Post: Lots of MW3 Hate From the NGU Community
06-10-2011, 11:20 PM #1
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Damn... I've been reading, and most of this forum loves cod but it seems most of you seem to be really hating what we've seen from Modern Warfare 3 so far. It seems like most of you guys have jumped onto the Battlefield 3 wagon or are indifferent regarding MW3. Why do you hate/love what we've seen so far?

My personal opinion is, the game just looks exactly the same as Modern Warfare 2. I would've really liked to see some graphical changes, maybe some destructible environments even (I wish). Instead, it seems we're just going to get a patched Modern Warfare 2 not worth $60.

The following 6 users say thank you to NoMooreMercy for this useful post:

40Thieves, Clutch Hunterr, Peirau, Platinum G, QuicKxReFLeXx, Skyl1n3

The following user groaned NoMooreMercy for this awful post:

06-19-2011, 02:24 AM #74
Can’t trickshot me!
it is the same crap why im not getting mw3 and getting battlefield 3

The following user groaned david9602 for this awful post:

06-19-2011, 04:09 AM #75
Originally posted by NoMooreMercy View Post
Oh so zombies, horde, firefight, onslaught? Hmmm...

actually survival mode on MW3 doesnt look like zombies!
06-20-2011, 11:33 PM #76
I love every single Call of duty game except Cod 1, 2, and 3
I like the killstreaks and weapons stuff like special ops and zombies
06-21-2011, 11:27 PM #77
Treasure hunter
Originally posted by NoMooreMercy View Post
Damn... I've been reading, and most of this forum loves cod but it seems most of you seem to be really hating what we've seen from Modern Warfare 3 so far. It seems like most of you guys have jumped onto the Battlefield 3 wagon or are indifferent regarding MW3. Why do you hate/love what we've seen so far?

My personal opinion is, the game just looks exactly the same as Modern Warfare 2. I would've really liked to see some graphical changes, maybe some destructible environments even (I wish). Instead, it seems we're just going to get a patched Modern Warfare 2 not worth $60.

Exactly what you've said. They should've at least upped the graphics making it look WAYY more realistic, even if it looks similair to BF3. Look at what Frostbite and Dice have done: They superbly upped the graphics, made the guns sound more realistic, added MANY new features such as Thermal Imaging for Tanks and jets, overall they made a completely new game. I really liked BC2, and I'm looking forward to BF3 than MW3. MW3 WILL suck after a month. There WILL be a new overpowered weapon and there WILL be more raging. MW3, not worth it.
06-21-2011, 11:42 PM #78
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by jkry
not gonna judege it till i play it

Your right, no-one has played it yet so what the hell do they know. MineCraft for example, I saw a vid of it and i thought it was crap, i played it and i'm near addiction to it now.

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