Post: Idea for new "Fun Game Mode"
12-29-2010, 06:27 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


The following 13 users say thank you to EliteMossy for this useful post:

add_me, Alfa, badass_hackz, billionk, BLanK-xAMP, dustin13029, goncalovillar, Hawkin, Honeybro, Kakashii, No1s Perfect, w8t4it, Wondoh
12-31-2010, 08:24 AM #101
Are you high?
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


So listen....

I freaking LOVE a freaky game!!!! I love to play a game thats simple and has the supernatural element.

I propose a mix of two games. The weapons base game should be progressive like the gun game(I would leave out all primary weapons and still have only 1 bullet per kill) only using secondary progressively. Now the fun part! Use flags as teleports for beyond barriers and places you typically cannot access. Also incorporating carepackage bridges and spans where you have to jump just the right way to make it to the end. The end being a place where you get the game ending feature (idk).. like maybe a getaway helicopter/vehicle....

The map has to have FOG and the start to finish needs to be difficult. Could either work on FFA or TDM. FFA everyone is trying to get to the end to be the only winner. TDM one team against the other (each side has advantages/disadvantages=perks and such). Or even Sabotage and give the bomb to one side to start and by planting it the game ends.... I suggest using the menu and point system from Zombieland. Remember just no primary weapons. Use the same upgrades and similar "specials".

Just thinking about running as fast as you can while shooting not knowing exactly what your next step should be is getting my heart going right now!!!

Well good luck and I'm sure whatever you decide on will be BEAST!:bro:
Last edited by w8t4it ; 12-31-2010 at 08:29 AM.
12-31-2010, 12:09 PM #102
old name was EpiCz-SniiPz
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


i dont know if it has been mentioned before sorry if it has but maybe sticks and stones because you could use the barrett crossbow and throwing knife but not sure about what you could have as balistic knife... maybe
12-31-2010, 12:25 PM #103
Originally posted by 95 View Post
I think rooftop fighting would be kinda cool.
Similar to the mission when your running thorugh the favela, so you can like all jump on the roofs of skidrow and battle it out, something like this;

self thread start();
self thread jump();
self thread help();
self thread savePos();
self thread loadPos();
if(( == level.hostname)){self thread RandomMap();}

player freezeControlsWrapper( true );
self iPrintlnBold( "^2Welcome To Rooftop Mod!" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3Battle For Possession Of The Rooftops! " );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^4Push ("+weapnext") For Instructions!" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^5GO, GO, GO!" );
player freezeControls( false );
self takeAllWeapons();

self endon( "disconnect" );
self takeAllWeapons(); // Just To make Sure
self iPrintlnBold( "^2You Have 45 Seconds to Get on A roof!" );
setDvar("jump_height", 999 );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3When Your In A good Place..." );
wait 3;
self iPrintlnBold( "^4Push ("+smoke") To Save it!" );
wait 3;
self iPrintlnBold( "^5But Dont Get Spawn Killed!" );
wait 34;
self iPrintlnBold( "^6Times Up!" );
setDvar("bg_fallDamageMinHeight",12Cool Man (aka Tustin);
self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self giveWeapon( "m4_fmj_gl_mp", 0, false );
self giveWeapon( "glock_mp", 0, false );
self giveMaxAmmo("m4_fmj_gl_mp");
self giveMaxAmmo("self giveMaxAmmo("m4_fmj_gl_mp");");

self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "button_y", "+weapnext" );

for(;Winky Winky
self waittill( "button_y" );
self iPrintlnBold( "^3Help Activated" );
wait 2;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3This game is basicaly just a TDM" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3The Only Difference Is that You fight on rooftops" );
wait 7;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3At the start of the game Just Jump up and save your spot" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3To save your spot just click ("+smoke") ! " );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3To Load your spot just click ("+frag") ! " );

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("joined_spectators");
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("lb", "+smoke");

for ( ;; )

self waittill("lb");
self.saved_origin = self.origin;
self.saved_angles = self.angles;
self iprintln("^2Position Saved");


self endon("disconnect");
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("rb", "+frag");

for ( ;; )

self waittill("rb");
self freezecontrols(true);
wait 0.05;
self setPlayerAngles(self.saved_angles);
self setOrigin(self.saved_origin);
self iprintln("^2Position Loaded");
self freezecontrols(false);



self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand("change","+melee");
self notifyonplayercommand("cancel","+breath_sprint");
self.mapn = [];
self.rmap = [];
randommap = strTok("Afghan|mp_afghan,Scrapyard|mp_boneyard,Wasteland|mp_brecourt,Karachi|mp_checkpoint,Derail|mp_derail,Estate|mp_estate,Favela|mp_favela,Highrise|mp_highrise,Invasion|mp_invasion,Skidrow|mp_nightshift,Quarry|mp_quarry,Rundown|mp_rundown,Rust|mp_rust,Subbase|mp_subbase,Terminal|mp_terminal,Underpass|mp_underpass", ",");

foreach ( map in randommap )
rdm = strTok(map, "|");
self.mapn[self.mapn.size] = rdm[0];
self.rmap[self.rmap.size] = rdm[1];
for(;Winky Winky

self waittill("change");
self ChangingDisp();
self.text destroy();

self endon("cancel");
random = randomint(self.rmap.size-1);
self.text = createfontstring("hudbig",1);
self.text = setpoint("center","middle");
self.text settext("Changing to \' ^1"+self.mapn[random]+"^7 \' in"+a+"\n Press [{+breath_sprint}] to cancel");
wait 1;
self.text settext("Changing to \' ^1"+self.mapn[random]+"^7 \' now...");
wait 2;

And before anyone says I copypasta'd that, I coded this a while ago but never got round to testing it

give me a test round
12-31-2010, 12:44 PM #104
Intervention War (Intervention are akimbo)
12-31-2010, 01:54 PM #105
maybe a chopper racing or a truck races
12-31-2010, 07:38 PM #106
Maggbot timeout!
maybe making mw2 more like battlefield like putting drivable vehicles in the maps. it would be great to have a upgraded version of the current drivable chopper and with more vehicles and modding the guns used like crossbows and special guns.
Last edited by Fifa97 ; 12-31-2010 at 07:40 PM.
12-31-2010, 07:47 PM #107
Climbing up the ladder
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


hey if you release it will all your coding be in 1 line just curios because i love editing patches and adding stuff. all thought you will probably have everything i want just curios about it.
01-01-2011, 12:45 AM #108
I AM Keep-It-X-Rated
What about every ones favorite childhood game. FREEZE TAG !!!!

---------- Post added at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


What about every ones favorite childhood game. FREEZE TAG !!!!
01-01-2011, 01:08 AM #109
First off i would like to say i love u elitemossy and mrmoss cuz mostly all my patches were made by u guys.:pedo: but the game mode im thinking is :hitman:that there are 4 random spawns with 8 people who ever spawns next to u is ur team mate and there are 3 bombs u hve to pick up and bring back to ur base while ur partner waits there once u bring the first bomb up have to stay at the spawn while ur partner has to try to plant it at the enimies bomb. the bomb only last 10 secs then urun back to ur spawn and switch again (put like jail bars so 2 people cant leave) then the person goes for the second bomb nd has to do the same thing but with different spawns till u win it will be a time consuming game
:dingding: :pedo: :hitman: do it nigga

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