Post: scammed by .\Josh/.
08-28-2010, 03:23 PM #1
Vault dweller
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Scammer NGU Name:./Josh\.
Scammer NGU Profile URL: You must login or register to view this content.

Proof:i dont have proof but i can have a moderator or admin go on my acc and look at my dlc and wallet....

When did this happen:august 23rd 2010

How did you purchase:he showed me the 20$ psn card on webcam it wasnt scratched so i gave him the info to my 10th prestige lvl 70 acc and he scratched card and gave me info to card i then put the info into my txt doc. and saved their. i made a thread saying selling 20$ psn card and modern-nightmare bought it from me for 2.6m and he said i trust u i hope it works when i go to try it so like a week l8ter he tried it and it says invalid or no longer in use or watever i was like wtf.... so i believe the original owner of the card tried using it to see if i used and now he has the 20$ in his wallet idk how this is going to work out but i hope we can resolve this cuz im not a scammer i got 6 succesfull trades.. and a good amount of rep

How much?:20$ psn

Did you: traded

Have you contacted the scammer?:-not yet
If yes, What did they say?:-Did not contact

Other comments:i hope we can resolve what the hell is going on here /facepalm
09-04-2010, 11:19 PM #29
Gym leader
Originally posted by Spartan
Would you be able to return the account?

No I bought it for a friend... Who then paid me back. The account info i s changed ( I know the friend irl. )
09-05-2010, 07:22 AM #30
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by . View Post
No I bought it for a friend... Who then paid me back. The account info i s changed ( I know the friend irl. )

I need to check the account then. Can you ask your friend for the details?
09-05-2010, 05:44 PM #31
Gym leader
Originally posted by Spartan
I need to check the account then. Can you ask your friend for the details?

He gave it to one of his friends ROFL. Yeah I know it's hard to believe.. Pretty funny tho actually.
09-05-2010, 05:50 PM #32
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by . View Post
He gave it to one of his friends ROFL. Yeah I know it's hard to believe.. Pretty funny tho actually.

I need to check the balance of that account. Can you ask for the details then please?
09-05-2010, 05:56 PM #33
Gym leader
Originally posted by Spartan
I need to check the balance of that account. Can you ask for the details then please?

I truly have no idea what he did to that account, I bought it then gave it to friend. Sorry.
09-05-2010, 05:57 PM #34
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by . View Post
I truly have no idea what he did to that account, I bought it then gave it to friend. Sorry.

You will need to ask him for the details then.
09-05-2010, 06:03 PM #35
Gym leader
Originally posted by Spartan
You will need to ask him for the details then.

I don't know what he did with it. I believe he said something about giving it away.. But I'm not sure. I'll ask.
09-05-2010, 06:05 PM #36
Spartan Gunney
Who dares, wins.
Originally posted by . View Post
I don't know what he did with it. I believe he said something about giving it away.. But I'm not sure. I'll ask.

Will he be able to use NGU and talk in this dispute?
09-05-2010, 06:15 PM #37
Gym leader
Originally posted by Spartan
Will he be able to use NGU and talk in this dispute?

No rofl. He's a moron xD Smile.

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