Post: Why Mw2 is better then Black Ops 2
03-12-2013, 03:03 AM #1
I defeated!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Host sucks on Black Ops 2- I think it just goes to show who the superior CoD makers are. It's amazing that taking 3 steps back had a much more exciting, free running game where if you died, you didn't feel so cheated - that you lost the gunfight fairly..

Modern Warfare 2

-Better maps
-Better flow
-Better hit detection
-Good story
-Well balanced
-Just a better game
-Pro Circuit was more competitive back then as to now

Black Ops 2

-Almost unplayable with lag
-Horrible hit detection
-Not great maps (New Maps are terrible)
-Biggest Connection Game Made
-Not a map in BO2 where you can cross the map without hitting a choke point.
-League play is cool
-Love how they took zombies to whole another level
-The whole objective thing is cool
-A lot of variety of guns you can use in competitive without having an unfair advantage.
-Ps3 frozed about 20 times total.

Fluidity: MW2
Weapons: MW2
Maps: MW2
Minigame: BOII (Zombies)
Playability: Mw2

Overall Mw2 is a way better game then BO II.

Originally posted by spudeeelad View Post
MW2 was better for many, many reasons.

1) 99% good connection and extremely rare that I ended up with foreigners in my games. These days, I am playing against all sorts of fucking languages that I can't even understand - I can understand a fair bit of French and German and a tiny bit of Spanish, so fuck knows where these people are that i'm getting matched up with these days, but I would guess at Turkey. But i've ended up in matches with people from South fuckin' Africa! Is it really any wonder I lag?!

2) Hosting (not modding) gave me like a 0.00001 second advantage, often useless, but every once in every 1000 or so times, that 0.00001 second would save my life.

3) Whilst stabbing across the map with Commando was undoubtedly stupid, at least it worked! Since Black Ops 1 stabbing has become completely and utterly pointless because my knife seemingly goes straight through people and they just ignore it and it's like what the actual fuck? I've just butchered you mate. . . The problem could have been solved simply by reducing the range of the stab, or even just removing Commando but leaving the other aspects of the stab intact.

4) S&Awesome face was the dogs bollocks on MW2, mostly because people played it properly and the maps allowed it. S&Awesome face these days has become one big camp fest and you may as well set up a tent and go roast some fuckin' marshmellows on a bonfire whilst you wait for someone to actually change position.

The MW2 maps made it instant chaos because you had to be quick to avoid sniper fire if you were not a sniper yourself and it was a fast moving game mode where the planting the bomb was massively tactical, usually when you were last alive and there was one enemy left, you would plant the bomb purely to draw them out. These days, it's either all this rushing to the bomb and planting in 15 seconds, which is really boring, or someone picking up the bomb and camping in the same spot.

5) Having Ghost (or whatever they call it these days) as something you unlock at the last level is stupid. There should NEVER be a point in which you are not able to hide from UAVs and it should be a level 5 perk which is unlocked as soon as you can create your first class. Stealth is a HUGE part of the game and it's effectively been completely neutralised because there is so much UAV spam because people know if you're under a certain level you cannot hide and as the game has grown older and people gone up the levels, the spam has not subsided, people still totally overuse and rely on it.

6) Spawn points are once again horrendous in Black Ops 2. I don't recall ever having spawned in stupid places on MW2 with the exception of Demolition where you always spawned in the same 3 or 4 places, which is still the same but has now seemingly spread to other game modes. It is now sp predictable that you can literally yell out 'Spawn switch!' down your headset and your entire clan knows to instantly turn and head in the opposite direction.

7) I've had well in excess of 50 hard freezes on Black Ops 2 and it has barely improved despite the patches and installation of the textures. This never happened on MW2, EVER.

Cool Man (aka Tustin) Partying up has been difficult on all games since MW2, particularly on both Black Ops games. Bsck in MW2, there was no sitting there for 15 minutes whilst it says 'reconnecting to party' and all this nonsense, it just worked. There was also no loss of party members who get stuck in the party, but don't get taken into the pre-game lobby with you and the rest of the clan, forcing you to back out.

9) On MW2 there was no lag compensation meaning that when I died and watched the killcam, it actually showed me what happened, not something completely different to what my screen had just shown me 5 seconds earlier.

10) On Black Ops 2, you can throw C4s across the map and detonate them in mid-air, which is ludicrous.

11) Quick-scoping was out of control on MW2, but if you were smart, you could cope with it. Now on BO2 it's not even quick scoping, it's no scoping half the time and thanks to aim-assist, it takes absolutely no fucking talent to do it.

12) The introduction of Scorestreaks has been a step forward overall I think, but it has created some really bullshit scenarios. For example, i'm on a streak which is a combination of say, objective point captures and kills and i'm like 50 points away from VTOL Warship or whatever my highest streak is, and some person who I just killed 5 seconds earlier spawns near an objective and instantly captures it, like on Hardpoint, and they have Hardline on and it instantly gives them one of them fucking exploding paper airplanes which flies across the map and wipes me out. It's like DAFUQ?! That's not right.

