Post: What Do You Hate Most About Black Ops 2?
01-06-2013, 02:43 AM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What Do You Hate Most About Black Ops 2?

In my opinion, Black Ops 2 is one of the worst CODs out there. I got this game on the 23rd of December, so maybe I haven't played the game enough, but I absolutely hate it.

Reason 1:

The spawns. In all the gamemodes I've played, the spawns have been terrible. Enemies always seem to spawn right behind me. Happens in domination, Team Deathmatch, any multi-team gamemode, free for all(spawn trapping in free for all, really?!), pretty much any gamemode. Maybe it's because I haven't learned the spawns yet, but I still think they need improving.

Reason 2:

Now this one isn't Treyarchs fault, but I can't seem to find a gun I enjoy using, and do good consistently with. I've tried all the SMG'S, and almost all the Assault Rifles, and none of them are right for me. Some games I do amazing with the Vector, and some games it's the worst gun. I just can't find a gun that I like. Maybe I should try some of the LMG's. Wonder how that'll be..

Reason 3:

The maps.. Ever since they started designing maps to eliminate campers, they have been absolutely terrible. Black Ops 2 maps have to be the worst maps I have ever seen in any Call of Duty. Even MW3 maps weren't as bad as this. It is truly ridiculous. The only map I enjoy playing, Nuketown 2025 (go-figure). Hopefully the DLC brings us good maps, because I can't stand them.

There are many more reasons, but I'm not the best at writing stuff out and explaining it (as you can probably tell in this post), but I'm wondering what do you guys hate the most about Black Cocks 2?

Last edited by zertzHD ; 01-06-2013 at 03:03 AM.

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01-13-2013, 05:21 PM #56
Bounty hunter
That the creators don't do fuck all.
01-13-2013, 06:21 PM #57
I have hated the same thing in every call of duty since mw2. The dlc give it to evryone at the same time!!!!!!!
01-13-2013, 06:27 PM #58
Bounty hunter
I hate that Call of Duty gives their DLC a month earlyer to Xbox360 Users and a month later to PS3 users. I dont know why but i just hate that.

2. I hate that they dont care about the Prestige Hackers. Saying on twitter that the Prestige Hackers 100% getting reset, i dont beleve in that.

3. When im playing with friends sometimes they are just gone, we are waiting for the game to start and bam.. Their gone and im left alone or with someone else.

4. The lagg & "Migrating Hosts". Just make it like Battlefield3. Let people make servers and stuff, this will help against the lagg and the migration hosts.
01-13-2013, 10:56 PM #59
Pr0n ftw
Shotguns, snipers, target finders, campers, prestige glitches, other than that, the game is fine for me.

EDIT: Also OP I see that you're having a hard time playing the game, but calling black ops 2 names and saying that it's the worst COD is something that I don't agree with at all, treyarch tried to change the game that my friends who have never owned cod say is recycled, because IW recycles cod, treyarch changes the game, it takes the first mission of mw2 to know it's garbage, the guns were OP, the killstreaks were OP and encouraged camping, you would have gotten smacked if you tried to rush in mw2, there were fgts camping all over the place with noob tube, it was completely unbalanced and fucked up, the maps in mw3 were horrible, mw3 had spawn traps and way more camping spots you're just either used to camping or not a skilled rusher, IW added 9 prestiges with the same icon for a roman numeral above the icon to be the only difference, they had tons of shitty maps and overall mw3 was a horrible COD, you could rush a little bit but the game was just terribly boring, in black ops 2 they've changed so many things and award people for playing the objective, and they encourage rushing, black ops 2 has revived the series, and since it's not treyarch's fault that you suck at every gun in this game, step your game up, use SMGs and play it smart, you know that sometimes people spawn behind you so watch your back, if you see your teamates all the way to the other end of the map where do you think the enemies are gonna spawn? Increase your sensitivity, and most importantly, always use UAV and ghost.
Last edited by xShadow ; 01-13-2013 at 11:21 PM.
01-14-2013, 01:46 AM #60
Little One
I don't have a trouble with lag since I have a good connection but just mostly the guns and maps I have a problem with.
01-14-2013, 02:04 AM #61
Fake 4 bars.
01-14-2013, 02:18 AM #62
Honestly, I don't really dislike BO2 that much, but I fucking hate when I bring up the scoreboard and press triangle and it brings up their profile.

They need to change the button for that to like L2 or something.
01-14-2013, 03:11 AM #63
The map carrier,after math; the lag , the respawn, but I feel it the best cod, better than cod noobtube,2nd chance and stuff. Just give it time.
01-14-2013, 11:37 PM #64
< ^ > < ^ >
Prestige glitchers, campers, bad created maps and the See Profile Button at the bloody scoreboard, I use the time between gun swap to see how I'm doing.

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