Post: Is black ops balanced ?
05-19-2011, 04:38 PM #1
In Flames Much?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Sadly removing stopping power did not balance the game , i feel that they need to look at the core first then add stuff on top.

Weapons classes
ARs (Change hip fire spread, reduce clip size and less starting ammo)
30 to 20 clip
Reduce hip spread so that ARs need to use STEADY AIM no point in that perk for ARs and ARs beat SMGs in hip fire at close range :/
Well two do anywho....two of the fastest fire ones (guess which ones you get a cookie)

SMGs (Bigger clip size and more starting ammo)
20 to 30 clip
Less powerful gun gets less ammo then a AR which has more power :/
Why lol
Does not sound fair to me your forced to use one blue perk to counter this. I would increase the SMGs starting ammo.

LMGs (Keep the same)
Snipers (Remove)

Perks (Maybe the weak part of this post and don't need changing)
Move them around

Group 1
Sleight of Hand

Group 2
Flak jacket

Group 3
Steady Aim
Tactical Mask
Second Chance

Short version
ARs are too strong compared to SMGs due to more ammo and hip fire spread. And the perks need to change so your not 100% off the radar.

If you don't agree with my idea tell me why Smile
And yes this is a little rant >_>
Last edited by ResistTheSun ; 05-19-2011 at 09:26 PM.

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05-19-2011, 10:38 PM #20
The Epic
I wont stop
It's pretty balanced if people don't tr so hard and, don't play demo to many spawn trappers
05-19-2011, 11:08 PM #21
Climbing up the ladder
Which is a better gun... Uzi or AK74u?
05-20-2011, 02:11 AM #22
Cake is a lie
Yes. Play MW2 for an hour and then tell me how unbalanced BO is.. You're mostly talking about AR being so much better than SMG which is the case in most games. MW2 is a better game but BO is balanced. MW2 2 main issues are Ghost and 2nd Chance. That is nothing compared to Noobtubes, Danger Close, Painkiller, commando knives. A guy hidden off 2-3 kill Spy Plane vs a Noobtube across map getting 2-3 kills...Not even close.

SMG are meant for close to medium. I'd assume AR handle more ammunition because they are bigger but they could change that. I mean Shotguns are utterly useless on most maps but they stii have 20 bullets tops.

People are too dependant on Spy Planes which makes more people depending on Ghost. They counter each other. I mean the game has been out 7 months, you should know spawns well enough to not NEED a Spy Plane or just use Blackbirds... Besides it's the community's fault for Ghost and Flak Jacket being so overused supposedly. We cried about Danger Close, Stopping Power, Jugg so how many more options are there? I'll take finding a guy with Ghost over a damn Noobtube hitting me from cross map. Hell without a Spy Plane don't you have to find people anyway???

Maybe it's console based. I played a 360 Ground War once and 6 people had Ghost. It was frustrating but I find them. You know like in MW2 where like 1 guy used UAV.

The game gets called boring because of balanced. Secondaries are weak compared to MW2's Spas, 1887, Raffica, TMP, G38, PP2000). I think MW2 is better and back when everyone here said who great 3arc was I said MW2 would be better. Play MW2 and count how many different things make you rage compared to BO. OMA, Danger Close Noobtubes are worse than Ghost and camping put together...Unless you were a Noobtuber :carling:

And your solution would make things worse. Ghost Pro AND Flak Jacket Pro together? LMAO.

A few people killing you off a radar doesn't make a game unbalanced. Once Stopping Power, Jugg, Danger Close or some other perk comes back in MW3 you'll be hoping being hidden of a Spy Plane is what people do. If killstreaks stacked there would be so much less Spy Plane vs Ghost debates but we wanted that gone too...
Last edited by Porter_Justice ; 05-20-2011 at 02:18 AM.
05-20-2011, 06:37 AM #23
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I agree with you. They should make ghost take up 2 perk slots so not as many people use it. Or you cant use a silencer with it.
05-20-2011, 01:40 PM #24
In Flames Much?
Originally posted by Justice View Post
Yes. Play MW2 for an hour and then tell me how unbalanced BO is.. You're mostly talking about AR being so much better than SMG which is the case in most games. MW2 is a better game but BO is balanced. MW2 2 main issues are Ghost and 2nd Chance. That is nothing compared to Noobtubes, Danger Close, Painkiller, commando knives. A guy hidden off 2-3 kill Spy Plane vs a Noobtube across map getting 2-3 kills...Not even close.

SMG are meant for close to medium. I'd assume AR handle more ammunition because they are bigger but they could change that. I mean Shotguns are utterly useless on most maps but they stii have 20 bullets tops.

People are too dependant on Spy Planes which makes more people depending on Ghost. They counter each other. I mean the game has been out 7 months, you should know spawns well enough to not NEED a Spy Plane or just use Blackbirds... Besides it's the community's fault for Ghost and Flak Jacket being so overused supposedly. We cried about Danger Close, Stopping Power, Jugg so how many more options are there? I'll take finding a guy with Ghost over a damn Noobtube hitting me from cross map. Hell without a Spy Plane don't you have to find people anyway???

