Post: Fallout New Vegas: How to install .esp Mods
01-24-2011, 10:02 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sine no one has a in-dept tutorial, here is the one I made for my website and I will glady share it to the NGU community.

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5. Some Fallout .esp Mod files, you can locate them at You must login or register to view this content.

1. Install Multi Man onto your CFW PS3 to the CFW you have. Then run Multi Man and back-up your Fallout New Vegas to your HDD.
2. When you are finished, install black b0x FTP Server to your PS3 and then run it.
3. When you have the FTP server up and running it will give you a IP Address (For Example ""). Copy that down and go to your computer.
4. Install FileZilla to your computer and go to the "Host" bar at the top of your screen and type in your IP Address, and put the port number as "21".
4. Go to "dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLUS30500/PS3_GAME/USRDIR"
5. Open the FALLOUT.INI I gave to you in the beginning of this thread and open it in Note Pad.
6. Minimize FALLOUT.INI and Assuming you downloaded some .esp files from You must login or register to view this content., rename them all in capital letters (For Example, if the file name was cheatterminal.esp, rename it to CHEATTERMINAL.ESP).
7. Go back to the FALLOUT.INI you opened in Note Pad and you will see something like this,

Add your renamed .esp files there like so,

8. When you are finished with putting the .esp file names in the STestFile spots, hit CTRL+F and search for this,

9. When you locate the "sEssentialFileCacheListE=", you want to also add the .esp names there. You will do this by putting "DATA/" and then the name of your .esp file in all caps. If done correctly it should go from looking like this
    sEssentialFileCacheListE=DATA/FALLOUT - MISC.BSA,

to this,

Just a reminder, when you are adding to the sEssebtialFileCacheListE, Make sure you write "DATA/NAMEOFFILE.ESP, " You need a space after each "," or it won't work.

Make sure you put the .esp files before "DATA/FALLOUT - MISC.BSA" or the mods WILL NOT work.

9. Save the edited FALLOUT.INI and drag and drop it into the "dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLUS30500/PS3_GAME/USRDIR" folder so it copies over the original FALLOUT.INI
10. Go to "dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLUS30500/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/DATA" and add all the renamed .esp files into the "DATA" folder.
11. When you dragged and dropped the modded FALLOUT.INI to replace the old one and added the .esp's to the "DATA" folder, you can close FileZilla and black b0x. Then go to Multi Man and press (X) to load Fallout New Vegas. When it says ":::Call Of Duty Modern Warfare::: Do you want to load the game now, without exiting to the XMB Warning: Some Games do not support such launch mode." Hit No and it will bring you to the XMB menu. Go to where you would launch the Blu-ray disk and you will notice instead of the game you have in the Blu-ray drive its Fallout New Vegas, Hit (X) and the game will boot up with the mods.

You can use ANY BLU-RAY DISK to boot the game, I was just using Call Of Duty 4 as an example!

Some .esp files made on that site WON'T work on the PS3 so trial and error is your best friend until I make a .esp archive.
Last edited by Wescyd3 ; 01-25-2011 at 12:44 PM.

The following 9 users say thank you to Wescyd3 for this useful post:

capo617, D3V, dolby1, fatboyfry, ibombo, j0nny, kuruptaz, Sup Im BirDy, ThwiX
01-24-2011, 10:07 PM #2
Do a barrel roll!
You know, someone allready made a tut for this except they kinda forgot some steps that you have included, But other then that you have to have the file names in CAPS for some reason ps3s dont like the read it then...
01-24-2011, 10:09 PM #3
Originally posted by D3V View Post
You know, someone allready made a tut for this except they kinda forgot some steps that you have included, But other then that you have to have the file names in CAPS for some reason ps3s dont like the read it then...

If you read my tut i say that and no one has made an in-dept tutorial like this, they just winged it.
01-24-2011, 10:15 PM #4
Do a barrel roll!
Well, if you ever find out how to make new Towns/locations in the game make a tut for that Awesome face Someone has allready found out how to do it thou :|
01-24-2011, 10:19 PM #5
Originally posted by D3V View Post
Well, if you ever find out how to make new Towns/locations in the game make a tut for that Awesome face Someone has allready found out how to do it thou :|

I do as well lol, its easier than people think, just for you ill post a nice little video for ya'll to see. Who found out how i would like to see though if you would please show me
01-24-2011, 11:08 PM #6
Good tut. Can't get them to work lol. Followed everything perfect, all 3 ESP files are all capped. Oh well
01-24-2011, 11:22 PM #7
Ha nice tutorial bud. Im sure it will help alot of people.

The following user thanked Croverno01 for this useful post:

01-24-2011, 11:23 PM #8
Originally posted by capo617 View Post
Good tut. Can't get them to work lol. Followed everything perfect, all 3 ESP files are all capped. Oh well

Hey man i will help you out, does anything confuse you while doing this because u might be missing a step
01-24-2011, 11:27 PM #9
Originally posted by Wescyd3 View Post
Hey man i will help you out, does anything confuse you while doing this because u might be missing a step

did pretty much everything you said. Went to the other thread with the mods able to work on ps3 grabbed the cheat terminal, 8000 weight and attack points, once downloaded changed it to all caps (CHEATTERMINAL.ESP, WEIGHT.ESP and AP.ESP), Took the ini added them to the list in caps and to the cache section. Dropped the esps int the data and ini into the usrdir. Loaded the game up hit continue went to doc mitchell and there's no terminal in the house. I dont know why it wont work.
01-24-2011, 11:29 PM #10
Originally posted by capo617 View Post
did pretty much everything you said. Went to the other thread with the mods able to work on ps3 grabbed the cheat terminal, 8000 weight and attack points, once downloaded changed it to all caps (CHEATTERMINAL.ESP, WEIGHT.ESP and AP.ESP), Took the ini added them to the list in caps and to the cache section. Dropped the esps int the data and ini into the usrdir. Loaded the game up hit continue went to doc mitchell and there's no terminal in the house. I dont know why it wont work.

terminal is the computer homie, and when u added the cheat terminal did you do

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