Post: Idea for new "Fun Game Mode"
12-29-2010, 06:27 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


The following 13 users say thank you to EliteMossy for this useful post:

add_me, Alfa, badass_hackz, billionk, BLanK-xAMP, dustin13029, goncalovillar, Hawkin, Honeybro, Kakashii, No1s Perfect, w8t4it, Wondoh
12-30-2010, 04:02 PM #83
oh oh what about one called cops and robbers its like an snd game instead of the bomb it could be like something the robbers would steal like a jevel or something they have to get it to destination without beang coat the police has silenced spas and the robbers have m9 tac knife

my other idea is one called gang shoutout, like a 9v9 match or whatever with everyone with the same gun one team 1 side other team 1 side there 10 second coutdown when it gets to 0 everyone can shoot the team that kills all the enemy first wins. they start face to face.

my other idea is jet war, everyone gets a jet and your team has blow up the other teams jets to win.

last idea is a game mode that i havent thought a off but anyway, its like a throwing knife one all the teams get unlimited throwing knife and no guns just throwing knifes and its closed thats closed with care packages and the teams have to try kill the opposite teams with throwing knifes.

if you think of a better name for any of these just change them.
12-30-2010, 04:32 PM #84
or like adventure gamemode made with care packages you find items to help you open doors and that and you get powerups like super jump to get over big opsticals.
12-30-2010, 04:54 PM #85
Gym leader
my idea is basically mic myers

but you dont know who is 'it' there is no HUD, the person who is 'it' had to kill everybody
but he looks friendly, name green, crosshairs green etc.
He has to knife/throwing knife everybody.
Everybody else has to use ether mp5k or m9 ( or any gun combination )
the map is dark ( without fog if possible might be better )
when ever mic gets a kill it never shows up on the scoreboard.

what you think?
12-30-2010, 07:50 PM #86
Default Avatar
I think rooftop fighting would be kinda cool.
Similar to the mission when your running through the favela, so you can like all jump on the roofs of skidrow and battle it out, something like this;

self thread start();
self thread jump();
self thread help();
self thread savePos();
self thread loadPos();
if(( == level.hostname)){self thread RandomMap();}

player freezeControlsWrapper( true );
self iPrintlnBold( "^2Welcome To Rooftop Mod!" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3Battle For Possession Of The Rooftops! " );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^4Push ("+weapnext") For Instructions!" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^5GO, GO, GO!" );
player freezeControls( false );
self takeAllWeapons();

self endon( "disconnect" );
self takeAllWeapons(); // Just To make Sure
self iPrintlnBold( "^2You Have 45 Seconds to Get on A roof!" );
setDvar("jump_height", 999 );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3When Your In A good Place..." );
wait 3;
self iPrintlnBold( "^4Push ("+smoke") To Save it!" );
wait 3;
self iPrintlnBold( "^5But Dont Get Spawn Killed!" );
wait 34;
self iPrintlnBold( "^6Times Up!" );
setDvar("bg_fallDamageMinHeight",12Cool Man (aka Tustin);
self maps\mp\perks\_perks::givePerk( "frag_grenade_mp" );
self giveWeapon( "m4_fmj_gl_mp", 0, false );
self giveWeapon( "glock_mp", 0, false );
self giveMaxAmmo("m4_fmj_gl_mp");
self giveMaxAmmo("self giveMaxAmmo("m4_fmj_gl_mp");");

self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "button_y", "+weapnext" );

for(;Winky Winky
self waittill( "button_y" );
self iPrintlnBold( "^3Help Activated" );
wait 2;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3This game is basicaly just a TDM" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3The Only Difference Is that You fight on rooftops" );
wait 7;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3At the start of the game Just Jump up and save your spot" );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3To save your spot just click ("+smoke") ! " );
wait 5;
self iPrintlnBold( "^3To Load your spot just click ("+frag") ! " );

self endon("disconnect");
self endon("joined_spectators");
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("lb", "+smoke");

for ( ;; )

self waittill("lb");
self.saved_origin = self.origin;
self.saved_angles = self.angles;
self iprintln("^2Position Saved");


self endon("disconnect");
self notifyOnPlayerCommand("rb", "+frag");

for ( ;; )

self waittill("rb");
self freezecontrols(true);
wait 0.05;
self setPlayerAngles(self.saved_angles);
self setOrigin(self.saved_origin);
self iprintln("^2Position Loaded");
self freezecontrols(false);



self endon ( "disconnect" );
self endon ( "death" );
self notifyonplayercommand("change","+melee");
self notifyonplayercommand("cancel","+breath_sprint");
self.mapn = [];
self.rmap = [];
randommap = strTok("Afghan|mp_afghan,Scrapyard|mp_boneyard,Wasteland|mp_brecourt,Karachi|mp_checkpoint,Derail|mp_derail,Estate|mp_estate,Favela|mp_favela,Highrise|mp_highrise,Invasion|mp_invasion,Skidrow|mp_nightshift,Quarry|mp_quarry,Rundown|mp_rundown,Rust|mp_rust,Subbase|mp_subbase,Terminal|mp_terminal,Underpass|mp_underpass", ",");