Maybe it's console based. I played a 360 Ground War once and 6 people had Ghost. It was frustrating but I find them. You know like in MW2 where like 1 guy used UAV.

The game gets called boring because of balanced. Secondaries are weak compared to MW2's Spas, 1887, Raffica, TMP, G38, PP2000). I think MW2 is better and back when everyone here said who great 3arc was I said MW2 would be better. Play MW2 and count how many different things make you rage compared to BO. OMA, Danger Close Noobtubes are worse than Ghost and camping put together...Unless you were a Noobtuber :carling:

And your solution would make things worse. Ghost Pro AND Flak Jacket Pro together? LMAO.

A few people killing you off a radar doesn't make a game unbalanced. Once Stopping Power, Jugg, Danger Close or some other perk comes back in MW3 you'll be hoping being hidden of a Spy Plane is what people do. If killstreaks stacked there would be so much less Spy Plane vs Ghost debates but we wanted that gone too...

MW2 was balanced for the most part
Reason i could pick any SMGs and do just as well can get the same score as a AR
I could do close range and mid range , the ARs edged me out at longer ranges and started too at mid range. Of course the UMP could go toe to toe with ARs at longer ranges if it needed too but if you sprayed a guy with a any SMG vs a UMP you would win. ARs used to also fail at close range in MW2 compared to SMGs apart from one F2000.

Maybe the perks are fine and it people overused of certain perks again like SP was and SOH is now which means ghost is a problem slows the game down. So maybe ghost is not a problem but how people use it along with the use of UAV. Maybe it time for KS to carry on to each other.

MW2 danger close/OMA was more of a problem then ghost i give you that. BUT i used to see way more different types of guns in MW2 then bops. Right now i see 4 ARs and one SMG kill me on bops. In MW2 it used to be 2ARs 2SMGs 1 shotgun. In that area i think MW2 is more balanced and fun but had more annoying issues.
DC , OMA , knife , spawns etc

I can play bops for longer without raging due to being killed by some noobtube or knifed from far away. But i still feel it weapons are unbalanced.

If you can explain to me why use a SMG over a AR in bops i be happy to hear it
Btw did you ever play BFBC2 ? SMGs and ARs each have a role. SMGs destory at close range but weak as hell longer ranges and ARs longer ranges but weak at close range.
I can list some other games which do that too if you want. So ARs ain't always top dog in all games.
Last edited by ResistTheSun ; 05-20-2011 at 01:47 PM.
05-21-2011, 12:31 AM #25
Cake is a lie
Originally posted by ResistTheSun View Post
MW2 was balanced for the most part
Reason i could pick any SMGs and do just as well can get the same score as a AR
I could do close range and mid range , the ARs edged me out at longer ranges and started too at mid range. Of course the UMP could go toe to toe with ARs at longer ranges if it needed too but if you sprayed a guy with a any SMG vs a UMP you would win. ARs used to also fail at close range in MW2 compared to SMGs apart from one F2000.

Maybe the perks are fine and it people overused of certain perks again like SP was and SOH is now which means ghost is a problem slows the game down. So maybe ghost is not a problem but how people use it along with the use of UAV. Maybe it time for KS to carry on to each other.

MW2 danger close/OMA was more of a problem then ghost i give you that. BUT i used to see way more different types of guns in MW2 then bops. Right now i see 4 ARs and one SMG kill me on bops. In MW2 it used to be 2ARs 2SMGs 1 shotgun. In that area i think MW2 is more balanced and fun but had more annoying issues.
DC , OMA , knife , spawns etc

I can play bops for longer without raging due to being killed by some noobtube or knifed from far away. But i still feel it weapons are unbalanced.

If you can explain to me why use a SMG over a AR in bops i be happy to hear it
Btw did you ever play BFBC2 ? SMGs and ARs each have a role. SMGs destory at close range but weak as hell longer ranges and ARs longer ranges but weak at close range.
I can list some other games which do that too if you want. So ARs ain't always top dog in all games.

MW2 had way more weapon balance but the worst thing in MW2 can't compare to BO. AR are far more versatile weapons in general is what I meant. According to the COD community everybody camps so AR would be better just because you ca n pick people off. And honestly MW2 had less SMG variety than BO does. The UMP, P90 were the two most used just like 74u and MPK5 are used in BO now. SMG outclass most AR at close-medium range like they are design to do.

I haven't played too much BFBC2 but those spawns and maps put you so far away from action that I doubt SMG would ne more useful.

