Post: Lots of MW3 Hate From the NGU Community
06-10-2011, 11:20 PM #1
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Damn... I've been reading, and most of this forum loves cod but it seems most of you seem to be really hating what we've seen from Modern Warfare 3 so far. It seems like most of you guys have jumped onto the Battlefield 3 wagon or are indifferent regarding MW3. Why do you hate/love what we've seen so far?

My personal opinion is, the game just looks exactly the same as Modern Warfare 2. I would've really liked to see some graphical changes, maybe some destructible environments even (I wish). Instead, it seems we're just going to get a patched Modern Warfare 2 not worth $60.

The following 6 users say thank you to NoMooreMercy for this useful post:

40Thieves, Clutch Hunterr, Peirau, Platinum G, QuicKxReFLeXx, Skyl1n3

The following user groaned NoMooreMercy for this awful post:

06-14-2011, 11:00 AM #47
Big Daddy
I don't care what anyone says COD MP is always fun. If you have deep pocket buy MW3 and BF3 both. I'll just go ahead and point out 4 simple facts.

1) What you think has no relevance to the production of this game.
2) What he(who started this thread) thinks has no relevance to the production of this game.
3) What I think has no relevance to the production of this game.
4) All of the aforementioned people will be buying and playing this game at launch.

That is all.

Thank you for listening.
06-14-2011, 11:03 AM #48
Let's wait and see.
06-15-2011, 03:49 AM #49
well i dont but im gonna get both
06-16-2011, 06:16 PM #50
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Well here is my take on this and response to the hate. Feel free to debate.
Argument: Graphics are still the same! blah blah bitch bitch!
Response: If your playing for graphics there's something wrong with you! COD is about fun game play not omg look at the details on that building! If you want graphics go to BF3.

Argument: It looks exactly the same...... more bitching ect...!
Response: It takes place right after MW2 so yea....stfu if you want a huge leap in looks go play BF3

Arguments: It would have been nice to see some destructible buildings
Response: Um.............go to BF3 no one cares about destructible buildings in COD

The funny part is have you noticed that every argument and what people are bitching about is basically BF3? Listen if you complain about the things above go play BF3 no one is stopping you just don't come complaining to the COD community and developers about how much MW3 sucks because one it's not out yet and two why would we copy BF3 and put all this pointless stuff in MW3? I am by no mean targeting BF3 i'm just using it as an example because that's what everyone is saying is the COD killer which i can almost guarantee won't happen because most people like that arcade style of COD instead of the tactical team game play of other shooters out there. Why do you think Halo is so popular.... yup you guessed it! It's an arcade style shooter.

My ending argument is all you COD fanboys saying BF3 will suck can stfu it's gonna be great and all you BF3 fanboys can stfu because MW3 will also be great. Neither of the games are out yet quit your bitching.
06-16-2011, 10:43 PM #51
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Originally posted by mohn View Post
I don't care what anyone says COD MP is always fun. If you have deep pocket buy MW3 and BF3 both. I'll just go ahead and point out 4 simple facts.

1) What you think has no relevance to the production of this game.
2) What he(who started this thread) thinks has no relevance to the production of this game.
3) What I think has no relevance to the production of this game.
4) All of the aforementioned people will be buying and playing this game at launch.

That is all.

Thank you for listening.

1. I know, it's a forum and it's up for discussion so why not discuss it?
2. Again, I know. It's a discussion, I'm not trying to change the course of the game's development lol.
3. See above
4. Nope, not buying the game. Some of you will though.
Originally posted by BlueWafflesYUM
Well here is my take on this and response to the hate. Feel free to debate.
Argument: Graphics are still the same! blah blah bitch bitch!
Response: If your playing for graphics there's something wrong with you! COD is about fun game play not omg look at the details on that building! If you want graphics go to BF3.

Argument: It looks exactly the same...... more bitching ect...!
Response: It takes place right after MW2 so yea....stfu if you want a huge leap in looks go play BF3

Arguments: It would have been nice to see some destructible buildings
Response: Um.............go to BF3 no one cares about destructible buildings in COD

The funny part is have you noticed that every argument and what people are bitching about is basically BF3? Listen if you complain about the things above go play BF3 no one is stopping you just don't come complaining to the COD community and developers about how much MW3 sucks because one it's not out yet and two why would we copy BF3 and put all this pointless stuff in MW3? I am by no mean targeting BF3 i'm just using it as an example because that's what everyone is saying is the COD killer which i can almost guarantee won't happen because most people like that arcade style of COD instead of the tactical team game play of other shooters out there. Why do you think Halo is so popular.... yup you guessed it! It's an arcade style shooter.

