Originally posted by MrNuggies
Uploading then says waiting response from server then pops up and says Restart save wizard it only does this with save any other save works just fine only this one won't work CUSA08966
I've had that issue many times, and it usually means an issue with Save Wizard's servers being a bit overloaded. It's more likely to happen with some saves than others, especially larger saves. I recently suggested to someone my own "fix" which is to try a bunch of times in a row until it works (1 in 5 times it will go through), then Wosley helpfully chimed in and said that issue was better resolved by either using Google's DNS server or a VPN. I haven't tried this myself but it sounds more sure-fire than my approach.
Absent that, those sorts of issues normally only pop up in circumstances not present here. I'd ask about installation and setup of Save Wizard but you've said SW works with other saves so it can't be that. If you don't want to go through a VPN or set up Google's server, you can always try my approach and just keep trying trying trying all in a row, or perhaps try a different time of day.