foreach ( map in randommap )
rdm = strTok(map, "|");
self.mapn[self.mapn.size] = rdm[0];
self.rmap[self.rmap.size] = rdm[1];
for(;Winky Winky

self waittill("change");
self ChangingDisp();
self.text destroy();

self endon("cancel");
random = randomint(self.rmap.size-1);
self.text = createfontstring("hudbig",1);
self.text = setpoint("center","middle");
self.text settext("Changing to \' ^1"+self.mapn[random]+"^7 \' in"+a+"\n Press [{+breath_sprint}] to cancel");
wait 1;
self.text settext("Changing to \' ^1"+self.mapn[random]+"^7 \' now...");
wait 2;

And before anyone says I copypasta'd that, I coded this a while ago but never got round to testing it
Last edited by Gizmo ; 12-31-2010 at 01:02 PM.

The following 3 users say thank you to Gizmo for this useful post:

DEREKTROTTER, Hells, Vectriixx
12-30-2010, 08:30 PM #87
Save Point
Originally posted by EliteMossy View Post
Now, i would like ideas for a new "Fun Game Mode"

Not zombies! No Zombies talk!

This is a mini fun game.

Now please, if you have any suggestions, think about if it will be possible and write a description of how the game will play and the purpose of the game mode.

Who ever's idea i choose will be put in the credits.


What about... Have you ever seen The Cube on ITV1? Well something like that but a cube made out of care packages and every round you get a diffrent obstical to defete

or a big cube made out of care packages and bots with aimbot and when each round passes the bots get harder to kill, Like a 1v1 duel with a bot lol
12-30-2010, 09:18 PM #88
Nuke Buster!
Or some other title ...

I have an idea for a game, and I think it would be rather simple for you to code as well, and a lot of fun.

The rules go as follows.

    One user spawns, (Possible gets double health) and is given a nuke.

That player is [I]somehow[/I] forced to deploy that nuke
which would have a 30 second count down. (or however long
works best)

In that time, everyone else in the match has to kill this
one person within 30 seconds or the nuke goes off and
that player wins.

If the person with the nuke is killed within 30 seconds,
the person who killed that person is then given a nuke
and thus the process repeats until a nuke blows. Thus
ending the game.
12-30-2010, 10:09 PM #89
Originally posted by level42 View Post
Nuke Buster!
Or some other title ...

I have an idea for a game, and I think it would be rather simple for you to code as well, and a lot of fun.

The rules go as follows.

    One user spawns, (Possible gets double health) and is given a nuke.

That player is [I]somehow[/I] forced to deploy that nuke
which would have a 30 second count down. (or however long
works best)

In that time, everyone else in the match has to kill this
one person within 30 seconds or the nuke goes off and
that player wins.

If the person with the nuke is killed within 30 seconds,
the person who killed that person is then given a nuke
and thus the process repeats until a nuke blows. Thus
ending the game.

You should also attach a flag to the carrier sort of like in sabotage. Or else it will be who can camp in a bush for longer...

The following user thanked JakeM for this useful post:

12-30-2010, 10:52 PM #90
Virus... Exactly like the one from the TimeSplitters series

One guy starts out as the virus and tries to "tag" everyone (touch them), and last man standing (not a virus) wins. My favorite game mode lol

The rules:

- Free for All
- One starts as virus
- Suicide = Virus
- Killed by someone else = still alive
- Virus guy is on fire
- Time limit is optional
- Taking out OMA or Noobtubes can be up to you
- Maybe refill ammo every 5 minutes?

Hopefully that's not too similar to zombies though

either that or:

I remember someone made a patch like this but:

- Falling care packages?

Everyone (all teammates) spawns on top of a care package platform, and all the care packages start falling one by one until one guy is left on the falling platform

- Racing Game?

Everyone gets a vehicle (Car?) and races around the map like your average racing game. 1st place wins

- VIP?

Exactly like the one that was supposedly canceled. There is one random VIP and his teammates (bodyguards) protect him until he gets to the chosen destination with a chopper waiting for him, and assassins try to kill him with certain weapons before he gets there

Note: I typed all of this before I read anyone's posts. After I read everyone's posts I was sad to see that everyone put them already. :( lol
12-30-2010, 11:05 PM #91
Single Handily destroyed GT5 Online Happy
A gamemode called Dogfights (I think thats is what arial combat is called) It is like a big free for all but you get spawned in a little or harrier (harrier probably wont fit :( ) and each vehicle has health and you have to try kill all the over vehicles till you reach 30 kills like on a free-for-all

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