What I would like to see is a compromise where in which, like Assault and Support Package, where you choose an option of whether you are an objective based player, or a pure kills type of player. Then, depending on which you choose, you can decide within certain boundaries what weighting your kills and objective captures (or bomb plants or whatever) hold towards your scorestreaks. For example, you should be able to run as 50/50 up to 75%:25% and then, for example, given a 75% weighting towards objectives, you'd need 3 kills to achieve the same points as an objective capture or vice versa 3 objective captures to 1 kill.
Last edited by Contributed ; 03-14-2013 at 04:59 PM.

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03-13-2013, 03:27 AM #47
Crawl to your cross
Originally posted by Contributed View Post
Read my post about 6 comments above you referring to the balance between mw2 and BO II in detail. There were plenty of guns you could of used besides the Ump-45. (Famas,ACR,Tar,M16A4, and P90) Just had to be smart enough to put the right attachments when your in a competitive match. Also, have good judgement of which gun was best for each map.

It didn't matter the map, the ump didn't lose that much damage cross map. It was like 2 shots at any distance maybe three if you where unlucky. So Famas,ACR,Tar,M16A4, and P90 being the strongest other weapons out of 40-50 weapons does not make a game balanced. Infinity ward admitted that the game was unbalanced but they couldn't change the could because the engine creators left and where in a lawsuit with activision.
03-13-2013, 03:28 AM #48
I defeated!
Originally posted by OVOXO
"Did MW2 make you pay for shitty map packs and gay camos" - No. Did Black Ops 2? No. I say adding things like the season pass is a big improvement over the MW2 DLC, saving the buyer money. The camos? If you want it, it's there. Will it put you at a disadvantage if you don't buy it? Definitely not, so please don't event make this argument. Same goes for targeting reticles. How is it a bad thing that Treyarch gives people the option to add more reticles? While the choice may not appeal to you, it doesn't hinder your ability to play the game.

"You run into a choke point every corner you turn" - Erm, no? Unless you are super overagressive and sacrifice your body on the Bflag of every dom game, that is not true at all. Comparing it to MW2, you have a literal 3 choke point map in Rundown, and a similar dark shady rainy map in Underpass with again, 3 choke points. And on the topic of maps, let's not forget about Derail which is super large, low tempo and arguably one of the worst maps in Cod history.

"shotguns and snipers completely OP" - don't be foolish. I'm going assume you made a massive typo in the snipers part and meant something like "SMGs" or assault rifles instead. Oh wait, Treyarch balanced those too with the recent patch.

"When I mean balanced I mean that the shotguns couldn't kill you from a mile away" -- you might have gotten your games mixed up, but from what I remember, this shit happened in MW2:
. Oh, and need I remind you, there was also a gun called the AA-12 with 16 bullets fully auto, mowing down everything in its path, SECONDARY. Certainly that's better than any secondary in BO2.

"League play noobs camp down in the 3rd hardpoint spot in HJ with Kap 40's and shotguns lol" First people cry because no one plays the objective. Then, people protect a hardpoint with strategically wise weapons and they still get hate. Make up your mind, jeez.

"shock charges are stupid" - Honestly, they are balanced... You can see them on the ground, and 2 perks counteracts it. Besides, with the pick 10 system, with each item costing one point they all have to be somewhat balanced, so people don't just skip out on lethals and tacticals entirely.

The connection issue - The way I look at it is that if it's happening to me, it's more than likely that its happening to everyone else. Only point I really agree with though, MW2 did have a superior hit detection, but that does not make Blops 2 UNPLAYABLE as said in your OP.

I'm not saying your biased towards MW2, you're just not giving credit where credit is due. For instance, calling MW2 balanced should be a crime in intself, while treyarch has actually pushed out balance changes.

BO II decided they are going to make you pay $1.99 per pack. They should at least give it free to season pass holders when the shit comes out. You're not giving credit where credit is do. If you look at my thread I do give BO II some advantages over Mw2. Everything you said in this post makes your argument even worse. You obviously haven't witnessed being killed by a shotgun with long barrell and fast mag or teams putting 4 shock charges and 4 bouncing bettes at an objective. (Or whatever they are called) Also, I didn't say BO II was completely unplayable. I'm just saying its annoying when no one of your bullets don't register or it takes a whole clip to kill someone. If anyone has any common sense they would see all of your arguments you just made are completely wrong and biased. I'm not going to sit here and explain every argument you just made aganist mw2 because I do that in my thread and several comments before yours and it would be a waste of my time to go on and on about how bad BO II is compared to Mw2. I would be here for days if I pointed out all the flaws in BO II.

