
06-01-2010, 05:45 PM #43
Lovely post, argee on everything in the post. Thanks given.
06-01-2010, 06:36 PM #44
Originally posted by sotgun View Post
This post and thread replies are worthless unless a Treyarch employee reads this. Great ideas, but no where to shine.

But I think they may read this because this is a big website and treyarch are doing the good thing and looking in communities and using some ideas.
06-01-2010, 06:50 PM #45
Are you high?
I agree with all 7 things.
06-01-2010, 07:22 PM #46
Ex-News Staff
Awesome thread here Caspa

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