Post: Diamond quest tips.
12-30-2012, 10:33 PM #1
Cake is a lie
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This thread is about us sharing our road to Diamond camouflage. Whether you've already got them oe working on them.

NOTE: You glitchers aka "bootleg tryhards" with you fraudulent stats and outrageous accuracy need not apply. Talking real diamond not Cubic Zirconias lmao.

I'm working on diamond sub machine guns. They're the dominate class with no "bad" guns, BO2 favors aggressive play and there are less SMGs than AR. Those were my reasons. The Art of War/Cherry Blossom camos are done at once. I usually lower my streaks to CUAV, Lightning and Sentry gun while getting that 150 gun kills. I find Carbon Fiber to be easiest to earn in FFA.

1.) PDW57. Was my second gold weapon(after FAL) and first on smg journey. Silencer, and/or long barrel, stock are good choices. Easy gun to use, wasn't hard at all. Shoots slow but once you get it going it was beast. I'd say easy to get gold.

2.) Vector. Long barrel, laser and/or suppressor works for this. Shoots fast and has decent reload time. I'd say it was easy to get gold. Head shots were very easy because of firing at chest kicked up often. It's basically an mp7 with lower damage/range with less recoil.

3.) MP7. My favorite SMG. Silencer and/or stock is all you really need. Reload is very fast so no need for fast mag. Nice clip so no need for extended. High damage, fire rate and exaggerated amount of recoil that is very manageable. Easiest gold for me.

4.) MSMC. Argued to be best SMG. I am not a big fan though. Had to use fast mag/extended mags and then either suppressor or laser sight. Damage is really good and the sights made headshots easier. 2nd easiest SMG to use but I like faster fire rates. Still easy to get highest streaks and was as good as advertised.

I am working on Skorpion Evo now. Best SMG up close by far but worst at medium. Using laser on it now. Have about 35 headshots. Anyone have tips for this gun?

Then last is Chicom CQB. I am thinking about using it full auto. I am actually pro semi auto which is why I loved MK14 and now FAL but a burst SMG seems hard to dropshot and such. Tips? I don't need perk tips.

Also I pray for the guys grinding for Assault Rifles, LMGs, Snipers and shotguns. And lol@you trolls grinding for diamond crossbows and other goofiness.
Last edited by Porter_Justice ; 12-30-2012 at 10:37 PM.
01-04-2013, 05:25 AM #29
Cake is a lie

I will say my best stats were with MSMC and Chicom. I already had PDW& MP7 gold before deciding to go for diamond camos. Skorpion is way too limited in range. It's a great FFA gun and is still effective and the headshots came easiet with it.

Chicom was hardest for me to get headshots especially in burst. I used full auto about 35% of the time and it felt like poor man's Vector. I grinded my ass off for it but honestly stats didn't suffer really at all and I thought it was a fun challenge overall. Also since it forces you to use all guns, no one can complain about your weapon variety.

Chicom and Vector look best in diamond. I thinking MSMC looks worst but thats like saying the "ugliest supermodel" lol. Took me 2 weeks once I really dug in and I have no clue how legit people had it by Thanksgiving lol. Now I can tryhard in style, look like a no life too! Again I pray for you Assault Rifle diamond grinders...
01-04-2013, 02:01 PM #30
After 9 full prestiges I got the SMG and ARs I'm deciding if I want to get the shotguns, LMGs, and Snipers diamond but I don't like I will because they aren't my type of guns to use.
For me to get the diamond camos I just played Domination. I aimed for the head and averaged about 5-6,sometimes more, a game. The most I ever got was 14 in one game. If you want to max out your gun I recommend SND. I've noticed the guns rank up faster in SND than in regular gamemodes.
01-08-2013, 04:14 PM #31
In Flames Much?
Quick update
Scar H all headshots done found it pretty easy , also did all the bloodthirsty medals with no perks/naked gun =D
During that period I had like 3 50 kill games too which is pretty nutz for no perks, one was on hijacked !!
Only thing left to go is the long shot medal which I found out that select fire on the Scar H is pretty godly < also makes it easy to get longshots.
¬_ ¬
Why did I not test it out sooner in CT!!! prestiged so need to wait until I hit the scar again.

Tar all headshots done !!
Swat almost done that too at like 80 headshots, may move on to the fal headshots next.....or gold the swat depends what level I'm vs the scar.

Think the biggest bitch is going to be the LMGs..........that should be fun , SVU need to get some longshots and bloodthirsty it done after that.
Originally posted by Dagger View Post
All I can say is the Chicom was a nightmare....

I found it pretty easy the MSMC on the other hand not so much. Due to the slower ROF and the fact each miss adds to the time to kill.
The other SMGs hipfire was the best way to get headshots , MSMC had to ADS each time :(

Originally posted by Justice View Post
Free For All has been best mode for me. I can average 4-5 headshots per game there and it is good for Revenge Medals too.

Hardcore modes are wayyyy to slow paced for me. Don't get me wrong since it is stupid to rush in HC but I want to get headshots quick. And honestly hardcore would add to the difficultly.

1.) Even though it takes one shot to the head, you have to focus on head more and you get killed easier.
2.) In core modes at least you can get lucky recoil to go from chest to head. Besides in core as long as you're aiming at the head 1 or 3 shots doesn't matter THAT much.

When no one is online I play FFA and got 60 headshots in maybe 1.5 of playing time. Also 3-5 revenge medals. One more gun to go in the Chicom. Been using full auto and it feels exactly like a poorer version of Vector like ResisttheSun says.

I did warn you about the Chicom select fire :p
MSMC was the bitch SMG for me, good gun but aiming for headshots sucks no easy mode hipfire cheese :(
A friend of mine found it pretty funny watching the final killcams off me always aiming for the head with the chicom =D

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