Post: 5 Things We Can Not Wait For In Call Of Duty:Black Ops
08-24-2010, 06:30 PM #1
Forever in debt to Jim and ENZO-F#
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Hey guys, here is 5 things everyone can not wait to do on the upcoming multi platform game Call Of Duty:Black Ops. If you guys feel I have missed anything you would like to of mentioned please feel free to write it below in a calm manner .

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Diving into Prone

On the Call Of Duty:Black Ops trailer, You see a enemy running and diving into cover. This has to be on top of everyone's list for top 6 must do's. This simple maneuver was added so that Black Ops players would have a sense of safety when getting shot at.

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Detonate an RC Car

This has to be in everyone's top 6. The new RC car was shown in the Black Ops multiplayer trailer and had every online forum on about it. The RC car is designed to be driven for a certain amount of time before it detonates, Or it can be self detonated by a press of a button.

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Custom guns/gun attachments

Yes as everyone saw in the multiplayer trailer custom guns and gun attachments have been added. In the trailer look at 9-12 seconds in and look at the red dot sight, It has a smiley face. Also look at the guns through out the video they have custom clan tags and colours on.

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Playing The Co-Op

Now everyone everywhere is looking forward to the new co-op missions that will be added. The co-op feature was on Modern Warfare 2 and has been carried onto Black ops. The new improved missions are said to be the best yet and action packed.

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Quick scoping - Montages

Not one person can say that they do not enjoy either making montages or watching them. The snipers on Black Ops look amazing and have great aim. Quick scoping is a main feature in recent and past Call Of Duty's and over 1 million montages have been uploaded onto youtube.

If you guys wish to add something please post below what you are looking forward to and what you are not.


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Last edited by Jayy ; 08-24-2010 at 06:37 PM.

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08-24-2010, 09:02 PM #20
User needs a dick
Originally posted by ryan
he got 3 kills it said it under the kill reward, than 4 for care package and 5 for the new predator.

i was the first to comment, so show me were u mentioned it?

nazi zombie was confirmed as the 4 extra co-op maps on harden and prestige edition of the game, but im hoping that they add new ones aswell

Cod:4 was really hard veteran toke a few days, W@W was BS with all the grenades EVERWERE and MW2 was to EASY even on veteran u could finish the campaign in just a few hours and clear a few levels without dieing

---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

i like COD better than Mag and kill cam doesnt track the bullets it just shows u shooting

i like cod better to but it would be ruined if 64 ppl were in 1 game it would be like mag which failed lol and a kill cam shows who shot you not you shoting
08-24-2010, 09:35 PM #21
ryan saa
At least I can fight
Originally posted by cory24 View Post
i like cod better to but it would be ruined if 64 ppl were in 1 game it would be like mag which failed lol and a kill cam shows who shot you not you shoting

agreed but i still think they need a bet bigger maps, but the kill cam doesnt track the bullet
08-24-2010, 10:35 PM #22
im only excited for no more one man army although people will still find a way to make the game aggravating
08-24-2010, 10:48 PM #23
the idea of OMA is good but it just didnt workout with all the tubing...btw RC-Car is a 3 killstreak reward but in an interview they said that the number of killstreak rewards still can be changed.
08-24-2010, 11:17 PM #24
Originally posted by jonnyman69 View Post
i dont want any of those things at all, i think they will make the game worse, except the class editing that looks cool i want stuff on my guns. but the rest is just gonna make the game worse, rc car may look cool, but i think its gonna be the new noob toob as it requires what 2 or 3 kills to get, its gonna be completely spammed on. diving into prone, wtf is this? its just gonna make it harder to kill people and is gonna be worse then drop shotting.

if co-op is anything like spec ops im not gonna play it, if its new zombies then not to sure about this whole video recording thing as it looks kind of stupid and useless imo.

RC Car = Anti Camper bomb,
If you dive to prone it takes a few seconds before you can use your gun again so its nothing like drop shots, I think it will be mainly use for jumping away from grendades and getting into buildings quicker.
If you get an awesome kill you can record it and show your friends, how is that useless?
08-24-2010, 11:18 PM #25
I sat on your nachos
im sooooo excited
08-24-2010, 11:29 PM #26
Originally posted by ryan
i would like to see bigger maps, with more people in like up to 64 people in one game.

a host's connection can barely maintain an 18-people ground-war game....crazy fukking lag. and you know everyone just noobtubes.
08-24-2010, 11:39 PM #27
< ^ > < ^ >
wheres zombies , as thats my number 1 =D
08-24-2010, 11:43 PM #28
Anyways, I would like to see:

1. Dedicated servers for PC (Confirmed)
2. No Commando (Confirmed)
3. Grenade Launcher takes up perk 1 (or the perk that uses scavenger)
4. Detailed maps, and not rushed DLC
5. Free DLC on PC like CoD4/WaW
Last edited by AlphaDenver ; 08-25-2010 at 01:04 PM. Reason: removed quote

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