People who use Ghost to hide are pussies/smart just like people who call in Spy Planes all game are in my opinion. BO features 10x the amount of Spy Plane usage that MW2 had so of course people use Ghost to counter the constant streams of Spy Planes. But the COD community exaggerates too. Let us tell it EVERY person that kills us was hiding behind a claymore with Ghost. I NEVER use Spy Planes since any noob can get one and its a waste of a 1st KS since every team has 3 Spy Plane users. Napalm, Care Package or Blackbird as 1st KS yield me way more kills anyway. In MW2 a UAV was rare so I got use to finding people and killing them. Besides a team of 2-3 Blackbird users rape way more than easy Spy Planes could.

Ghost isn't overpowered it's just overused since Spy Planes are overused. They both are at times Nooby imo. 2 kill Spy Planesz 2 kills should never result in a reward. Plus like I said play MW2 and you'll se BO is too balanced, SMG not withstanding. Even though players won't handicap themselves to try and be versatile or for some arbitrary internet rule. After MW2 and OMA Danger Close I learned players will do ANYTHING with no shame. It's up to us as gamers to stop it.
05-21-2011, 08:26 AM #26
In Flames Much?
Originally posted by Justice View Post
MW2 had way more weapon balance but the worst thing in MW2 can't compare to BO. AR are far more versatile weapons in general is what I meant. According to the COD community everybody camps so AR would be better just because you ca n pick people off. And honestly MW2 had less SMG variety than BO does. The UMP, P90 were the two most used just like 74u and MPK5 are used in BO now. SMG outclass most AR at close-medium range like they are design to do.

I haven't played too much BFBC2 but those spawns and maps put you so far away from action that I doubt SMG would ne more useful.

People who use Ghost to hide are pussies/smart just like people who call in Spy Planes all game are in my opinion. BO features 10x the amount of Spy Plane usage that MW2 had so of course people use Ghost to counter the constant streams of Spy Planes. But the COD community exaggerates too. Let us tell it EVERY person that kills us was hiding behind a claymore with Ghost. I NEVER use Spy Planes since any noob can get one and its a waste of a 1st KS since every team has 3 Spy Plane users. Napalm, Care Package or Blackbird as 1st KS yield me way more kills anyway. In MW2 a UAV was rare so I got use to finding people and killing them. Besides a team of 2-3 Blackbird users rape way more than easy Spy Planes could.

Ghost isn't overpowered it's just overused since Spy Planes are overused. They both are at times Nooby imo. 2 kill Spy Planesz 2 kills should never result in a reward. Plus like I said play MW2 and you'll se BO is too balanced, SMG not withstanding. Even though players won't handicap themselves to try and be versatile or for some arbitrary internet rule. After MW2 and OMA Danger Close I learned players will do ANYTHING with no shame. It's up to us as gamers to stop it.

Ello.......did you say what i think you did Winky Winky
I understand what you mean about ARs being more versatile , they are far easier to get good scores because you can rush or keep your distance without thinking. That been the case from COD4 upwards which i think should change so the SMG class rises to counter. It time for variety in weapon types and use.
MW2 i did see a wide range of SMGs the two top you listed where the most used but i did see uzis and vectors far more. Right now ARs killed by and knife get more kills then SMGs total. Hell even one AR has killed me more then SMGs total. Maybe not one SMG.

Even with BC2 spawns SMGs was useful , mid range them things would hold against a AR and close range destroy it. I taken out 3 people in one spray with a SMG. I even been able to counter snipe (wasted ammo but did it)
Maybe that due the class system with class important you see the weapon type rise up against each other.

People who call in spyplane are smart..........wait
They are i don't know about you but BOPs almost all my senses are useless , i can't hear people coming behind me often it hard to see people at distance etc etc
The art style trey done it much harder to pick people out and use your senses in this game. That part of the reason why spy plane so used it also helpful to get your higher KSs. Unless your good and know the spawns very well. Even then it pretty hard in a non constant game to get a blackbird.
Think that removing KSs from adding up was a mistake and half. If you had them adding up i guess that ghost would be used less. Would also make the game faster.
Am willing to say that 2 deaths come from ghost users hiding each game.

Tbh with you the reason in MW2 UAV was rare is down to a couple of factors first it was not very good.
Ghost is not OP but overused due to the fact there is no better perk in that slot that people want to use.
After MW2 i did learn one thing good players won't handicap themselves....and i seen it so many times.
Don't blame them but where is that variety none.

Soo if they make COD more constant less connection based , less random how the hell did i die. I think it would improve the game bops has done that but still not enough.
05-21-2011, 03:18 PM #27
ARs are supposed to be more powerful than SMGs. SMGs are better for close range because the sights are better for close range and most of them have higher fireing rate. SMGs are small and therefore cannot hold as much ammo as ARs. You see, most of your ideas to make it more balanced would actually make it less balanced and favour the SMGs, which not many people would like. And LOL what was that bit about removing Snipers? In this game they are absolutely shit, what would be the point in removing them?
05-21-2011, 03:25 PM #28
it's ok but snipers need to be 1 shot kills all the time :P

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