Post: Do you think Sony deserved all this?
05-06-2011, 07:39 PM #1
Hacker in the making.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Honestly, my opinion is that i think Sony deserved what they got. Only because of people jailbreaking they got a lot more strict with all the agreements and such. I only jailbreak to transfer patches AND THATS A CRIME!?!? Also i do believe that people who used .pkg's to get free stuff should get punished criminaly for STEALING. im not hatin' or anything about that-----------------------^ And for all the people that groaned at this thread, i feel bad for you. Because all i am trying to do is to reflect on how SONY reacted and what happened to their severs in CaLi, Im trying to hear what people think, Groaning is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS!!! Also -rep wow really cool also POINTLESS
Last edited by callofduty6 ; 05-07-2011 at 12:46 AM. Reason: need to edit

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courtjester51, Hickey, J-Whitey26, KingChronic, KingEric2011, mcstyle24, mw2Lobbys, Phabio92, QuicKxReFLeXx, shaneod
05-06-2011, 07:44 PM #2
Im a Hitmarker
Why in the world would they have deserved this? Things like these just give a few people a challenge because hacking is all over the place in the world, and its just a group of stupid idiots who took it too far. They didnt deserve any of this because why would they want to keep 77 million users offline?

Oh look post 711. I think ill go to 7-11 and get a slurpee and watch this thread break out with people's opinions.
05-06-2011, 07:44 PM #3
Personally i think Sony deserved this but not its 70 million+ users.

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courtjester51, J-Whitey26, Markie-, mcstyle24
05-06-2011, 07:48 PM #4
Little One
Originally posted by callofduty6 View Post
Honestly, my opinion is that i think Sony deserved what they got. Only because of people jailbreaking they got a lot more strict with all the agreements and such. I only jailbreak to transfer patches AND THATS A CRIME!?!? Also i do believe that people who used .pkg's to get free stuff should get punished criminaly for STEALING. im not hatin' or anything about that-----------------------^

Jailbreaking your device is not a crime - distributing the information that enables that is protected by law is. GeoHot was fighting to have a law set similar to the current one for cell phones to specifically allow jailbreaking to apply to all or at least game consoles. However, jailbreaking is a direct breach of your Terms of Service agreement. You took the risk and knew of the repercussions that were possible - they don't deserve anything negative towards them.

Sony loses money and customers as a direct result of things made possible by jailbroken devices. People quit buying and using the PS3 after the 'mass hackings' of MW2. Though it was a small faction of players - it was a clear loss. They also lose money from piracy - and you can't say "I wasn't going to buy it anyway." That logic is the most retarded thing I've ever heard - you may not have bought it, so Sony may not have lost money from you. However, the publishers of software for the PS3 sign agreements with Sony, who say they will protect their intellectual property - including game piracy and DLC content. Piracy hurts the main company (Sony), publishers, developers and the consumer. Future publishers may stray away from Sony because of the flaws shown in their security, which will hurt the consumer.

I am in no way against jailbreaking and homebrew - I support the idea that you should be able to do whatever you want to do to your console. BUT, if you breach the terms of service, don't complain if you get banned. I am, however, against piracy.
Last edited by FullTilt ; 05-06-2011 at 07:53 PM.

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Geeqoh, GRP Spartan 983, J-Whitey26
05-06-2011, 07:49 PM #5
Do or Do Not, There is No Try
Why would Sony deserve this? Because they didn't allow 12 year olds to play Call of Duty in unfair ways? Because they didn't want game developers to lose money on their hard work and efforts due to piracy? If you think Sony deserved this due to those reasons, then you need to take some time to reflect on some things....such as reality.

If you think they deserved this due to violating consumer rights (thinking they still own the machine that we paid for), then by all means...yes they deserved it.

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J-Whitey26, LiveLongDieHard
05-06-2011, 07:50 PM #6
No they did NOT. Most importantly, WE did not deserve this. Sony made some very disputable moves, but the effort that these "hackers" have put into getting back at Sony has hurt US as consumers even more. No
05-06-2011, 07:50 PM #7
Dark Knight
yea they deserved it. false advertising

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[F]ried [R]ice, Stugger

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J-Whitey26, Porter_Justice
05-06-2011, 07:50 PM #8
Gym leader
Originally posted by callofduty6 View Post
Honestly, my opinion is that i think Sony deserved what they got. Only because of people jailbreaking they got a lot more strict with all the agreements and such. I only jailbreak to transfer patches AND THATS A CRIME!?!? Also i do believe that people who used .pkg's to get free stuff should get punished criminaly for STEALING. im not hatin' or anything about that-----------------------^

once again i agree with u lol

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05-06-2011, 07:51 PM #9
Bounty hunter
I personally dont think they deserved what has happend

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05-06-2011, 07:52 PM #10
Nope. It's stupid & pointless. Boo-fuc*ing-hoo you got banned for hacking their console on their network. People should've just let Sony be and none of this shit would be happening. But the nerds always wanna take it too far....

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