My ending argument is all you COD fanboys saying BF3 will suck can stfu it's gonna be great and all you BF3 fanboys can stfu because MW3 will also be great. Neither of the games are out yet quit your bitching.

1. K, got me there. No big deal really on graphics but it does look the same.. they could've made some further improvements.
2. Which is why I'm not buying it, expansion pack doesn't warrant a $60 price tag.
3. I'm a cod fan and I'd like to see some innovation, not just the same shit every year. Whether that innovation be a destructible environment or not.
4. Most people as in ten year olds included unfortunately. Same goes for Halo.
06-16-2011, 11:08 PM #52
< ^ > < ^ >
Originally posted by NoMooreMercy View Post
1. I know, it's a forum and it's up for discussion so why not discuss it?
2. Again, I know. It's a discussion, I'm not trying to change the course of the game's development lol.
3. See above
4. Nope, not buying the game. Some of you will though.

1. K, got me there. No big deal really on graphics but it does look the same.. they could've made some further improvements.
2. Which is why I'm not buying it, expansion pack doesn't warrant a $60 price tag.
3. I'm a cod fan and I'd like to see some innovation, not just the same shit every year. Whether that innovation be a destructible environment or not.
4. Most people as in ten year olds included unfortunately. Same goes for Halo.

This is a response for 2. and 3.

2. I get what you'r saying but you can't say it's an expansion pack they barley showed any thing of the game. If an expansion pack for you is new game modes, new maps, new guns, new perks, new UI, new spec ops, new story mode, and a updated engine then F*ck Sh*t G*d D*mn you sir have alot of space on your ps3 :P lol but joking aside you see what i mean right just because a sequel to game has the same graphics doesn't mean it could just been an expansion pack. Trust me just ask your self that question and you'll understand graphics don't mean anything. Ex: How many Need for speed games are out there and how many have the same graphics that's right A LOT but they can't be an expansion pack. And as for the $60..... sh*t $60 in my opinion is just way to much for any game even BF3 i mean com'n 5 games and you have your self a new ps3! ridiculous really. *cough* *that's why people pirate* *cough* Awesome face

3. The game hasn't come out yet who knows maybe there will be new stuff maybe there won't we will have to wait and see.

And i am by no mean a COD fan boy i'm just tired of all these stupid 12 year old's (in general not you because you're not bashing just disagreeing) bashing it because it's not like BF3 when neither game has come out yet.
Last edited by EZ. ; 06-16-2011 at 11:11 PM.
06-16-2011, 11:25 PM #53
Live, Laugh, Game!!
Lets just play and stop all the hate!

Buy what you want, play what you want! I dont understand how someone can hate any game with playing it!
06-16-2011, 11:28 PM #54
Originally posted by tacobells199 View Post
Call of Duty is getting really boring. Just the same run around, kill noobs that can't play and have to hack to be good at the game.
Battlefield 3 FTW!

Well idk about those that cant afford both,
but i for one am getting both even though i pry wont play mw3 as much as battlefield.
06-17-2011, 05:45 AM #55
Originally posted by NoMooreMercy View Post
-I expected a patched Modern Warfare 2 from the beginning from Infinity Ward, I feel as if the only reason Sledgehammer is working on this game is due to the November release deadline. They won't push it back if it isn't finished, they'll release it as a steaming pile.

-Sorry, but with every Call of Duty something new was brought to the table. For example..
Call of Duty 1 introduced the series to the masses
Call of Duty 2 brought the game to consoles, introduced a ranking system and updated the engine
Call of Duty 3 brought class system
Call of Duty 4 brought perks, killstreaks, weapon camo, etc and an updated engine
Call of Duty 5 brought perks & killstreaks to a World War II setting.
Call of Duty 6 brought deathstreaks, customize-able killstreaks and an updated engine
Call of Duty 7 brought a currency system, and customize-able killstreaks to a Cold War setting.

Sorry, but with every new game release you should be attempting to IMPROVE upon your last game, not just simply FIX it and re-release it as a new title. The single player already looks as generic as ever, and I expect no more from either Spec Ops or multiplayer.


and MW3 will bring the survival mode!

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