Post: Do you hate boosters?
11-06-2009, 11:32 PM #1
NGU :/
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If you come in here for the sole purpose of insulting members who boost get out now. This thread is dedicated for people who boost so if you come in here and post anything that is insulting you can and WILL be infracted.
Thank you and remember to abide by all forum rules.

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11-28-2009, 10:55 AM #29
to me it doesnt really matter, I mean it is a game so people do seek for an easy way. But who knows we all have a chance of boosting sometime
11-28-2009, 10:21 PM #30
I just see the point of boosting to get this high prestige rank when you are a garbage player. It would be downright embarrassing to get owned by all the low levels when you are such a high rank because everyone will assume you play the game so much and suck at it.

As far as achieving emblems and call signs, do you really want to waste your time instead of playing the game and enjoying it for a few pictures that most people don't even notice?
11-28-2009, 10:23 PM #31
I defeated!
Originally posted by battman411 View Post
The only boosters I hate are the ones who ruin a good boost by shooting and throwing grenades.

What this man said
11-29-2009, 02:05 AM #32
Originally posted by Gordon
What this man said

What this man said about that man
11-30-2009, 12:26 AM #33
Bounty hunter
I never did understand the point in boosting. Only shitty players have to resort to boosting in order to get up on the leaderboards, and if you say, manage a 10,000 kill streak, no one looks at you in awe or envy, they just see "Cheater" and thats all.

And then in games where people boost to get Nukes from their friends. Honestly, why bother? If the only way you can get a nuke, is to cheat, then you suck. Sure, you can get the emblem and show it off, but when you play a legit match (if actually), and get massacred, everyone will realize that you cheated.

I really just don't see the point in boosting. Its like the 10th prestigers on CoD4. 99% of them that I came across, just plain sucked. They were going like 10-25, using Golden Weapons and getting destroyed. It was just embarrassing, and it makes the rest of the people who legitly earned them, look bad.

Honestly, its boosters like the people here that help ruin games.

If the only way you can play is to boost, you need to find a different game to play.
11-30-2009, 11:42 PM #34
Gym leader
No, I'm a booster myself. I'm going to boost to max level and then play Search and Destroy.
12-01-2009, 08:46 PM #35
nope i don't hate em i think it's good makes it fun to watch.
12-03-2009, 08:12 PM #36
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by iMiKeYz View Post
No, I'm a booster myself. I'm going to boost to max level and then play Search and Destroy.

Why, you'll still lose all the same. If you lack the experience that would've been gained legitly at the max level, then you're just going to get destroyed, regardless what weapons you have unlocked.

The players with the REAL experience in S&Awesome face will beat ya no problem. Thats why you shouldn't boost. You miss out on gaining knowledge and experience through playing.

You should consider maxing out LEGITLY. Its not hard to do. 1 more level and I'll be rank 70.
12-03-2009, 10:07 PM #37
Antagonizer, I have seen you posting and giving boosters a lot of crap.

"You should consider maxing out LEGITLY. Its not hard to do. 1 more level and I'll be rank 70."

Want a cookie? Mommy and daddy not give you enough attention as a child? I'm sitting here, Lv.41 first prestige, probably kick your ass in an actual match (unless you are a gay a$$ camper) and I have never boosted in my life. I don't care about 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc, I just want my perks and guns back. You really should just mind your own business man. Instead of coming on here and talking smack maybe you should spend more time playing the game, oh and in school. Legitly is not a word, maybe you were searching for "legitimately"...

P.S. I only take the time to respond to such a tool as yourself because I get the impression you are one of those fags who sits in the game lobby calling people gay and talking crap and I really hate that. Go trade in your Xbox for a Wii you homo.

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