You must login or register to view this content. difference between my video and yours is Mw2 shotguns don't kill people from miles away like BO II shotguns do.
Last edited by Contributed ; 03-13-2013 at 03:38 AM.
03-13-2013, 03:41 AM #49
PSN: awong_
Originally posted by Contributed View Post
BO II decided they are going to make you pay $1.99 per pack. They should at least give it free to season pass holders when the shit comes out. You're not giving credit where credit is do. If you look at my thread I do give BO II some advantages over Mw2. Everything you said in this post makes your argument even worse. You obviously haven't witnessed being killed by a shotgun with long barrell and fast mag or teams putting 4 shock charges and 4 bouncing bettes at an objective. (Or whatever they are called) Also, I didn't say BO II was completely unplayable. I'm just saying its annoying when no one of your bullets don't register or it takes a whole clip to kill someone. If anyone has any common sense they would see all of your arguments you just made are completely wrong and biased. I'm not going to sit here and explain every argument you just made aganist mw2 because I do that in my thread and several comments before yours and it would be a waste of my time to go on and on about how bad BO II is compared to Mw2. I would be here for days if I pointed out all the flaws in BO II.

I addressed your whole argument. Show some courtesy and address mine.

The new packs - It's optional. OP-TION-AL. Season pass is for maps. Let's say, hypothetically, they released something like a CoD minigame midway through the year. You expect for them to hand it out free too? NO. This is a business, not charity. I said it before and I'm going to say it again: does having extra camos make you a better player? No. Do adding reticles make you a better player? No. Does having extra screenshot and theatre slots completely change your gameplay experience? No. These are new things that were not promised with what you get for buying the game OR with season pass, and it's only $2. If you don't want to buy it, fine, but don't complain about it just because they made a smart business move.

Shotguns: OK, fine, since you insist on standing your ground, shotguns are super OP. Just because you can pull a 50-5 game every time using shotguns, however does not make a weapon imbalanced because the people I see use shotguns are ALWAYS going way below negative.

4 shock charges and 4 bouncing betties: One grenade and there's 400 points towards your next scorestreak. Nades and tacticals are already underapreciated due to the pick 10 system in this game -- there are rarely going to be times where 2/3s of a team is running both.
03-13-2013, 03:42 AM #50
I defeated!
Originally posted by OVOXO
I addressed your whole argument. Show some courtesy and address mine.

The new packs - It's optional. OP-TION-AL. Season pass is for maps. Let's say, hypothetically, they released something like a CoD minigame midway through the year. You expect for them to hand it out free too? NO. This is a business, not charity. I said it before and I'm going to say it again: does having extra camos make you a better player? No. Do adding reticles make you a better player? No. Does having extra screenshot and theatre slots completely change your gameplay experience? No. These are new things that were not promised with what you get for buying the game OR with season pass, and it's only $2. If you don't want to buy it, fine, but don't complain about it just because they made a smart business move.

Shotguns: OK, fine, since you insist on standing your ground, shotguns are super OP. Just because you can pull a 50-5 game every time using shotguns, however does not make a weapon imbalanced because the people I see use shotguns are ALWAYS going way below negative.

4 shock charges and 4 bouncing betties: One grenade and there's 400 points towards your next scorestreak. Nades and tacticals are already underapreciated due to the pick 10 system in this game -- there are rarely going to be times where 2/3s of a team is running both.

03-13-2013, 03:52 AM #51
PSN: awong_
Originally posted by Contributed View Post

First of all, Eslpresador does not have that good of a youtube reputation. I stopped the video after he killed 3 people (when he exclaimed: this gun is so OP!!) when the 3 people he killed was ~a meter in front of him. If you think that's OP, I honestly cannot imagine the horrors a shotgun must've done to you when you were a child.

tl;dr : working as intended.

The second shows some guy camping in a room with only 1 entrance for the first 4 mins of a free for all. He could've made anything super awesome in a situation like that.

EDIT: watched the whole first video. He switched to an MP7 halfway through and ended 23-23.

Great definition of overpowered. ._.
Last edited by -{OVOXO}- ; 03-13-2013 at 03:56 AM.

The following 2 users say thank you to -{OVOXO}- for this useful post:

Andros, Porter_Justice
03-13-2013, 04:38 AM #52
Stupid Narutards.
that commando was just... no. no no no.
03-13-2013, 05:10 AM #53
Gym leader
Originally posted by xChidori View Post
that commando was just... no. no no no.

epic gif xchidori..
tactical nuke>nuclear
mw2 nuff said
03-13-2013, 05:53 AM #54
MW2 > BO2
Deal with it haters.
03-13-2013, 06:01 AM #55
Bounty hunter
MW2 is good, but the things that ruin the game is noobtube, one man army, danger close, commando.

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