Post: Zombie Ideas for Black Ops II
04-22-2012, 04:35 PM #1
[b]They say sorry Mr. West is..[/b]
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You just got hired by Activision, you're placed on the zombies unit, your job is to come up with zombies ideas for Black Ops II!

Post any features, maps, perk colas, traps, and any other ideas you have below!

My ideas:

1. Joining System

ONLY players who were in the game when it started can re-join. The purpose of this is so when someone lags out, the game doesn't go to hell.

The restrictions would be:

1. You have same points as when you left
2. You are automatically spectating till round ends

You have no idea how many games I've played where we're doing good then all of a sudden one of our friends time out and we lose the next round.

2. Universal Pause

We've all had that moment when we need to go do something during zombies. A good option to add is, "universal pause," which would be located in the pause menu for the host. We can always make a crawler when we really need to but cmon Treyarch, give us a break

3. Host Migration

Why should I suffer if the host rages and leaves? Add host migration to this!

4. Bank System

I've been wanting this since World at War. Moon added it with the hacker tool but it's not how I envisioned it. In the pause menu there should be a bank sub-menu and in there you can select a player's name and donate them some money. I would add limitations like 1500 points a round or something so it wouldn't be too easy.

5. Elite Integration

Back on World at War, they added that companion app that would display your zombie stats. It had stuff ranging from total zombies killed, total revives, downs, most kills with gun, etc. It was basically the alpha Elite for World at War

Map Idea:

I'd personally make a map kinda like Shi No Numa, in the sense that there's four different places, but each one would be an island. To travel to each island, you must pay 500 or 1000 points to go on a boat there. The entire map has a gloomy eery feel to it. Misty, dark, and spooky. Every 5 rounds there are special monsters you have to fight depending on what island you're on. One might have mutated sharks/fish, one might have wolves, one might have a ghost pirate and so on. Also, on these special rounds, there will be mini gust storms that occur making it hard to see. (or every other round.)

Since it's a water based island map, there will be some parts where you can actually swim. While swimming gives you a shortcut, the downside is you can't shoot any zombies under water.

So that's the type of map I'd make.

I also like the idea of a jungle. One where you're actually in a legit jungle, no paths (well there would be paths but in the jungle portion you could basically be able to walk through bushes and what not without barriers).
Last edited by CLM ; 06-25-2012 at 11:46 PM.

The following 4 users say thank you to CLM for this useful post:

hydro_122499, mw3modderman, Super Vegito, xGunz
06-28-2012, 03:17 PM #38
:nyan: Kaffy :nyan:
Dogs aren't fun. If you want to make the game more fun add more customizations or some shit
06-29-2012, 07:14 AM #39
you bring up some very good points i cant tell you the amount of times around round 35 in th emiddle of the round the bathroom calls and you have to rush out of the room use the restroom and pray you didn't get knocked down and lose all your perks and third gun
06-30-2012, 04:47 AM #40
ZOMBIE UNICORNS!!!!!!:rainbowcry:
06-30-2012, 05:08 AM #41
Do a barrel roll!
I just want more. Their is a lot I desire from a zombie game, but I'd prefer another game come along and do that (cough, DayZ running on ArmaIII). I just want good ole pointwhorin, mystery boxin, monkey throwin zombies back.

also map specific weapons, Getting one or two new wonder weapons per map was fun and all but swapping out some weapons in each map would have been nice. Different LMGs and the AK47 for example.
07-03-2012, 10:34 AM #42
League Champion
Maybe like an mw2 type thing with the museum, on this "museum" their would be a portion of each zombie map ever in the museum you could open? Maybe feature all the special guns like the thunder gun/winters howl but you can only have one, like if you get the winters howl no one else can get the thunder gun so it's not too easy. Idk...
07-06-2012, 01:19 AM #43
I'd like to see the same type of "round setup" as in World at War return. I feel like in Black Ops games were much shorter and rounds were longer/harder/ect, idk I just liked World at War zombies a lot more.

As far as new ideas go, I'd love to see a Pack-a-Punch where you could choose different options. Maybe something you step into and can choose upgrades for specific weapons while being protected from being killed for a short amount of time. Obviously like previous Pack-a-Punch machines, you would have to complete certain tasks to open it up. And maybe complete certain tasks for different upgrades?
07-11-2012, 07:21 PM #44
Just. Imagine. Zombie. Sheep.

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07-16-2012, 01:33 AM #45
Good ideas, i like it.
07-19-2012, 02:49 AM #46
every couple of rounds a storm comes and knocks the power out. an interesting twist that could be a little challenging, i mean, you wouldn't be able to buy perks, or pack a punch. instead of just turning it on once and being done.
Last edited by jalbert425 ; 08-25-2012 at 06:05 AM.

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